Joined: Jul 2014
Tu o sei pagato da Larian oppure non sei italiano.
Mi sbagliavo, in realtà sei solo un arrogante testa di cazzo. Eh, aiutami a dire sticazzi. Di sicuro mi hai dimostrato che mi sbagliavo sul fatto tu fossi infantile.
Last edited by Tuco; 21/08/20 01:01 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
A questo punto è una specie di battaglia contro l'autismo.
Magari le battaglie contro l’autismo falle donando alle associazioni invece di tirarli in mezzo quì che non c’entrano niente, imbecille.
Joined: Jul 2014
Magari le battaglie contro l’autismo falle donando alle associazioni invece di tirarli in mezzo quì che non c’entrano niente, imbecille.
Magari invece li investo nella lotta all'analfabetismo funzionale, così che possa trarne vantaggio anche tu, idiota e inetto che non sei altro.
Joined: Mar 2003
I wish many unpayed jobs in your future I did quite a bit of free beta testing in the past, and have had my creative work included in the commercial release of a software product without additional compensation. That did not entitle me to anything beyond the terms of the beta tests, and when products/companies were sold to other companies, they were not under any obligation to continue those test groups or the original company to provide additional compensation. I chose to do what I did and knew what the terms were. I was also part of the group that made the Beyond Divinity Strategy Guide, also an unpaid fan project, which was eventually added to GOG's extra downloads for the game. If and when I retire, I will likely still hang around the Larian forum helping other players without pay, like I did for a decade before Larian hired me. I am sure that “absolutely yes" does not mean "plans may change". Plans can always change, even if you are confident they can be done when they are made, especially when there is quite a bit of time before the plans will be implemented. It's possible to open a kickstarter page to help you with translation costs? Unfortunately, it isn't primarily an issue of cost. False advertising:
"A false claim about the characteristics of the goods or service"
Fits pretty well, don't you think? Only if you ignore the concept of linear time. Changing a plan does not make the past statement deliberately misleading. Have you never had to change any plans?
Joined: Aug 2020
Quiet guys ... let's try to build a healthy discussion, without insults ... let's show the development team how much we wanted to have an Italian localisation. I believe that perhaps they did not realize how many actual Italian players of the previous chapters they had with them. Here it was not a question of having a simple game in your hands, but THE RPG GAME PAR EXCELLENCE ... perhaps they were not aware that many Italians, even if not active on forums or purchases of other RPG titles, had ONLY BG at heart ... here it was not about using the same mentality used for Divinity, therefore, the speech "we kept the same initial setting we used for DOS2" is an answer that I do not accept, when they say that IT WOULD NOT BE ANOTHER DOS3 ... YOU HAVE BALDUR'S GATE IN YOUR HANDS !!
Joined: Aug 2020
A questo punto è una specie di battaglia contro l'autismo.
Magari le battaglie contro l’autismo falle donando alle associazioni invece di tirarli in mezzo quì che non c’entrano niente, imbecille. Let's just ignore that troll for the time being. He's not worthy of our attention anyway. Bringing up authism in such a trivial and pathetic way is a symptom of stupidity and foolishness from his part.
Last edited by Trynd; 21/08/20 01:19 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
Magari le battaglie contro l’autismo falle donando alle associazioni invece di tirarli in mezzo quì che non c’entrano niente, imbecille.
Magari invece li investo nella lotta all'analfabetismo funzionale, così che possa trarne vantaggio anche tu, idiota e inetto che non sei altro. Questa risposta non ti salva da quanto sei caduto in basso. Dici di avere 40 anni e per far valere la tua opinione scrivi queste cose? Vergognati.
Joined: Aug 2020
False advertising:
"A false claim about the characteristics of the goods or service"
Fits pretty well, don't you think? Only if you ignore the concept of linear time. Changing a plan does not make the past statement deliberately misleading. Have you never had to change any plans? In my 17 years of work in a SH, yes, I had to change my plans sometimes. But, honestly, I never said to a potential customer an 'absolutely yes' which then became a 'no'. And no, I don't think to be special.
Last edited by Malabolgia; 21/08/20 01:18 PM.
We must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot. Abraham Lincoln, 1856.
Joined: Jul 2014
The accuse of "false advertising" is particularly hilarious in itself, since it's not even possible to PAY for the game yet, and the correction about the current plans came before that point. This is just people making the most pathetic excuses to LEGITIMATE their whine in some form. Questa risposta non ti salva da quanto sei caduto in basso. Dici di avere 40 anni e per far valere la tua opinione scrivi queste cose? Vergognati.
Non "dico", ne ho 42. Né un vanto né una vergogna, solo un dato di fatto. E ora puoi anche staccarti dai coglioni che con il tuo biasimo politicamente corretto mi ci pulisco il culo, in tutta franchezza.
Last edited by Tuco; 21/08/20 01:25 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
This is my email to the Wizard of the Coast.
To whom it may concern, I’m an italian man that for decades played D&D, since the first release, and to many other WotC games, like Magic. I love your brand and I love your work, but now, for the first time, I have to write you. As a big fan of D&D, i love too all the videogame licensed by your company, specially Baldur’s Gate. When I see the Wizard of the Coast logo on the box, I HAVE to buy it. I was so exited to know that will be a Baldur’s Gate 3, produced by Larian. Their CEO initially confirmed the italian localization during an official interview to everyeye.it, the biggest italian gaming site, on 09/06/2019. One year ago he replied “absolutely yes” to a specific question, not “maybe” or “we don’t know”. But now, with a simple post on their forum, Larian announced that italian localization is been removed. Why they take this decision? It’s really simple. They never localized a single game to italian language because we have a rich community of amatorial translators that can to their work FOR FREE. Who will pay for a work that can be obtained for free? Larian care only about money, nothing about the players. They announced the Italian language to increase the hype and now they removed it, waiting for amatorial translation. Wizard of the Coast in a glorious brand and deserves a software house that can exalt it. The italian community is outraged, because this kind of games must be played in mother language to be appreciated. Larian can't exalt the brand, they’ll use it only for money and they’ll exploit the passion and the time of the amatorial translators to make more and more money. Larian does not deserve the WotC logo on the box. I hope that you will consider this aspect for the future licensed games. Best regards.
Emanuele Triches, from Rome
Joined: Aug 2020
dear raze and larian studio, you know everything about our italian comunity. we are very angry about your decision. aniway, let s talk about a buisness. you want our money and we want italian localization for bg3, try to look one of the most famous game in the world, the elder scroll skyrim. bethesda translate in many language and they keep a lot of money. you have in you hand one of the best game in the world. what s happen if you translate the game in many language? you can sell this game 2x or 3x time then the normal. many person wait this game to looooooong time. please larian studio. give us the our dream. you are the only one can make this game the best baldur s gate ever.
Joined: Aug 2020
False advertising:
"A false claim about the characteristics of the goods or service"
Fits pretty well, don't you think? Only if you ignore the concept of linear time. Changing a plan does not make the past statement deliberately misleading. Have you never had to change any plans? [/quote] https://www.everyeye.it/articoli/in...eplay-localizzazione-italiana-44128.htmlEVERYEYE.IT: Welcome to both of you! It is really a pleasure to finally be able to talk about Baldur's Gate 3, and who better than you two to clarify our doubts; we have thousands of questions to ask you, for example, to begin with, from our community they ask us if the game will be localized in Italian from launch, can you confirm it? SVEN: Absolutely yes, we can confirm it. We can not say anything about audio dubbing for the moment, we are still in a very armored phase, but know that with this production we have no intention of taking a step back from Original Sin 2, and soon we will be able to talk about it openly. EVERYEYE.IT: Bentrovati a entrambi! E' davvero un piacere poter finalmente parlare di Baldur's Gate 3, e chi meglio di voi due per chiarire i nostri dubbi; abbiamo migliaia di domande da farvi, per esempio, tanto per cominciare, dalla nostra community ci chiedono se il gioco sarà localizzato in italiano sin dal lancio, potete confermarcelo? SVEN: Assolutamente sì, possiamo confermarlo. Non possiamo dire nulla sul doppiaggio audio per il momento, siamo ancora in una fase molto blindata, ma sappiate che con questa produzione non abbiamo intenzione di fare passi indietro rispetto a Original Sin 2, e presto potremo parlarvene apertamente. I understand the problems, lack of money, natural cataclysms and all the excuses of this world ... but if you tell me: "yes of course the Italian language will be there" and then you pull back and tell me: "no look we were wrong ... now let's see how it goes first and then we will decide later "it seems to me that you are making fun of me...
Joined: Aug 2020
Non "dico", ne ho 42. Né un vanto né una vergogna, solo un dato di fatto. E ora puoi anche staccarti dai coglioni che con il tuo biasimo politicamente corretto mi ci pulisco il culo, in tutta franchezza.
Quì l’unico dato di fatto è quello di una persona che dovrebbe semplicemente vergognarsi di ciò che ha scritto, invece di reiterare insulti e volgarità. Non bisogna essere politicamente corretti per ritenere fuori luogo ciò che hai scritto, basta un minimo di sale in zucca. Ciò detto, mi stacco volentieri dal coglione, se il coglione fa altrettanto 
Last edited by RedHex23; 21/08/20 03:38 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
dicono che non e' una questione di soldi (traduzione) ho letto bene? scrivete direttamente a D&D!! questi ci prendono per il culo!!
Joined: Aug 2020
The accuse of "false advertising" is particularly hilarious in itself, since it's not even possible to PAY for the game yet, and the correction about the current plans came before that point. This is just people making the most pathetic excuses to LEGITIMATE their whine in some form.
"Qualsiasi pubblicità che in qualunque modo, compresa la sua presentazione, sia idonea ad indurre in errore le persone fisiche o giuridiche alle quali è rivolta o che essa raggiunge e che, a causa del suo carattere ingannevole, [....] sia idonea a ledere un concorrente" Visto che sembri sapere di tutto un po', chi ti dice che nessun concorrente sia stato penalizzato? Che qualche consumatore non abbia acquistato prodotti di concorrenti, perchè in attesa di BG3 localizzato in Italiano? Ok, non sarà un argomento inoppungabile, ma di certo non è nemmeno così "hilarious" come lo definisci tu.
Last edited by Malabolgia; 21/08/20 02:04 PM.
We must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot. Abraham Lincoln, 1856.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Do you really think that the amount of pissed off people is just restricted to the few that are writing here? OH LOL, you are very naive for your 42 years old! And by the way we can be a small community, but it is strange to say when italian is the second language for D&D manuals and the 4th market for videogames in general.
A questo punto è una specie di battaglia contro l'autismo. Tu purtroppo non hai idea di cosa stai parlando, tiri fuori numeri inventati dal culo e pretendi di insegnare agli altri. E con te l'altro pollo che ti viene appresso. L'italia è il quarto mercato per videogiochi in EUROPA, non in generale. E questo perché ce ne sono quattro in tutto. Quindi è l'ultimo. Quando poi si parla di utenza del genere RPG, in particolare, la Polonia si aggiunge alla lista dei mercati che ci surclassano per vendite. Enough. Closed for review.
J'aime le fromage.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I've taken the decision that the topic ideally needs to be re-opened as there is clearly strong feeling about the subject and I don't want anybody to feel that they are without a voice.
However, please be polite. If there are further reports of misconduct, the culprit is likely to be banned. Thank you.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Aug 2020
I've taken the decision that the topic ideally needs to be re-opened as there is clearly strong feeling about the subject and I don't want anybody to feel that they are without a voice.
However, please be polite. If there are further reports of misconduct, the culprit is likely to be banned. Thank you. Thank you / Grazie
Joined: Aug 2020
I am an advertiser, I do it by profession and I can agree with this post ... there are many who have changed PCs for this reason alone, others like me who have signed up to Stadia Pro just for this title ... the advertising itself means communicating a commercial message ... what was done was a commercial message ... not for fun ... of course it can be changed during construction, but this information certainly wasn't born yesterday. ... we are talking about a year to go back and communicate that that statement could not be considered more valid ... this is what I think would have been more accepted ...
ITA Sono un pubblicitario, lo faccio di professione e posso dare ragione a questo post...ci sono molti che hanno cambiato PC solo per questo motivo, altri come me che hanno fatto l’iscrizione a Stadia Pro solo per questo titolo...la pubblicità in se significa comunicare un messaggio commerciale...quello che è stato fatto era messaggio a fine commerciale...non per divertimento...certo si può cambiare in corso d’opera, ma questa informazione di certo non è nata ieri...si parla di un anno di tempo per tornare indietro e comunicare che quell’affermazione non poteva essere ritenuta più valida...ecco questo penso che sarebbe stato più accettato...
Joined: Aug 2020
Do you really think that the amount of pissed off people is just restricted to the few that are writing here? OH LOL, you are very naive for your 42 years old! And by the way we can be a small community, but it is strange to say when italian is the second language for D&D manuals and the 4th market for videogames in general.
A questo punto è una specie di battaglia contro l'autismo. Tu purtroppo non hai idea di cosa stai parlando, tiri fuori numeri inventati dal culo e pretendi di insegnare agli altri. E con te l'altro pollo che ti viene appresso. L'italia è il quarto mercato per videogiochi in EUROPA, non in generale. E questo perché ce ne sono quattro in tutto. Quindi è l'ultimo. Quando poi si parla di utenza del genere RPG, in particolare, la Polonia si aggiunge alla lista dei mercati che ci surclassano per vendite. A parte che utilizzare l'autismo come insulto ti qualifica per la persona minuscola che sei, ma vedo che comunque non hai colto i riferimenti del mio post alla questione etica, ti sei solo focalizzato sul singolo dato incompleto che avevo fornito (cherrypickandolo ed escludendo tutto il resto del ragionamento).. forse non sono gli altri ad avere un problema cognitivo. Fatti due domande fanboy.
Last edited by Squesing; 21/08/20 04:19 PM.