Joined: Jun 2019
I know it will slow down the game but I would love turn based since it reflects tabletop D&D games. What do you all think?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2017
The devs have already made the decision about what the combat system will be like. You can certainly share your opinions - what you like/dislike - but at this point, I believe the members who have been visiting the forums during the last two months have said everything they wanted to say, and more, about the TB vs. RTWP topic. You can check some of the older threads, if you'd like.
"We make our choices and take what comes and the rest is void."
Joined: May 2019
Yeah there are already a good half a dozen or so threads on this very topic.
Joined: Jun 2019
I'm exhausted of having this conversation, and I feel that I can speak for most of the community when I say that as well. I too, would prefer a turn based system but - At this point, the most we can hope for is a game that lives up to their reputation as a studio, the series' reputation, and the reputation of D&D. Anything past that and half of us are setting ourselves up for disappointment, by definition.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2019
I don't know what is left to be said until Larian started speaking.
Joined: Jun 2019
II feel that I can speak for most of the community. Doesn't matter what you say next, I'm pretty sure you can't
Joined: Jun 2019
II feel that I can speak for most of the community. Doesn't matter what you say next, I'm pretty sure you can't You're right that he can't, but in this case I think he's likely correct.
Joined: Jun 2019
II feel that I can speak for most of the community. Doesn't matter what you say next, I'm pretty sure you can't You're right that he can't, but in this case I think he's likely correct. I suppose it depends on which "community" he's claiming to speak for.
Joined: Jun 2019
Seeing as how I was saying everyone's tired of the combat system speculation discussion and the conversation got deverted away from that immediately..... And this thread has been hanging in the air for over two months without anyone addressing it directly. It goes without saying that I did, in fact, speak for the community. There's simply no conversation on the issue to be had that hasn't already been had.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Guys, I think this is splitting hairs. I think we can agree that there's been a lot of speculation in lieu of actual details. And I dare say as more people arrive it'll keep the speculation going to some degree.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Jun 2019
Even so, it's pointless. Both sides have made their cases - not that it mattered then either. The combat system has already been settled internally. There won't be any more meaningful discussion on the matter. Going to be a colossal shit storm across all the forums shortly after the official reveal though.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
True. Games releases are always good humoured, family-oriented fun, especially the latest instalment in an established series.
“Today's weather, excessively violent, with a chance of dismemberment. Tune in later for our five day forecast!”
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Jun 2019
True. Games releases are always good humoured, family-oriented fun, especially the latest instalment in an established series.
“Today's weather, excessively violent, with a chance of dismemberment. Tune in later for our five day forecast!” Does that mean there is going to be an anouncement at Stadia Connet?
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
No, it just means I quoted Three Dog, because Fallout 3 is Teh Best™.
J'aime le fromage.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2019
I doubt it I don't see them giving us more details until Balur's Gate: Descent into Avernus is released in September at least.