![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/gVLlWwK.jpg)
Hello everyone,
Today we’re releasing our latest Gift Bag: Order & Magic. Packed full of new features – including options to randomize combat, increase your haggling ability, and organise your sweet, sweet loot – all of which will be effortlessly added to your game, absolutely free.
What's more, we're pleased to announce that you're now able to invite friends to your game via the new friend invite feature on the Switch. Just pick the friend you'd like to invite, and if they accept (accept your invitations, friends!) they'll join your party whether you're just starting out, or continuing your adventure.
As ever, the contents of each Gift Bag are accessible via the in-game menu, where you can independently enable or disable each individual feature. Of course, these are compatible with all prior Gift Bags (Beauty Salon and Song Of Nature), and you’re free to enable as many or as few as you'd like!
Gift Bag 3 includes:Pet PowerPet Power greatly enhances the summoning class and its infusion spells. With this feature, you can cast infusion spells on all available summons, not just your own Incarnate. Each summons receives different skills depending on the base elemental infusion type.
Combat RandomizerWhen entering combat, one or more random enemies will receive one of the new special statuses created specially for this feature. Think you know how a particular fight is going to go down? Not any more! This will change everything you thought you knew about combat, with each battle presenting a fresh new challenge.
Nine Lives (Black Cat+)Transforms the Black Cat into a follower. Once rescued, a whistle will appear in your inventory. You can use this if your cat gets lost or if you want to change who it follows.
Improved OrganisationFind a collection of special bags that allow you to better (and automatically) organise your inventory.
Sourcerous SundriesIn each major hub, you can now find a mysterious vendor selling exotic and potent artifacts. These artifacts can upgrade a character’s gear with immense power, bringing them up to the players' current level.
HagglersTired of forgetting to switch to your 'haggling' character when talking to traders? Now the reputation and skill of your whole party can help you wrangle the best prices!
Please note that once enabled, these features will roll over to your saves on PC, or vice versa on Switch if you have cloud save transfers enabled. These new features come free and are automatically downloaded to the game.
Remember, if you want exclusive updates on all things Larian, Divinity and Baldur’s Gate 3, make sure you’re signed up to the Larian Gazette at the following link:
Larian GazetteHappy adventures through Rivellon,
Larian Crew
In addition to the Gift Bag content, there are a number of fixes included in the patch today. These cover:
Updates:Added Japanese language
Bug Fixes:Fixed crash in multiplayer Mac-PC crossplay with Crafter’s Kit enabled
Fixed crash related to loading saves with Larian modifications enabled
Fixed major issue related to enabling/disabling Larian modifications in conjunction with community mods
Fixed issue where player could steal Drudanae from the Elf Herbalist without any consequence
Fixed player not receiving points for level up if inside Magic Mirror
Fixed the Battered Raft being destructible
Fixed music not playing during loading sequence when Larian modifications are enabled
Fixed rare issue with Alexandar remaining in battle even after death
Fixed rare issue when failing to pickpocket Meistr Siva
Fixed rare chance of player ending up stuck in combat during the fight for the Divinity
Fixed minor issues with UI selection when playing with a gamepad
Fixed small issues with VO and dialogue in Herb Gardens
Fixed minor text and localization issues
Fixed minor visual and animation issues