Joined: Jul 2020
I've not seen a lot of topics talking about what you really want to play in BG3, considering what we know so far, so let's open this one ! We know that there will be 9 races (and some subraces), 6 classes and a few backgrounds (I've count ten dots ?), so quite a lot of possibilities ! What are you interressed to play for the EA, what are your questions about some combos ? I have a lot of ideas right now, I know I will not be able to decide until last minute, but I'd love to read about your opinions. I think I'll enjoy to play a cleric, but it depends of witch domain you can have and witch God. Maybe a half drow, they seem to be quite interresting. And I'm quite curious about the githyanki and how the backgrounds are going to work with them : are we going to play githyankis new to BG, and having their backstory at home, or is it possible to think about githyanki raised in BG ? What class should work, IRP, for them, knowing that they seem to really fit with warrior but not so much with the rest ?
Joined: Sep 2016
I'll be playing a Half-elf, Great Old One Warlock, with criminal background, since multi-classing and sorcerer won't be in at the EA launch. On actual launch I'll be play a Great Old One Pact of the Tome Warlock, Divine Soul Sorcerer multi-class with the same background, and Criminal specialty will be Hired Killer. Ability score and skill spread for both will be
Str: 8 Athletics: -1
Dex: 16 Acrobatics: 3, Slight of Hand: 3, Stealth: 5
Con: 10
Int:16 Arcana: 5, History: 3, Investigation: 5, Nature: 3, Religion: 3
Wis: 8 Animal handling: -1, Insight: -1, Medicine: -1, Perception: -1, Survival: -1
Charisma: 16 Deception: 5, Intimidation: 5, Performance: 3, Persuasion 5
I'm hopping that the max level of the campaign winds up being 20, and they manage to fit the entirety of the players hand book in. I really want to experience playing a 3 Warlock/ 17 Divine Soul Sorcerer in a Larian quality crpg.
Edit: Just noticed Divine Soul might not make it in, since its not in the player's handbook, but I really hope it is.
Edit2: Divine Soul will likely get in since they said they'd be pulling from multiple D&D books. If they stuck to just the player's hand book for Sorcerer than it would only have 2 sub classes.
Last edited by Damashi; 29/07/20 03:05 AM.
Joined: Jul 2020
I'm gonna wanna play a GOO warlock with, pact of the blade, with the mask of many faces invocation. I'm excited to see what that can do as far as rp goes. I also want to run a trickery cleric, I hope pranks can be pulled but I understand that might be a bit hard to implement.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Sep 2015
If the priesthood of Lloth is there, I will play a drow priestess. If not, I will certainly play a tiefling warlock.
Joined: Apr 2020
I usually juggle with different ideas during character creation, experementing with different races and classes, never knowing what to play. Then, I always end up playing the same thing I do in every DnD crpg: a melee-oriented human cleric.
Joined: Jun 2020
Human Ranger ( the only class with class !) - but given I want to play that for the full release i might go with a rogue ....
Joined: Aug 2018
My first will probably be a human cleric, then after that some sort of caster, I'm not sure which one yet. I tend to lean towards cleric in BG, as well as other similar styles of games.
Joined: Apr 2020
I usually juggle with different ideas during character creation, experementing with different races and classes, never knowing what to play. Then, I always end up playing the same thing I do in every DnD crpg: a melee-oriented human cleric. Sounds like you might want to try a Hill Dwarf Life Domain Cleric. You get Heavy Armor proficiency, +1 Hit Points, +2 Constitution, +1 Wisdom, and can use a Warhammer.
Last edited by Merlex; 29/07/20 02:28 AM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Wish I could play a paladin...*sniff* 
The greatest of evils we face may lie within
Joined: Jun 2020
Wyll the Origin character Warlock for me. He's human and a Warlock with the Fiend patron pact, my favorite combination. Noble background will help with Persuasion, Warlock for Deception makes him a perfect choice for the 'face' of the party.
Evil always finds a way.
Joined: Aug 2020
Human Ranger ( the only class with class !) - but given I want to play that for the full release i might go with a rogue .... Great choices. I love rangers and rogues so I'm torn between which one to go with.
Joined: Aug 2020
Wish I could play a paladin...*sniff*  So you can't play as Pally? Are you serious?
Joined: Jan 2018
Wish I could play a paladin...*sniff*  So you can't play as Pally? Are you serious? Not all of the classes and races will be in the Early Access at launch. Given the shear volume of stuff there is in D&D, I see this as acceptable.
Joined: Apr 2020
I usually juggle with different ideas during character creation, experementing with different races and classes, never knowing what to play. Then, I always end up playing the same thing I do in every DnD crpg: a melee-oriented human cleric. Sounds like you might want to try a Hill Dwarf Life Domain Cleric. You get Heavy Armor proficiency, +1 Hit Points, +2 Constitution, +1 Wisdom, and can use a Warhammer. Yeah I know the dwarf is built to be a cleric but even in tabletop I prefer human. I think I find it easier to roleplay a human. I might try different this time around.
Joined: Sep 2017
I have no experience of 5e apart from reading up to prepare for BG3, but interested in particular the changes made to the Ranger class. Not decided on picking the game up as early as EA though.
Joined: Mar 2020
@Warlocke (sorry forgot to quote) Yeah, we are getting EA so can’t complain too much but for those of us who love Pallys it just sucks, though. On the upside and looking at all the classes of the premade NPCs, might be cool to play a Ranger in EA.
The greatest of evils we face may lie within
Joined: Aug 2020
I'd initially planned on going in to play a Tiefling feypact Warlock because that's my absolute favourite combination but then it occured to me that early access is a prime opportunity to try out something I wouldn't normally. So I think I'll actually go with a dwarf, maybe a dwarven ranger to try something really out of the ordinary for me. I basically never play non-magical classes in games so might as well give it a try in this short version. Then I can play something more usual for me for the full release.
Joined: Aug 2020
Probably some evil megalomaniac. Or a pathetic beggar. No in between.
Joined: Aug 2020
I think githyanki old one warlock which grants psionic/ mind control fits best theme wise.
But I d rather play half drow or half elf fey warlock or perhaps sorcerer.
Not sure how PLAYING EVIL works out. Anyone?