Joined: Oct 2020
And also as a lifelong FR fan, I've never heard of "Seldarine Drow". What is that? Are they supposed to represent the redeemed Dark Elves? Why not just call them that instead? .
Not 100% on this as I think this is referencing some stuff that took place during the dark ages of 4E. If I remember the Drow's current appearance (black skin, pale eyes and white hair) is a result of some kind of magical effect from having dwelt in the underdark for so long. During 4E, Eilistraee's chosen Qilue Valthorn (spelling?) cast a spell that was intended to sever the connection between the drow in the underdark who didn't worship Lolth and whatever anthropomorphic force had caused this (not really clear on what that is), somehow the spell went wrong/was too powerful and it effected every drow not sworn to Lolth (including those who lived on the surface such as Eilistraee's worshippers) and transformed them back into the original subrace off elves who had followed Lolth when the Seldarine pantheon split (think they were just called ''Dark Elves"). Something happened later (not sure what but there doesn't seem to be any details in the various wiki's on this) that turned these Dark Elves back into Drow just in time for 5E to come around. As such (and I am guessing here) I would assume that Seldarine drow is the name used here for the former Dark Elves, turned Drow, turned Dark Elves, turned Drow... To be honest I'm not sure why we need two subraces here, as far as I can tell they are essentially identical and the only difference is fluff (worshipping the Seldarine or the Dark Seldarine). I can see how it might be useful to differentiate this (as there might be different reactions on the part of NPCs to worshippers of Lolth or Vhaeraun to those worshipping Eilistraee), but I would have thought this easier to implement via a "Choose your God" selection page during character creation rather than two separate races as similarly a Human worshipper of Torm would gett different reactions to one who worships Cyric.
Joined: Oct 2020
Guy on the right looks like he could bite the roof off of a truck.
I laughed out loud at this. Thank you for making my day.
Joined: Oct 2020
Congratulations, you’ve basically made the default Vault Dweller. What the hell guys. We gave you demon eyes, horns, and even tails. We are sorely disappointed.
So you bash your customer base for making characters they like and don't give them time to try out different types of character creations. What is your problem is your self crippling idea of identity politics so overwhelming that it offends you to the point you have to insult the people who keep you working in the high level of luxury Mr. million dollars a year salary.
Maybe instead of being a dick to the people who pay your bills you let them play whatever that makes them happy!
Joined: Dec 2014
Congratulations, you’ve basically made the default Vault Dweller. What the hell guys. We gave you demon eyes, horns, and even tails. We are sorely disappointed.
So you bash your customer base for making characters they like and don't give them time to try out different types of character creations. What is your problem is your self crippling idea of identity politics so overwhelming that it offends you to the point you have to insult the people who keep you working in the high level of luxury Mr. million dollars a year salary.
Maybe instead of being a dick to the people who pay your bills you let them play whatever that makes them happy!
Some people take themselves way too seriously and look for any opportunity to whine, I thought the remark was funny.
-Agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
Joined: Jun 2014
Congratulations, you’ve basically made the default Vault Dweller. What the hell guys. We gave you demon eyes, horns, and even tails. We are sorely disappointed.
So you bash your customer base for making characters they like and don't give them time to try out different types of character creations. What is your problem is your self crippling idea of identity politics so overwhelming that it offends you to the point you have to insult the people who keep you working in the high level of luxury Mr. million dollars a year salary.
Maybe instead of being a dick to the people who pay your bills you let them play whatever that makes them happy!
Well, you only have 1 post and you managed to make a complete fool of yourself with just that. I think that's a new record here. Congrats! Please, do move forward to your next imaginary grievance.
Joined: Oct 2020
Definition of humor
(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : that quality which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous : a funny or amusing quality Try to appreciate the humor of the situation. b : the mental faculty of discovering, expressing, or appreciating the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous : the ability to be funny or to be amused by things that are funny a woman with a great sense of humor c : something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing The book is a collection of American humor. not a fan of the comedian's brand of humor
You make a choice to be offended. It isn't a right.
Last edited by jrf773; 12/10/20 03:59 PM.
Is this thing on?
Joined: Jun 2014
I sincerely hope that NO ONE at Larian is even entertaining the idea of apologising over the Vault Dweller comment. Seeing all the cretinous idiots in meltdown over it is way too fun.
Joined: Oct 2020
I sincerely hope that NO ONE at Larian is even entertaining the idea of apologising over the Vault Dweller comment. Seeing all the cretinous idiots in meltdown over it is way too fun. agreed. they shouldn't apologize because the "perpetually pissed off" brigade has decided "THIS IS AN INNNNNNSULT!"
Joined: Jun 2014
I sincerely hope that NO ONE at Larian is even entertaining the idea of apologising over the Vault Dweller comment. Seeing all the cretinous idiots in meltdown over it is way too fun. agreed. they shouldn't apologize because the "perpetually pissed off" brigade has decided "THIS IS AN INNNNNNSULT!" The "fake outrage" brigade of alt-right trash, indeed.
Joined: Oct 2020
Hello, first of all I would like to congratulate you for finally returning with a game that I love so much, and that even though I played all the other games of the same style for a long time I didn't feel on a live "board". But not everything is perfect, you are covering the whole and forgetting details that make the game even cooler, such as weapons with scabbards and hanging from the character's belt, as seen in pillars. You have the unique chance to create something magnificent taking advantage of what has been done well over the years, everything that has been perfected in other titles, whether in narrative or graphic details, all of which helps to make the game richer, and I'm sure that you will change many things and will change for the better, I bought the game and finished it, of course I know that it should not be even 10% of the content that you are planning for the game. But it was possible to get an idea of all the potential you have. Another thing that could come back that was also used in other titles were the scrolls telling the story where we saw a drawing of a group of heroes, that gave a sense of enormous depth to the game.
Is there a possibility of a body editor? create stronger or thinner bodies?
Sorry for the boldness in proposing some things, but I really love this franchise for many personal reasons and I would like to see it once again at the top and I hear a lot of complaints from people who are not going to come here to write any line, and I decided for the first time to write for a company, one that I admire so much.
I sincerely hope that every success can come to you for this new game.
Last edited by atrelegis; 13/10/20 04:26 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Greetings: I agree with atrelegis. Body adjustment should be included in the character creation. I have a battle cleric and I definitely want it to look a lot buffer, for example: Druid Halsin. It makes me sad that the NPC always looks cooler than my character. Why can't we adjust our character's body mass like that buff druid. It's kinda unfair. I really hope Larian accepts our idea, or at least give us some sort of feedback that they at least read the post.
Joined: Sep 2017
Please allow you to make a full party of custom characters without needing other people to borrow clients.
Joined: Oct 2020
I think it's pretty obvious human with normal features came up as the result of taking the mode of all choices. A lot of players will have at least one human, but it's very unlikely that a player is going to make every single sex/race/etc combination. Just on skin tone, BECAUSE there are so many different choices, the likelihood that a player will pick any one "unusual" skin tone is fairly low. And yeah, obviously was a joke and it didn't bother me at all.  I started off trying to remake one of my D&D characters. I think appearances-wise, it worked out. Mechanics-wise, I'll have to wait for feats and more Cleric domains and play again. And I do plan on playing it again with another character, or several. Thanks for all the options.  BTW for people out there, body adjustments (especially height or limb length) often cause clipping and animation issues, and the stretching that clothes does over these bodies with uncertain proportions makes it look like metal is made out of rubber and lowers the overall quality.
Joined: Oct 2020
I sincerely hope that NO ONE at Larian is even entertaining the idea of apologising over the Vault Dweller comment. Seeing all the cretinous idiots in meltdown over it is way too fun. agreed. they shouldn't apologize because the "perpetually pissed off" brigade has decided "THIS IS AN INNNNNNSULT!" The "fake outrage" brigade of alt-right trash, indeed. Actually it's "woke gamer journos" that picked it up and ran with it, focusing in on how the "vault dweller" is white and there wasn't enough "diversity" and "representation". Personally I found the comment funny. I forget where I saw it but it made sense "We're playing in an alien world, so we make a figure of ourselves for something to relate to in an alien world". I thought that was pretty on point, not everyone will choose tieflings, drow, dwarves, elves or even half elves. But to make such a big deal over it is pretty ridiculous.
Joined: Jun 2014
I sincerely hope that NO ONE at Larian is even entertaining the idea of apologising over the Vault Dweller comment. Seeing all the cretinous idiots in meltdown over it is way too fun. agreed. they shouldn't apologize because the "perpetually pissed off" brigade has decided "THIS IS AN INNNNNNSULT!" The "fake outrage" brigade of alt-right trash, indeed. Actually it's "woke gamer journos" that picked it up and ran with it, focusing in on how the "vault dweller" is white and there wasn't enough "diversity" and "representation". Personally I found the comment funny. I forget where I saw it but it made sense "We're playing in an alien world, so we make a figure of ourselves for something to relate to in an alien world". I thought that was pretty on point, not everyone will choose tieflings, drow, dwarves, elves or even half elves. But to make such a big deal over it is pretty ridiculous. Nah, it's your friendly Proud Boys who were outraged. The "vault dweller" was a comment by larian. And it was tge right wingers who were all pissy, at least on Steam.
Joined: Oct 2020
I sincerely hope that NO ONE at Larian is even entertaining the idea of apologising over the Vault Dweller comment. Seeing all the cretinous idiots in meltdown over it is way too fun. agreed. they shouldn't apologize because the "perpetually pissed off" brigade has decided "THIS IS AN INNNNNNSULT!" The "fake outrage" brigade of alt-right trash, indeed. Wrong it was a Kotaku staff writter that was pissy about it an made a big deal out of nothing . The vault dweller thing was funny.
Joined: Jun 2014
I sincerely hope that NO ONE at Larian is even entertaining the idea of apologising over the Vault Dweller comment. Seeing all the cretinous idiots in meltdown over it is way too fun. agreed. they shouldn't apologize because the "perpetually pissed off" brigade has decided "THIS IS AN INNNNNNSULT!" The "fake outrage" brigade of alt-right trash, indeed. Wrong it was a Kotaku staff writter that was pissy about it an made a big deal out of nothing . The vault dweller thing was funny. Wrong, there were plenty of alt right trashcans, some even here, who complained about the vault dweller thing. Largely on Steam.
Joined: Oct 2020
You are an extremely toxic person FYI
Joined: Oct 2020
agreed. they shouldn't apologize because the "perpetually pissed off" brigade has decided "THIS IS AN INNNNNNSULT!"
The "fake outrage" brigade of alt-right trash, indeed. Wrong it was a Kotaku staff writter that was pissy about it an made a big deal out of nothing . The vault dweller thing was funny. Wrong, there were plenty of alt right trashcans, some even here, who complained about the vault dweller thing. Largely on Steam. What is this vault Dweller thing? Can you summarize it please? Also on topic. Hey Larian, I know I sound like a broken record but if you guys could give us some body options that would be really cool of you. Nothing too extreme! Just some morphs to give a character a more muscular or plump look in addition to what we have now. It feels odd trying to create a big female warrior when she has the same body as my mage character. Or a big male warrior and a scrawny old wizard character. And of course body tattoos, scars, piercing for the face, jewlery and anything custom and race specific like Lloth earings for Drows. That would be mighty cool of you to implement.
Last edited by Eddiar; 16/10/20 08:19 PM.