old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2019
I hope all the Gods are options character can take in BG3, not just a few of them. I hope they allow the Gods from the PHB FR & None Human lists, all the Gods mentioned in VGTM, the SCAG, and MTOFs.
Joined: Mar 2013
the more gods you have the less impact they have on the game. just saying.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2019
the more gods you have the less impact they have on the game. just saying. Not every god has to have an equal presence. It's mostly important so that religious characters like clerics, Acolytes, some Paladins and Druids, and others can choose their favourite God as Patron. This is FR, people will be mad if their favourite God is missing for at least being a Patron choice. That doesn't mean every God has to be fleshed out as a NPC.
Joined: Jun 2019
Has Mearles or Vinke given any sense of whether this will be determined by the changes wrought to the setting by the Spellplague and Second Sundering?
Last edited by Lemernis; 07/07/19 01:39 PM.
Joined: Jun 2019
Joined: Jun 2019
Yep, the Dead Three survived the Spellplague/Second Sundering. They are alive, and working together they have chosen to become mortal demi-urges that walk the land. As mortals they can be killed, but I reckon it's about as likely as killing Elminster. Or even less likely.
Hard to overlook that this info about the Dead Three includes Bhaal, of course. If Bhaal foresaw his own 'death' during the Time of Troubles, how far did that vision extend? Might not he also have seen the outcome of the Bhaalspawn war and Abdel Adrian?
Interesting how the WotC rep in that video (don't know his name) comments that if you're seeing the symbol of Bhaal more openly in Baldur's Gate, that's a very bad sign. I guess it would be sort of akin to seeing a Nazi Swaztika openly displayed irl.
Last edited by Lemernis; 07/07/19 02:06 PM.
Joined: Jun 2019
tempus, Bane, Cyric, tyr, Malar, Myrkull, lathander, helm
Joined: Jun 2019
https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Second_SunderingNot sure how faithful the game will be to the current canon of the setting in 1495 DR. But following the Spellplague and Second Sundering here is a summary of the changes. The following excerpt is from the above link: Changes to the Pantheon Many deities previously presumed dead or missing managed to return to life (or to re-emerge) during the Second Sundering, and then to quickly amass new followers (or to win back their old faithful),[33] and to reclaim at least some of their former portfolios (resulting in a new distribution of spheres of influence among the Faerûnian deities).[34] Known examples were: Mystra,[29][34] Helm,[23][34] Mask,[10][34] Lathander,[25][34] Bhaal,[8][34] all the previously lost Drow gods,[35] Leira,[34] Myrkul,[34] Gilgeam, Enlil, and Nanna-Sin;[26][27] all the Mulhorandi gods,[12] Azuth,[34][27] and Tyr, among others.[34] For others deities (like Shar) the Second Sundering resulted in a loss of power and influence. The Lady of Loss suffered greatly in the wake of the defeat of the Shadovar and the destruction of the city of Shade in the battle with the forces of Myth Drannor. Telamont Tanthul and most of the Princes of Shade were also killed, further weakening the goddess of darkness.[36] In 1488 DR, prayers to deities went unanswered, but their "Chosen" were still present. In 1489 DR, prayers to the gods began to be answered again, but the various deities withdrew their power and divine gifts from most of their "Chosen"; their purpose fulfilled. [28] In Flamerule of the same year, Eilistraee and Vhaeraun fully reacquired the power that they had possessed before 1375 DR. They held their own old portfolios, and were separate entities. Eilistraee was still a drow goddess, as were most of their followers—not dark elves, despite a spell cast by Q'arlynd Melarn in 1379 DR),[35][37][38][39][note 1] but they managed to reach a reciprocal understanding, respect, and even a truce (although their followers still skirmished often.)[40][39] The Second Sundering brought significant changes to how the deities approached mortals. Many gods became "quieter" than before, causing the emergence of new priesthoods in an attempt to explain the different divine behaviour in the post-Sundering world.[28] That, however, did not mean that deities no longer interacted directly with mortals. Mystra was still able to directly commune with her remaining Chosen,[37] while Eilistraee and Vhaeraun personally announced their return to the Realms, manifesting through their avatars to their followers.[38] Eilistraee, in particular, was seen dancing and speaking to mortals in many places, especially along the Sword Coast (including Waterdeep, where she was witnessed dancing under the walls of the city in 1491 DR).[37] The Mulhorandi gods still ruled among their people, directly interacting with them like the god-kings of old.[41] Cosmology After the Sundering, sages were unsure if there were changes to the cosmological order of the planes. Scholars came to the conclusion that the different cosmologies were just theoretical constructs created by mortals and not the true shape of the cosmos. By the late years of the 15th century DR, the most popular cosmological models among sages were the Great Wheel, the World Axis, and the World Tree models.[42][43] The Great Wheel model remained the most commonly used of the three, but modified to include the planes discovered after the Spellplague, such as the Elemental Chaos, the Feywild and the Shadowfell.[44] References see above link Or just watch this: [video:youtube] https://youtu.be/0bstyqFw3H8[/video]
Last edited by Lemernis; 07/07/19 07:39 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2019
It might be very interesting to see how Larian deals with holy symbols, the Spell Temple of the Gods, and the Cleric Feature Divine Intervention.
Joined: Jun 2019
I always felt sorry for old Amaunator in BG II, so I wouldn't mind seeing him make a comeback in some limited way. I could do without the rest of them ... the gods generally represent ideals and primordial powers,, as as such are pretty limited as interactive personalities. Crom helped Conan out a couple times, but was never an interesting personage.
Joined: Sep 2017
Seeing the DoS games, I bet for some appearances of God's avatars (And with extra dialogs for clerics and paladins if possible, unlike in P:K)
Last edited by _Vic_; 08/07/19 03:07 AM.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Talking of avatars, I really need to nag someone about getting hold of some fancy new stuff for the forum...
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Jun 2019
I want to be a BG3 combat play gif avatar! 
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2019
I always felt sorry for old Amaunator in BG II, so I wouldn't mind seeing him make a comeback in some limited way. I could do without the rest of them ... the gods generally represent ideals and primordial powers,, as as such are pretty limited as interactive personalities. Crom helped Conan out a couple times, but was never an interesting personage. Amaunator made a come back during the Spellplague, he has been a major God since.
Joined: Mar 2013
FR just has so much baggage, maybe thats why i prefer Eberron or Dark Sun. but i know thats why people like Eberron, because its a setting wehre everything is set in stone and super detailed. Kind of like the Dark Eye, its a very german setting like that
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2019
FR just has so much baggage, maybe thats why i prefer Eberron or Dark Sun. but i know thats why people like Eberron, because its a setting wehre everything is set in stone and super detailed. Kind of like the Dark Eye, its a very german setting like that What you call Baggage, I call depth.
Joined: Sep 2017
It is not depth when you change the setting with every edition and simply blame it on a random world-level catastrophe to justify your changes, instead of making it a natural evolution of the history of the world. it feels forced. Depth would be if your new edition is tied to the past, if you set it as an evolution or the history of the world, not a forced restart you have to rationalize on the run with some bland justifications. They just "throw the old, in with the new" to serve the new "cool" changes in the rules, not to enforce good worldbuilding. I do not say the changes are not needed in a tabletop game, and I know you first do the changes and then you try to justify them. That renews the game and makes it enjoyable, but that does not add depth, at least not the same as other RPG, like the aforementioned. I think it is a flaw that most long-timed western franchises have, like the comic companies DC or Marvel. It is like in that episode of the Simpsons. ![[Linked Image]](http://i.imgur.com/f8DqOuj.jpg)
Last edited by _Vic_; 09/07/19 05:16 PM.
Joined: Mar 2013
agreed with Vic here. it isnt depth, it constantly changes stuff around for nonsensical "a wizard did it" or "a god did it" reasons and invalidate the actual depth thats there.
Joined: Jul 2020
I hope all the Gods are options character can take in BG3, not just a few of them. I hope they allow the Gods from the PHB FR & None Human lists, all the Gods mentioned in VGTM, the SCAG, and MTOFs. I would like the same. And that there would be the opportunity to worship the Demon Lords and Archdevil, at least the most powerful. Such as Demogorgon, Orcus, Graz'zt, or Asmodeus, Mephistopheles, and Zariel. I know that they are not fully gods, but they have their followers, and yet they are always ignored in computer games.
Joined: Sep 2015
I hope all the Gods are options character can take in BG3, not just a few of them. I hope they allow the Gods from the PHB FR & None Human lists, all the Gods mentioned in VGTM, the SCAG, and MTOFs. I would like the same. And that there would be the opportunity to worship the Demon Lords and Archdevil, at least the most powerful. Such as Demogorgon, Orcus, Graz'zt, or Asmodeus, Mephistopheles, and Zariel. I know that they are not fully gods, but they have their followers, and yet they are always ignored in computer games. In BG2 you can fight demogorgon. In NWN1, hordes of the underdark you literally go to hell and back to fight an archdevil. In the pathfinder games ( not DnD, I know ) you can select Asmodeus as diety. Saying they are ignored in computer games feels kind of wrong.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already