Joined: Jun 2014
Do you know how this is called? False advertising And it would be interesting to know how many preorders you have received thanks to this false advertisement.
I offered to tackle the DOS2 translation, they said yes, kept me months in the dark then unceremoniously dropped me after hiring someone else, and told me only because I chased them. So yeah, nothing new under the sun. However, AFAIK no pre-order is available yet.
Joined: Jun 2014
I apologize to all the moderators, all the developers and all the non-Italian players who will read these posts. This kind of attitude is not to be considered constructive in any way, for anyone, it is extremely offensive and unhealthy.
I try to mediate what the whole Italian community is asking: 1. Why did you wait for the last second to give us this bad news? 2. Have you really done market research conducted by marketing agencies that prove the lack of aptitude of the Italian market to buy RPG (specifically BG3)? 3. Did you really understand the historical significance that this title carried with it not only in the communities most accustomed to buying RPGs. 4. Did you know that in Italy we are in second place After english for purchase in relation to traslations of DND manuals? 5. WAS WIZARD OF THE COAST ASKED ABOUT THIS TOPIC OF ITALIAN LOCALIZATION? 6. Is it your belief that those who play the paper game of Dnd did not intend to buy BALDUR's GATE 3? Is there market research in this sense?
I hope for tour answer. Thank you I wasn't aware about point 4, is it true?
Joined: Aug 2020
Last edited by MassiKK; 22/08/20 01:25 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
ASMODEE ITALY IT’S PUBLISHER FOR DND MANUALS HE SAÏD THIS https://imgbb.com/FbxgyQ0I TRANSLATE FOR YOU. In the first post you can read: “ wishing to feed controversy, but as far as we know, but as far as we know, Italian, after obviously English, is the first language in the world in terms of sales of dnd manuals, which obviously does not correspond to the audience and videogamer market, but it is still a relevant figure.”
Joined: Jun 2014
ASMODEE ITALY IT’S PUBLISHER FOR DND MANUALS HE SAÏD THIS https://imgbb.com/FbxgyQ0I TRANSLATE FOR YOU. In the first post you can read: “ wishing to feed controversy, but as far as we know, but as far as we know, Italian, after obviously English, is the first language in the world in terms of sales of dnd manuals, which obviously does not correspond to the audience and videogamer market, but it is still a relevant figure.” What a classy answer by WotC to that ridiculous cretin.
Joined: Aug 2020
I was very excited when this game came out, now I'm very bitter. I don't understand how a large development group like you, which has had excellent revenues following DOS2 being translated into Italian by amateurs, did not understand the importance of adding Italian at least as subtitles. I hope you think again as there are many disappointed fans who would really like to be able to enjoy this videogame work. Furthermore, if you have to add Italian, it is right that you pay the guys who do it, it is not correct to wait for them to do it for free out of passion.
Joined: Jun 2014
I was very excited when this game came out, now I'm very bitter. I don't understand how a large development group like you, which has had excellent revenues following DOS2 being translated into Italian by amateurs, did not understand the importance of adding Italian at least as subtitles. I hope you think again as there are many disappointed fans who would really like to be able to enjoy this videogame work. Furthermore, if you have to add Italian, it is right that you pay the guys who do it, it is not correct to wait for them to do it for free out of passion. You are quite correct. That's probably why they don't want.
Joined: Aug 2020
Very bad news to me since i've spent days (not hours) playing BG and BG2. Anyway i don't even think this is baldurs gate 3, but some sort of DOS3. By by Larian, in the end i was sure about you're fantastic attitude😬
Joined: Aug 2020
I was very excited when this game came out, now I'm very bitter. I don't understand how a large development group like you, which has had excellent revenues following DOS2 being translated into Italian by amateurs, did not understand the importance of adding Italian at least as subtitles. I hope you think again as there are many disappointed fans who would really like to be able to enjoy this videogame work. Furthermore, if you have to add Italian, it is right that you pay the guys who do it, it is not correct to wait for them to do it for free out of passion. That's it, sintetically. And I think that "not correct" is quite an understatement after reading all the answers, and considerating also the refuse by the community manager to take actions against Tuco that was trolling protesting users for them, using autism as an insult for three times (among various other insults) and resulting actually unpunished and uncensored.. Quite a shameful image Liaran is offering to the public.
Last edited by Squesing; 22/08/20 03:40 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
In my opinion, and what I'm about to say I would recommend it for all the next titles that will eventually be developed in future, it would be more correct to publish the game in English only, and allow amateur translators to make language packs that can be purchased as DLC, leaving them the relative income. I understand that the evaluation of costs / revenues towards our market is perhaps not positive, but then i's not right that I have to pay the localization to German, French, etc. users. I repeat that it is only my irrelevant opinion, but it's not correct that we have to pay the same price for a worst service. And this is not just about Larian, but the whole industry.
Last edited by RedHex23; 22/08/20 05:30 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
Dear Larian, I just wanted to share with you an example of the Italian community that loves and adores the world of Baldur's Gate ... this link is the biggest D&D event done in Europe at Lucca Comics 2019 in Italy of course ... 10000 participants. .. https://vimeo.com/374020843I forgot ... the event was set in Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Last edited by Elledain; 22/08/20 10:24 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
Larian, have been making fun of Italians since 2005
Joined: Aug 2020
a petition will be signed by at least 1000 people. assuming that the game will cost 60/70 euros, it would be at least 60.000 euros in your pocket safe if you just put this damn Italian localization
Joined: Mar 2003
in the days when the Italian localization was in the plans, did you identify who would have carried out the localization? No. That would not have been looked into until the actual preparations began to start the localisations. Larian there is a certain possibility of having the translation in the distant future or it will all depend only on the profit you will have from the sales of the game ... are there no other possibilities to hope to see it in our language? Additional localisations can at least be considered after the game's release. The better the game does, the easier it would be to justify localisations where the demand may not exceed the cost of the translation, but that is not the only factor involved (and, I do not know if or how much that specifically is a factor for Italian). I hope you can read this post despite the chaos that has been generated in this thread. Of course. I don't know the status of any potential localisations, or if there is such a list, but I can pass on your comments. I'm Chantalion and with two different teams (Sciarada team and T.i.g.e.r team) I have translated into Italian D: OS, D: OS enhanced, D: OS2. Thank you, and I hope you do not now feel exploited. That was never Larian's intent, or the reason Italian was not included in the initial BG3 localisations. Sorry but it's a chain of mistakes, all in the same direction, quite difficult to believe When one mistake is caused by an earlier one, it tends to go in the same direction. I will pass on your questions to those who may be able to answer. considerating also the refuse by the community manager to take actions against Tuco that was trolling If that was the ban line, many other people would have been banned, as well. Quite a shameful image Liaran is offering to the public. I assume you are advocating for censorship only against people you disagree with? Have you consider that in a forum where posts are moderated for content, everyone venting about their anger / disappointment on this subject could easily be banned? Offence and trolling are very subjective, and at the best of times would be applied unequally.
Joined: Aug 2020
So you are basically saying that any insult is the same and must be managed the same way... interesting indeed.
It would be quite amusing to see your logic applied to real life.
This is my last message here, it is pretty obvious noone at Larian care a damn thing about us.
What's funny is that when I got the news about the cancellation of the Italian localization, I wasn't even that mad. I perfectly understand english and I thought to myself "Come on, they are a professional company, I will go take a look to their forum and socials and they surely will have some apology for the broken promise".
Instead I found nothing else that hubris and zero empathy towards us customers.
Congratulations, you achieved the big goal to make a fan who was going to pre-order BG3 and has bought both DOS and DOS2 to NEVER EVER buy a Larian game again.
Best of luck to you all, with such an awesome customer service I foresee a bright future for your company.
Joined: Aug 2020
continua sempre a dire le stesse cose!! a fine gioco a fine gioco!! basta!! ma chi e sto larian nel mondo di d&d nessuno!! e' stata gia' mandata una bella email alla wizard aspettiamo la risposta!!
Joined: Aug 2020
in the days when the Italian localization was in the plans, did you identify who would have carried out the localization? No. That would not have been looked into until the actual preparations began to start the localisations. Larian there is a certain possibility of having the translation in the distant future or it will all depend only on the profit you will have from the sales of the game ... are there no other possibilities to hope to see it in our language? Additional localisations can at least be considered after the game's release. The better the game does, the easier it would be to justify localisations where the demand may not exceed the cost of the translation, but that is not the only factor involved (and, I do not know if or how much that specifically is a factor for Italian). I hope you can read this post despite the chaos that has been generated in this thread. Of course. I don't know the status of any potential localisations, or if there is such a list, but I can pass on your comments. I'm Chantalion and with two different teams (Sciarada team and T.i.g.e.r team) I have translated into Italian D: OS, D: OS enhanced, D: OS2. Thank you, and I hope you do not now feel exploited. That was never Larian's intent, or the reason Italian was not included in the initial BG3 localisations. Sorry but it's a chain of mistakes, all in the same direction, quite difficult to believe When one mistake is caused by an earlier one, it tends to go in the same direction. I will pass on your questions to those who may be able to answer. considerating also the refuse by the community manager to take actions against Tuco that was trolling If that was the ban line, many other people would have been banned, as well. Quite a shameful image Liaran is offering to the public. I assume you are advocating for censorship only against people you disagree with? Have you consider that in a forum where posts are moderated for content, everyone venting about their anger / disappointment on this subject could easily be banned? Offence and trolling are very subjective, and at the best of times would be applied unequally. Not a single apology from your part has been made about this despicable and unpleasant situation. This current situation is quite ironic, since few months ago the biggest D&D game in Europe was played in Lucca with the presentation of Descent into Avernus, probably the biggest event about D&D that Wizards has ever made.
Last edited by Trynd; 23/08/20 06:39 AM.
Joined: Aug 2020
[/quote] Not a single apology from your part has been made about this despicable and unpleasant situation.
This current situation is quite ironic, since few months ago the biggest D&D game in Europe was played in Lucca with the presentation of Descent into Avernus, probably the biggest event about D&D that Wizards has ever made. [/quote]
Probably they don't care about d&d...i'm hoping for a WOTC response