Joined: Mar 2020
@Xary : I don't know 5e well, but yes, it did seem that characters were able to do too much for what is a short turn; if it was strictly realistic according to 5e, it would be an even slower experience than that demonstrated, which was slow enough.
Given how long it took to demo not very much progress, I would assume that the 100 hour game is not supposed to level you very far. Perhaps as with BG1 the end-game will be level 5-7 or something. That would certainly be more in line with D&D TT, but might seem to be a bit underwhelming to modern video game players. To me, the fight seemed long for three main reasons: 1) so many useless "charging" animation (when he jump, dash, disengage, cast a spell, etc) that only took 1 or 2 seconds, but added together they pile up 2) He seemed more interested in showing the potential of the game than to fight efficiently 3) Sometime it seemed that he didn't know what he was doing, or what he could do or how to do what he wanted
Joined: May 2019
I do hope there will be a toggle option for turning off all animations (combat and other) during the TB encounters. Animations don't do anything for me if not in real time, and being able to turn them off will make TB combat so much better for me.
Joined: Jan 2020
@Xary : I don't know 5e well, but yes, it did seem that characters were able to do too much for what is a short turn; if it was strictly realistic according to 5e, it would be an even slower experience than that demonstrated, which was slow enough.
Given how long it took to demo not very much progress, I would assume that the 100 hour game is not supposed to level you very far. Perhaps as with BG1 the end-game will be level 5-7 or something. That would certainly be more in line with D&D TT, but might seem to be a bit underwhelming to modern video game players. To me, the fight seemed long for three main reasons: 1) so many useless "charging" animation (when he jump, dash, disengage, cast a spell, etc) that only took 1 or 2 seconds, but added together they pile up 2) He seemed more interested in showing the potential of the game than to fight efficiently 3) Sometime it seemed that he didn't know what he was doing, or what he could do or how to do what he wanted You're probably right there.The trouble with that is that I am not likely to be any quicker or more efficient than Sven, so progress will likely remain slow for me! I guess the "control" animations are there to add some degree of excitement to otherwise static periods of play, but I agree they could do with being less "superhero", more subtle, and more immediate.
Joined: Jan 2020
So far, there have been a few things revealed:
1. All Classes (and Subclasses) from the 5e Players Handbook will be available at launch.
2. Custom Characters will have voice acting (you pick the voice at character creation).
3. Spells will have a vocal component when casting.
4. You can recruit custom mercenaries if you don't want to use the party members Larian has made.
5. Feats from 5e will be in the final game.
6. You will be able to select a face type, hairdo, facial hair, skin color during character creation.
Joined: Jan 2020
Regarding Reactions:
Swen: "While it’s not going to be in EA immediately, the features and mechanics that allow a character to perform an action as a reaction will trigger automatically. The players will be able to control which reactions they want to enable in anticipation of enemy actions. E.g. a wizard would disable their Attack of Opportunity but enable their Shield spell, which will be cast automatically whenever the wizard is targeted by an attack or Magic Missile spell."
Joined: Mar 2020
Well I hope my question does get answered I only have one question for Larian and that is will we get to pick deities for our none divine cac? that's pretty much my only question
Cthulhu: FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS I LAY DORMANT, WHO HAS DISTURBED MY- Oh its you... Warlock: Greetings my lord- Cthulhu: LET ME SLEEP-
Joined: Feb 2020
Also revealed: Full release expects to only allow leveling up to level 10. In other words, anyone hoping to have level 20 characters may be disappointed. We’re planning to cover levels 1 through 10 in full release.
Last edited by AnonySimon; 12/03/20 07:16 PM.
Joined: Jan 2020
Also revealed: Full release expects to only allow leveling up to level 10. In other words, anyone hoping to have level 20 characters may be disappointed. We’re planning to cover levels 1 through 10 in full release. Saw that. I fully expect expansion packs. Also, BG1 didn't go past level 9, and that's including Siege of Dragonspear.
Joined: Mar 2019
Also revealed: Full release expects to only allow leveling up to level 10. In other words, anyone hoping to have level 20 characters may be disappointed. We’re planning to cover levels 1 through 10 in full release. Speaks to greater substance as far I see it. Getting away from the instant gratification of high levels and loads of loot. Old school
Joined: Feb 2020
I read good things here but I'm really dissapointed with the maps : semi open world, such in DoS. You explore a big zone, then you travel to another one. We'll probably won't be able to go back, and there will probably have no link between quests in a zone and in another. Why the hell all modern game are going this way ? 
Last edited by Maximuuus; 12/03/20 07:30 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Also revealed: Full release expects to only allow leveling up to level 10. In other words, anyone hoping to have level 20 characters may be disappointed. We’re planning to cover levels 1 through 10 in full release. BOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Cthulhu: FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS I LAY DORMANT, WHO HAS DISTURBED MY- Oh its you... Warlock: Greetings my lord- Cthulhu: LET ME SLEEP-
Joined: Mar 2013
how is that bad? Going from level 1 to 10 but still having as much lenght as Divinity Original Sin 2 sounds basically perfect. High level DnD is basically rocket tag anyway.
i prefer a comfy low level campaign with tangible threats. having that then also be long speaks for a game with more depth than pomp
Joined: Mar 2020
Also revealed: Full release expects to only allow leveling up to level 10. In other words, anyone hoping to have level 20 characters may be disappointed. We’re planning to cover levels 1 through 10 in full release. Saw that. I fully expect expansion packs. Also, BG1 didn't go past level 9, and that's including Siege of Dragonspear. Classic BG was around lvl 5 iirc,the only thing I dislike about low lvl campaigns is the low lvl spells (and probably some monster too). It would be weird not to get an expansion or a big dlc at least to lvl 15 if the game does well.
Last edited by Adgaroth; 12/03/20 07:48 PM.
Joined: Feb 2020
Also confirmed, Warlocks regain all spell slots in between combats: Yes, they will regain all their spell slots between combat encounters.
Joined: Mar 2020
Maybe they are saving higher level in the hope of a sequel
Joined: Jan 2020
Well, most published adventures are 1-10. BG3 falls right in line.
Joined: Mar 2020
Well, most published adventures are 1-10. BG3 falls right in line. I wouldn't be surprised if they made a port of sorts to PnP considering the ties between Descent into avernus and BG3 (I haven't even played Descent into avernus so it's just wild guessing)
Joined: Mar 2020
how is that bad? Going from level 1 to 10 but still having as much lenght as Divinity Original Sin 2 sounds basically perfect. High level DnD is basically rocket tag anyway.
i prefer a comfy low level campaign with tangible threats. having that then also be long speaks for a game with more depth than pomp Well Pathfinder Kingmaker and Neverwinter Nights 2 have cap of level 20 so I really do not see why there have made the cap level 10 it seems to be a bit pointless
Cthulhu: FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS I LAY DORMANT, WHO HAS DISTURBED MY- Oh its you... Warlock: Greetings my lord- Cthulhu: LET ME SLEEP-
Joined: Feb 2020
Also confirmed, Warlocks regain all spell slots in between combats: Yes, they will regain all their spell slots between combat encounters. He didn't answer another questions relating that point but, why will we take sorcerer or other spellcaster then ? Can someone explain (not in detail of course) the differences between warlock and other spellcaster ?
Joined: Feb 2020
Also confirmed, Warlocks regain all spell slots in between combats: Yes, they will regain all their spell slots between combat encounters. He didn't answer another questions relating that point but, why will we take sorcerer or other spellcaster then ? Can someone explain (not in detail of course) the differences between warlock and other spellcaster ? A level 10 Warlock has 2 spell slots. Total. The level 10 warlock can use its spell slots to cast spells it knows of 1st - 5th level. A level 10 Sorcerer has 15 spell slots total divided among the various spell levels. Specifically, a level 10 sorcerer has 4 1st-level slots, 3 2nd-level slots, 3 3rd-level slots, 3 4th-level slots, and 2 5th-level slots. In other words, the Warlock has very few spell slots, but makes it up for regaining ALL spell slots after a short rest (1 hour rest). The sorcerer on the other hand has alot of spell slots, but requires a long rest (8 hours of rest) to regain them.
Last edited by AnonySimon; 12/03/20 09:07 PM. Reason: A bit more clarification