Joined: Oct 2020
I hate how much cheese there is in this game and how you are forced to use it to win, not like in baldurs gate 2 which was 100% cheese free *sets a hundred traps to kill demogorgon* Enemies cheesed a lot as well. Specially dragons, liches and every fucking mage in BG2. Chain contingency -> every protection spell in the game -> time stop I just wanna say fuck the TOB mages and their constant time stop Spell immunity divination + staff of magi + going to make a cup of coffee. nOrMaL gAmEpLaY
Joined: Sep 2017
the veils of nostalgia: the combat in BG1 was enjoyable and ultra faithful to D&D rules
the combat in BG1: kiting around a bear while missing with a shortbow for 20 minutes Your recollection needs a swift kick in the pants. That "bear" happened to be legendary ranger Drizzt Do'Urden. A character you really, really, really wasn't supposed to kill. Cave bears, who you also weren't supposed to kill at level one, basically took the same tactics but a fraction of the time you mention (low AC, high HP). Funny that you should mention it. The closest creature in BG3 you really aren't supposed to kill is the adult red dragon. Guess what? You can kill it and the githyanki creche in a second using barrelmancy. Who needs 9th level Meteor Swarms when they have Larian meme-combat (coupled again with as broken AI as in the original series)? This is novelty fun, but I predict it will cool pretty quickly and feel like a cheap gimmick that detracts from the many other great aspects of the game.
Last edited by Seraphael; 08/11/20 04:13 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
the veils of nostalgia: the combat in BG1 was enjoyable and ultra faithful to D&D rules
the combat in BG1: kiting around a bear while missing with a shortbow for 20 minutes Your recollection needs a swift kick in the pants. That "bear" happened to be legendary ranger Drizzt Do'Urden. never heard of him
Joined: Sep 2017
the veils of nostalgia: the combat in BG1 was enjoyable and ultra faithful to D&D rules
the combat in BG1: kiting around a bear while missing with a shortbow for 20 minutes Your recollection needs a swift kick in the pants. That "bear" happened to be legendary ranger Drizzt Do'Urden. never heard of him Well. The bear you mentioned would go down in a second in BG1. A cave bear would take maybe 20 seconds for a level 1 party. If you don't know Drizzt, then maybe you don't know BG or Forgotten Realms as good as you think you do. Sorry to demolish your meme. 
Joined: Oct 2020
the veils of nostalgia: the combat in BG1 was enjoyable and ultra faithful to D&D rules
the combat in BG1: kiting around a bear while missing with a shortbow for 20 minutes Your recollection needs a swift kick in the pants. That "bear" happened to be legendary ranger Drizzt Do'Urden. never heard of him Well. The bear you mentioned would go down in a second in BG1. A cave bear would take maybe 20 seconds for a level 1 party. If you don't know Drizzt, then maybe you don't know BG or Forgotten Realms as good as you think you do. Sorry to demolish your meme.  The forgotten what?
Joined: Sep 2017
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Jun 2019
Really? You wanna discuss in which game you can cheese more? lmao
Yea BG1+2 is full of cheese but you can win Every.Single.Encounter in BG3 EA with fog and a bow so yea. Thats a lvl 1 spell btw. You dont need Staff of Magi, you don't need Spell Immunities (lets be real thse type of spell arent going to be in the final game of BG3 anyway) or anything of that sort. All you need is a bow and fog thats it. nOrMaL gAmEpLaY
Last edited by arajaja; 08/11/20 04:36 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
How most of the fights in BG1 looked like (at the beginning). 1. Does the opponent have archers? If not, go to step 4 2. Is the enemy an ordinary kobold, goblin, bandit or other weak enemy? If so, just kill. If not, go to step 3. 3. Walk as one character to the opponents to take aggro. Let the rest of the characters murder them with impunity. 4. Approach as one character, the enemies will start chasing you. Other characters can shoot at them with impunity. 5. If by some miracle the enemy changes target, switch characters and return to point 4 6. The enemy dies. 7. Rest Later, in most of the fights, you didn't even have to worry about any tactics.
Tactics in BG2 1. Use Death Fog 2. If anything survives use explosive skull 3. If the targets are alive, send the pets. 4. Repeat step 2 as necessary. 5. Rest
Last edited by Rhobar121; 08/11/20 05:11 PM.
Joined: Jun 2019
How most of the fights in BG1 looked like (at the beginning). 1. Does the opponent have scorers (most fights don't have any)? If not, go to step 4 2. Is the enemy an ordinarykobold, goblin or bandit? If so, just kill. If not, go to step 3. 3. Walk as one character to the opponents to collect aggro. Let the rest of the characters murder them with impunity. 4. Approach as one character, the enemies will start chasing you. Other characters can shoot at them with impunity. 5. If by some miracle the enemy changes target, switch characters and return to point 2 6. The enemy dies. 7. Rest Later, in most of the fights, you didn't even have to worry about any tactics.
Tactics in BG2 1. Use Death Fog 2. If anything survives use explosive skull 3. If the targets are alive, send the pets. 4. Repeat step 2 as necessary. 5. Rest
Tactis used in BG3 (this works on any difficulty btw, unlike what you describe in BG1+2 - you might want to get off easy mode buddy, i can also recommend SCS) cast Fog step out of fog shoot enemy step into fog hide wait half an hour for enemies to take their turn repeat the above doesnt matter what encounter it is or if they have mages etc. Works on anything.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
How most of the fights in BG1 looked like (at the beginning). 1. Does the opponent have scorers (most fights don't have any)? If not, go to step 4 2. Is the enemy an ordinarykobold, goblin or bandit? If so, just kill. If not, go to step 3. 3. Walk as one character to the opponents to collect aggro. Let the rest of the characters murder them with impunity. 4. Approach as one character, the enemies will start chasing you. Other characters can shoot at them with impunity. 5. If by some miracle the enemy changes target, switch characters and return to point 2 6. The enemy dies. 7. Rest Later, in most of the fights, you didn't even have to worry about any tactics.
Tactics in BG2 1. Use Death Fog 2. If anything survives use explosive skull 3. If the targets are alive, send the pets. 4. Repeat step 2 as necessary. 5. Rest
Tactis used in BG3 (this works on any difficulty btw, unlike what you describe in BG1+2 - you might want to get off easy mode buddy, i can also recommend SCS) cast Fog step out of fog shoot enemy step into fog hide wait half an hour for enemies to take their turn repeat the above doesnt matter what encounter it is or if they have mages etc. Works on anything. Neither BG1 nor BG2 have ever been difficult games. Virtually every harder fight in BG2 you could win just spamming the skull trap. A powerful dragon? No problem, you set a million traps with him and watch him die.
Joined: Mar 2020
There is nothing in there about them not liking D&D combat. Hmm? There are some things on the chopping block, however. It's an interpretation of D&D, specifically 5th Edition, because porting the core rules, which Larian tried to do, doesn't work. Or it works, Vincke clarifies, but it's no fun at all. One of the culprits is missing when you're trying to hit an enemy, and while the combat system has yet to be revealed, you can at least look forward to being able to smack people more consistently.
"You miss a lot in D&D—if the dice are bad, you miss," he says. "That doesn't work well in a videogame. If I do that, you're going to review it and say it's shit. Our approach has been implementing it as pure as we can, and then just seeing what works and what doesn't. Stuff that doesn't work, we start adapting until it does."
Last edited by KillerRabbit; 08/11/20 05:17 PM.
Joined: Jun 2019
How most of the fights in BG1 looked like (at the beginning). 1. Does the opponent have scorers (most fights don't have any)? If not, go to step 4 2. Is the enemy an ordinarykobold, goblin or bandit? If so, just kill. If not, go to step 3. 3. Walk as one character to the opponents to collect aggro. Let the rest of the characters murder them with impunity. 4. Approach as one character, the enemies will start chasing you. Other characters can shoot at them with impunity. 5. If by some miracle the enemy changes target, switch characters and return to point 2 6. The enemy dies. 7. Rest Later, in most of the fights, you didn't even have to worry about any tactics.
Tactics in BG2 1. Use Death Fog 2. If anything survives use explosive skull 3. If the targets are alive, send the pets. 4. Repeat step 2 as necessary. 5. Rest
Tactis used in BG3 (this works on any difficulty btw, unlike what you describe in BG1+2 - you might want to get off easy mode buddy, i can also recommend SCS) cast Fog step out of fog shoot enemy step into fog hide wait half an hour for enemies to take their turn repeat the above doesnt matter what encounter it is or if they have mages etc. Works on anything. Neither BG1 nor BG2 have ever been difficult games. Virtually every harder fight in BG2 you could win just spamming the skull trap. A powerful dragon? No problem, you set a million traps with him and watch him die. Yes you can win any fight on LoB difficulty with that tactic. Go ahead and try. Report how it goes. If you find BG1+2 too easy, download SCS and play that on insane. It vastly improves enemy AI + spell selection and overall makes the game a lot more challenging. But that is a mod, so i guess not allowed in this discussion? Anyway, like i said. Go play on LoB difficulty and try your tactic there.
Joined: Mar 2020
Yeah SCS removes many of the exploits. And Ascension is really a "semi official" mod made by the game designer that include elements that were removed from the final game -- ToB is sooo much harder with Ascension installed. (but ToB just isn't as fun as BG2)
I never used skull trap because I was always playing a good character who had a problem with grabbing a skull an making it into a trap. Same goes for skeletal warriors.
There are other ways to destroy combat but most people either avoid them or use a mode that prevents them form using them. And some use them and have fun doing so. There isn't a battle in BG2 that requires cheese.
Joined: Mar 2020
Yeah SCS removes many of the exploits. And Ascension is really a "semi official" mod made by the game designer that include elements that were removed from the final game -- ToB is sooo much harder with Ascension installed. (but ToB just isn't as fun as BG2)
I never used skull trap because I was always playing a good character who had a problem with grabbing a skull an making it into a trap. Same goes for skeletal warriors.
There are other ways to destroy combat but most people either avoid them or use a mode that prevents them form using them. And some use them and have fun doing so. There isn't a battle in BG2 that requires cheese. But that's true for bg3 as well. And considering the fact it's not even a full game, that's impressive
Joined: Mar 2020
BG3 is impressive. And fun. Make no mistake.  I just want that while implementing a more faithful port of the ruleset. The hag fight is a good example -- I didn't have to use any of the homebrew rules on that fight. I just care about the D&D feel. BG had it, ToEE had it, Pathfinder had it -- BG3 not there yet. On the need to cheese -- right now there is a problem in the AI that makes the Dror Ragzlin fight tiresome without cheese. When pathfinding fails the AI takes forever to acknowledge that. Same goes for creatures that are afraid and have no actions. So when the rest of the camp goes hostile, the goblins that can't find their way (it's not processing power -- I monitor cpu and its not being used) it takes forever for each goblin to give up and realize they will never figure out how to move away from that pillar. I can make a pot of coffee and scrape the frost off my car windows in the time it takes the game to figure out that goblin #3 is stuck. Of course I know how to metagame to avoid 'all hostile camp' now. But if didn't it would come down to cheese or boredom.
Joined: Sep 2020
Neither BG1 nor BG2 have ever been difficult games. Virtually every harder fight in BG2 you could win just spamming the skull trap. A powerful dragon? No problem, you set a million traps with him and watch him die.
but they sure as hell were better written and are more fun to play. still. to this day. after 20 years.
Joined: Jun 2019
woops double post my apologies
Last edited by arajaja; 08/11/20 06:14 PM.
Joined: Jun 2019
[quote=KillerRabbit]BG3 is impressive. And fun. Make no mistake.  I just want that while implementing a more faithful port of the ruleset. The hag fight is a good example -- I didn't have to use any of the homebrew rules on that fight. I just care about the D&D feel. BG had it, ToEE had it, Pathfinder had it -- BG3 not there yet. On the need to cheese -- right now there is a problem in the AI that makes the Dror Ragzlin fight tiresome without cheese. When pathfinding fails the AI takes forever to acknowledge that. Same goes for creatures that are afraid and have no actions. So when the rest of the camp goes hostile, the goblins that can't find their way (it's not processing power -- I monitor cpu and its not being used) it takes forever for each goblin to give up and realize they will never figure out how to move away from that pillar. I can make a pot of coffee and scrape the frost off my car windows in the time it takes the game to figure out that goblin #3 is stuck. Of course I know how to metagame to avoid 'all hostile camp' now. But if didn't it would come down to cheese or boredom. Its still early access im sure that will be fixed when the final game releases. Id also be surprised if the fog cheese stays in the final game. That is most likely getting fixed aswell. Probably by improving the AI (they will look in the fog for u or smth similar)
Last edited by arajaja; 08/11/20 06:12 PM.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
J'aime le fromage.