Joined: Aug 2020
I believe that perhaps the problem was only communicative. I'll explain. Swen perhaps should have been more cautious about going out of balance (perhaps even without warning his team members). Is it also likely that he was not very aware of the newspaper he was making those statements to? Everyeye is very popular in Italy, in addition to the fact that together with Multiplayer.it, it was the newspaper that most dealt with BG3 in Italy. Now I believe that things will not change for the moment, I don't see it as a matter of principle, but perhaps as a matter of timing. What we could discuss is whether it is possible to have the DEFINITIVE AND OFFICIAL CERTAINTY, to have an Italian translation at the release of full release 1.0 and not at the definitive edition after two years maybe.
Joined: Mar 2020
What features Sven hoped was certain to have in game months ago  I think, my friend, you don’t follow games enough to not trust anything you hear, unless it’s actually there on your computer.  though for usually careful and tight lipped Sven that was a blunder.
Joined: Aug 2020
come traducono in spagnolo, francese,tedesco ecc.. possono tradurre anche in ita senza problemi... il resto sono solo scuse!!
Joined: Aug 2020
What features Sven hoped was certain to have in game months ago  I think, my friend, you don’t follow games enough to not trust anything you hear, unless it’s actually there on your computer.  though for usually careful and tight lipped Sven that was a blunder. To be honest, given what they did in the past with Italian, I didn't trust Sven's interview. But after that I saw it confirmed on the forum by a different person, AND confirmed on Steam, AND confirmed on GOG. I'm sorry if I was naive, but at that point I believed it. Btw, I play games since Super Mario Bros on Nintendo 8bit 
We must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot. Abraham Lincoln, 1856.
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aspettano che prima o poi questo post muore MA NON LO FAREMO MORIRE MAI
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Joined: Aug 2020
Ragazzi, io capisco tutto.. ma Quanto tempo dobbiamo aspettare ancora per avere una semplice risposta? Si o No?
Guys, I understand everything .. but how long do we have to wait for a simple answer? Yes or no?
Last edited by Sirius_Bk; 04/09/20 01:45 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
Qualcosa mi dice che l'ultima dichiarazione di Raze sia sulla falsa riga di quella di Sven...The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
Last edited by Paradox17; 04/09/20 04:21 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
Guys, they are busy they have just announced the cost of Early Access ... 59.99 euros ... come on maybe in a few months they will remember us poor Italians ... maybe ...
Joined: Aug 2020
caruccio il giochino non finito ;-)
Joined: Aug 2020
Guardiamo il lato positivo, mal che vada sono 59.99 risparmiati
We must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot. Abraham Lincoln, 1856.
Joined: Aug 2020
Guys, they are busy they have just announced the cost of Early Access ... 59.99 euros ... come on maybe in a few months they will remember us poor Italians ... maybe ... I will spend that money for AC Valhalla or Cyberpunk, both with italian localization. I will not support a software house that keeps ignoring our country and language for decades now.
Last edited by Trynd; 05/09/20 08:42 AM.
Joined: Aug 2020
Guys, they are busy they have just announced the cost of Early Access ... 59.99 euros ... come on maybe in a few months they will remember us poor Italians ... maybe ... I will spend that money for AC Valhalla or Cyberpunk, both with italian localization. I will not support a software house that keeps ignoring our country and language for decades now. I agree... I really don't understand their position, they said it's not a money problem so what is?? I think they don't care and want have a free traduction from Italian traductors...
Joined: Sep 2017
Guys, they are busy they have just announced the cost of Early Access ... 59.99 euros ... come on maybe in a few months they will remember us poor Italians ... maybe ... I will spend that money for AC Valhalla or Cyberpunk, both with italian localization. I will not support a software house that keeps ignoring our country and language for decades now. I agree... I really don't understand their position, they said it's not a money problem so what is?? I think they don't care and want have a free traduction from Italian traductors... While a game is in development, a lot of text and dialogue is prone to undergo many changes, additions, removals, etc. It probably makes most sense to limit translations to a minimal degree until the material that needs translation is set in stone. Having to constantly translate and re-translate edits as development goes along is enough work with just English alone, any extra language on top of that imposes a lot more work on both those involved in translation directly, and supervisors / organizers and editors to divert extra time and effort into every extra translation. I imagine it's more of a "Make the game first, everything else after." sort of thing.
Joined: Aug 2020
Guys, they are busy they have just announced the cost of Early Access ... 59.99 euros ... come on maybe in a few months they will remember us poor Italians ... maybe ... I will spend that money for AC Valhalla or Cyberpunk, both with italian localization. I will not support a software house that keeps ignoring our country and language for decades now. I agree... I really don't understand their position, they said it's not a money problem so what is?? I think they don't care and want have a free traduction from Italian traductors... While a game is in development, a lot of text and dialogue is prone to undergo many changes, additions, removals, etc. It probably makes most sense to limit translations to a minimal degree until the material that needs translation is set in stone. Having to constantly translate and re-translate edits as development goes along is enough work with just English alone, any extra language on top of that imposes a lot more work on both those involved in translation directly, and supervisors / organizers and editors to divert extra time and effort into every extra translation. I imagine it's more of a "Make the game first, everything else after." sort of thing. Are you aware that this software house, since their first game released 18 years ago, never bothered to add italian localization in any of their games right? We have both DOS 1 and 2 translated only because a handful of skilled and "brave" volunteers offered theirselves to do this insane work for free, otherwise we would never had DOS games translated at all. Why should I expect that Larian will eventually add italian localization after they "made the game first, everything else after"?
Last edited by Trynd; 05/09/20 11:25 AM.
Joined: Aug 2020
limitare le traduzioni a un livello minimo? avete messo togliendo l'inglese 6 lingue..... livello minimo si intende 2 o 3 lingue non 6.... questo fa capire solo una cosa: paesi piu' grandi....piu' vendite... piu' soldi.... NON dirmi che il testo dell'EA non e' pronto perche' non ci credo e poteva essere tradotto tranquillamente da un team di italiani esterni!!
Last edited by CAGE; 05/09/20 11:42 AM.