Joined: Aug 2020
Additional localisations can at least be considered after the game's release. The better the game does, the easier it would be to justify localisations where the demand may not exceed the cost of the translation, but that is not the only factor involved (and, I do not know if or how much that specifically is a factor for Italian). Dear Larian, I just wanted to share with you an example of the Italian community that loves and adores the world of Baldur's Gate ... this link is the biggest D&D event done in Europe at Lucca Comics 2019 in Italy of course ... 10000 participants. .. https://vimeo.com/374020843I forgot ... the event was set in Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus I honestly don't know if you have done a study to understand how much D&D, the Baldur's Gate saga, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights in Italy is heard, followed or loved. I assure you and as you can also see from this event in Italy we go crazy for the setting of the Forgotten Reams, and it is not the only event worthy of note. In my opinion, by localizing it in Italian, you would earn a lot of money!
Last edited by Elledain; 23/08/20 09:05 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
So you are basically saying that any insult is the same and must be managed the same way... No, that is not what I said, at all. There were other, different things, which were as bad or worse than the post in question. It would be quite amusing to see your logic applied to real life. There are of examples of moderated communities online where friends of the mods are allowed to break rules, and people they don't like are banned for the flimsiest of excuses. "Come on, they are a professional company, I will go take a look to their forum and socials and they surely will have some apology for the broken promise". There wasn't an official statement made when the Steam page was updated, and if there is going to be one it will take more than 2 days (most of Larian does not work weekends). Not a single apology from your part has been made about this despicable and unpleasant situation. Initially I was focused on checking on what happened and then trying to explain that. Given the tone of some of the posts initially, I really didn't think an apology would help, and it could make things worse. However, since that is no longer the case, hopefully: I am sorry that I assumed the issue with the Steam page was a missing check for Italian subtitles; it doesn't makes sense to translate the interface only, the GOG page listed Italian subtitles and I found the interview (or article quoting it) that I though confirmed it. I wish I had waited until it was morning in Belgium and double checked at the time.
Joined: Aug 2020
Larian... what a disappointment. If you think Italians can enjoy it without their language, you make a big mistake. Then I just don't understand this choice since the D&D market in Italy is among the best in the world.
Joined: Aug 2020
Not a single apology from your part has been made about this despicable and unpleasant situation. Initially I was focused on checking on what happened and then trying to explain that. Given the tone of some of the posts initially, I really didn't think an apology would help, and it could make things worse. However, since that is no longer the case, hopefully: I am sorry that I assumed the issue with the Steam page was a missing check for Italian subtitles; it doesn't makes sense to translate the interface only, the GOG page listed Italian subtitles and I found the interview (or article quoting it) that I though confirmed it. I wish I had waited until it was morning in Belgium and double checked at the time. I appreciate that. Anyway I suppose that our only hope is that WotC, a brand that is incredibly popular here in Italy with every kind of their products translated in italian with many events that are hosted in Italy aswell, will reconsider their (and your) position about italian localization. It's pretty much clear that trying to convince Larian about this matter is an exercise in futility.
Last edited by Trynd; 23/08/20 09:54 AM.
Joined: Aug 2020
Unattended promises.
No Italian localisation, no purchase.
Joined: Mar 2003
It's pretty much clear that trying to convince Larian about this matter is an exercise in futility. You do realise I can not make a unilateral decision about localisations, right? I can forward feedback / questions / sentiment to the people involved with the localisations, and after that is discussed, which could take some time, I may or may not have news, or that could be released more formally.
Joined: Aug 2020
It's pretty much clear that trying to convince Larian about this matter is an exercise in futility. You do realise I can not make a unilateral decision about localisations, right? I can forward feedback / questions / sentiment to the people involved with the localisations, and after that is discussed, which could take some time, I may or may not have news, or that could be released more formally. I am aware of that, I was not addressing you when I made this consideration, it is just a general opinion shared among many of us Italians discouraged due to the present circumstances. As you can see this is not my native language so some misunderstandings may happen.
Last edited by Trynd; 23/08/20 10:47 AM.
Joined: Aug 2020
considerating also the refuse by the community manager to take actions against Tuco that was trolling If that was the ban line, many other people would have been banned, as well. Quite a shameful image Liaran is offering to the public. I assume you are advocating for censorship only against people you disagree with? Have you consider that in a forum where posts are moderated for content, everyone venting about their anger / disappointment on this subject could easily be banned? Offence and trolling are very subjective, and at the best of times would be applied unequally. That was not a matter of "anger". It is a matter of racism and discrimination and insulting autism that you are justifing. It is so disgraceful for you to assume that position, I almost have pity of you. I am advocating for censorship of discrimination against autism. This is a serious issue and i talk in private with the moderator who said that he/she agree with me and would have take actions, but the community manager refuse because they errs on the free speech side. Free speech for discriminating autism? ARE YOU FU**ING SERIOUS? If you don't recognize the values of civilization, like "don't insult or discriminate minorities and other "weak" categories", maybe you would like to know that you are going against your own rules. A small cut & paste follows. Rules of Conduct on these Message Boards -- You agree not to do any of the following while on our message boards: [...] Transmit any message, information, data, text, software or graphic files, or other materials ("Content") that is unlawful (including illegal drug usage), harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, hateful or racially, ethnically, sexually or otherwise objectionable. For three times he wrote discriminating, abusive, harassing, hateful messages about autism and autistic people. He went on even after the thread was temporary locked with a warn. He even write me in private messages saying that I have to shame myself... ME!!!! And I actually wonder how can you be a moderator, because your word in this situation sounds like an alt right troll's word in a political flame. You, and the entire management of this forum, are astonishingly not correct in so many ways that you really should be ashamed of youselves. Your answer is simply not human, stupid and not receivable. Shame on you.
Last edited by Squesing; 23/08/20 01:45 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Holy macarony, Squesing. You need to relax a little bit, you're the only one left talking. Leave it be? Your feedback is heard.
However, the thread's intent was to clarify if Italian is planned or not, no? And it's confirmed not to be currently, but I think it's very fair and reasonable to say that the strong wishes for it to have an Italian translation is heard and noted, don't you think? At this point I don't see what good this thread does for pushing the wishes of the Italian community forwards in a positive, productive manner.
Joined: Aug 2020
Holy macarony, Squesing. You need to relax a little bit, you're the only one left talking. Leave it be? Your feedback is heard.
However, the thread's intent was to clarify if Italian is planned or not, no? And it's confirmed not to be currently, but I think it's very fair and reasonable to say that the strong wishes for it to have an Italian translation is heard and noted, don't you think? At this point I don't see what good this thread does for pushing the wishes of the Italian community forwards in a positive, productive manner.
Maybe you need to relax and think about your own business. I am not talking about the game anymore. There are things more important than gaming, even if it could be hard to understand for a neurotipic mind.
Joined: Sep 2017
No need to lash out, buddy. Only trying to help ya  Edit: More importantly, trying to help the wishes for Italian translation and its discussion to be seen in a more positive, receptive light so that it might have a better chance of being heard and taken seriously. If you're not talking about the presence or lack thereof of Italian localization in Baldur's Gate 3, then it's off topic and sounds more like a dispute that you should resolve in private communications with whomever you're upset with and/or moderators.
Last edited by The Composer; 23/08/20 11:55 AM.
Joined: Aug 2020
Hello dear Larian Studios and cheers to all the fellow fans of the Baldur's Gate Series!
My name is Alessandro and I'm the founder of the community of "Baldur's Gate Italia", an unofficial fansite and discussion circle dedicated to this RPG series. We are so excited to see a new incoming game set in the world of Faerun!
We were informed of this thread in our Facebook group but, while the topic was very hot, I didn't have enough time to fully see what was happening and post anything here.
First of all, I want to apologize for those users who insulted other people. They are just a noisy minority and do not represent the italian community at all. We are a community based upon mutual respect and civil debating. We appreciate constructive criticism, but we reject childish squabbling! Many people got emotional for this matter, since not everybody speaks fluent english, thus having an italian localization might be very important in order to offer to many players the opportunity to enjoy a huge game such as this.
I hope that Larian Studios will know that the italian community is active, sincerely passionate and willing to discuss like adult people. :)
Last edited by Baldur's Gate IT; 23/08/20 11:59 AM.
You're an island of tranquillity in a sea of chaos.
Joined: Aug 2020
Sorry but it's a chain of mistakes, all in the same direction, quite difficult to believe When one mistake is caused by an earlier one, it tends to go in the same direction. Yes, I should have added "without being noticed by someone" But that's not important, it was just a consideration It's pretty much clear that trying to convince Larian about this matter is an exercise in futility. You do realise I can not make a unilateral decision about localisations, right? I can forward feedback / questions / sentiment to the people involved with the localisations, and after that is discussed, which could take some time, I may or may not have news, or that could be released more formally. Look, we have nothing against you, I think it's pretty clear to all of us that the problem is to be found at a higher level. Demonstrated also by the fact that they left you alone to handle all this situation.
We must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot. Abraham Lincoln, 1856.
Joined: Aug 2020
No need to lash out, buddy. Only trying to help ya  Edit: More importantly, trying to help the wishes for Italian translation and its discussion to be seen in a more positive, receptive light so that it might have a better chance of being heard and taken seriously. If you're not talking about the presence or lack thereof of Italian localization in Baldur's Gate 3, then it's off topic and sounds more like a dispute that you should resolve in private communications with whomever you're upset with and/or moderators. Agree. We need to keep focus on the topic
Joined: Jun 2014
It's pretty much clear that trying to convince Larian about this matter is an exercise in futility. You do realise I can not make a unilateral decision about localisations, right? I can forward feedback / questions / sentiment to the people involved with the localisations, and after that is discussed, which could take some time, I may or may not have news, or that could be released more formally. At this point, I can only reiterate my availability as a professional translator, not becuae I'm particularly enthused at the idea considering how unprofessional you were last time, but because i see my compatriot gamers have such strong feelings on it.
Joined: Aug 2020
No need to lash out, buddy. Only trying to help ya  Edit: More importantly, trying to help the wishes for Italian translation and its discussion to be seen in a more positive, receptive light so that it might have a better chance of being heard and taken seriously. If you're not talking about the presence or lack thereof of Italian localization in Baldur's Gate 3, then it's off topic and sounds more like a dispute that you should resolve in private communications with whomever you're upset with and/or moderators. You are absolutely right, I was going to write the same things
We must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot. Abraham Lincoln, 1856.
Joined: Aug 2020
No need to lash out, buddy. Only trying to help ya  Edit: More importantly, trying to help the wishes for Italian translation and its discussion to be seen in a more positive, receptive light so that it might have a better chance of being heard and taken seriously. If you're not talking about the presence or lack thereof of Italian localization in Baldur's Gate 3, then it's off topic and sounds more like a dispute that you should resolve in private communications with whomever you're upset with and/or moderators. It is not off topic if it is an ethic and rules violation occurred INSIDE this thread. You are not helping, nor I asked for your help. So thanks, but you can relax and come back to your usual, probably very boring, business. And no, since the discrimination was public and also Raze's answer was public, I don't understand why this issue has to be solved in private. And most of all I have already discussed in private and I want to go public with the unreceivable answers i got. I understand your mind only think about the game, but there also are other serious issues and sometimes you have to witness the discussion about it. I am sure it will be educational for many of you.
Last edited by Squesing; 23/08/20 12:07 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
Look, we have nothing against you, I think it's pretty clear to all of us that the problem is to be found at a higher level. Demonstrated also by the fact that they left you alone to handle all this situation.
Considering everything that is going on, between petition and this forum I totally agree with this. Dear Larian, we want Baldur's Gate in Italian and I assure you that our community is very large, we are many.
Last edited by Elledain; 23/08/20 12:33 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
And no, since the discrimination was public and also Raze's answer was public, I don't understand why this issue has to be solved in private. And most of all I have already discussed in private and I want to go public with the unreceivable answers i got. I hope that you means that you want to keep my replies public? Posting things from private conversations said in confidence is not acceptable, and is far more serious than juvenile insults. And the reply to your previous post on the last page of this topic: It is a matter of racism and discrimination and insulting autism that you are justifing. I didn't try to justify anything anyone else said. Free speech for discriminating autism? If you do not support free speech you disagree with, you do not support free speech. Also, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, But words will never hurt me". He even write me in private messages... Click a user name, View Profile, then click the Ignore button. Your answer is simply not human, stupid and not receivable. Shame on you. That is rather insulting and abusive for someone just finishing quoting the rules of conduct.