Joined: Oct 2020
I sided with Minthara. No matter what I do she keeps telling me there are more to slay during the grove raid. I killed Kagha outside of druid rooms, the rest of druids was locked behind the stone door "from the inside" I used back corridor to kill them too and it did not help. I also killed thieflings hidden behind the stone door. Nothing helps. Minthara just stands inside thieflings cave claiming there are more. But there are none. And even if they would be I don't think I should be oblidged to find the last hidden tiefling to "win", she somehow "magically" feels.
Last edited by Yglika; 24/10/20 08:11 PM.
I don't possess a magical gift, I'm the magic itself.
Joined: Oct 2020
A save bug once I came out of a cut scene with the goblin ambushers. I had a "can't save duing cutscenes. We are working on this feature." Something along those lines. It forever breaks saving.
Joined: Oct 2020
I did a search for this, and couldn't find anything, but you can jump to your death at the start of the game. When you get to the front of the Natulis, you can attempt to jump down below the first set of cannons by the stairs. Do it right and you'll jump to the below deck, through that deck, and then to your death. Here's a video of the death: https://youtu.be/C918RxIwk7M
Joined: Oct 2020
When my friend joins multiplayer, he ends up in a npc and not in the character he made. A better way to select which players control each character and a better way to include and exclude members from your active party would be appreciated.
Also, you cannot remove created characters from the party, even if there are two of them.
Joined: Sep 2019
Multi-Player bug with a companion that will not speak with anyone. After loading a save game we have an issue with Shadowheart where she wants to speak with someone (Exclamation over her head) but will not speak to any player character and tells us she is for someone else or that she does not want to talk. But at rest, it still warns us she wants to. In the single-player run it worked fine. Not sure if it will work itself out or will be quest breaking.
Joined: Jun 2020
Spoke to Kagha,,first scene when at when she was questioning the girl., Had Guidance on and to save the girl my saving throw was 14, I rolled a 14 and it was stated I failed. I rolled again using inspiration dice, and this time rolled 15, still claimed I failed. Reloaded, tried again this time I got 17 so passed. Sane thing happened when speaking to thefling that wanted to kill goblin sazza.(image of this issue below
Image of Bloodstone is now gone(question mark symbol) after recent patch.
Last edited by voncastein; 25/10/20 07:03 AM. Reason: more info
Joined: Oct 2020
My Level 2 rogue umm found a certain item in the pocket of a cleric banging on a door on the beach. the cleric was rude enough to not be invited to play together, and the rogue was unable to pick the lock from either side of the door, nor a couple of other locks near to (side)story events around the druid enclave. I'm guessing it was probably the pickpocketing that did it, as that was the more storyline breaking thing, rather than getting enough XP to level on the nautiloid. The cleric never even noticed the loss of the item and was still playing with it later in the grove.
Joined: Oct 2020
Necromancy of Thay
Had Astarion in my party when finding it and, of course, he wanted it. At some point, I had him try to read it. Passed the first test, but then failed the second one. Instead of concentrating on it, decided to keep moving and come back to it later after his madness wore off (not knowing it was a one-shot thing). Here's where the bug comes in: if I have Astarion try to open it, the narration says the book will not open, but it's a black screen. If I try to open it myself, the narration says the book will not open, at least not for me, and the animation is there, but sticks. Nothing works to exit the 'dialog'.
Not sure if this is intentional, but Whispers of Madness had no out-of-combat effect. (Also yet another status with no icon.)
Lastly, I tried using Guidance cantrip on the original rolls to assist on the check, but it did not show up.
Shiny Chest in Druid GroveThe scroll inside is |Basic Mage Scroll| and does nothing. To say this was a disappointment is an understatement. Spiders in Goblin AreaI feel like it's a problem to default to the 'I want to eat you' dialogue after fighting alongside and healing the spiders enough that they are green. Reanimated Dead - GlutOi, these things. They do not follow, even when there are no barriers/obstacles--or do so at random/when they feel like it. Glut loses the animating spores after reanimating a Myconid. The positions of the bonus actions is off on at least the Bulette and the Hook Horrors, so that they overlap the 'character' avatar in the middle, and therefore become un-clickable. If you have the Bulette as a raised minion and have it burrow, he remains a minion, but will never act or surface again. And let's not forget the stupid crazy attacks that both these things get, but somehow no longer have access to once raised (the Bulett has acid and bite, but they do far, far less damage than what they did to your party). Other random things:Potion of Superior Healing - I used the one that looks like a regular potion of healing (I mentioned it in an earlier post), and it functioned just like a regular potion and not what it says it is. Absolute Power - no icon currently Rapport Spores - no icon currently Roasted Dwarf Belly - two of these are inedible (right click -- eat not an option) Fire Bottle - no icon currently Spores - anything spore related pretty much doesn't have an icon of its own yet. Viridian crystal - seems to have two classifications and two listed weights, but they weigh the same, despite one of them saying '0' Raw steaks - unable to eat these (even as Astarion) Whole chicken - there is one that looks like a pork shoulder instead. Water - listed as a drink, but cannot drink any except cup of water. Guidance Cantrip - this really doesn't function with the RAW the way it is currently used in the game. If I know I'm going to have multiple checks, I should be able to choose when to use the extra d4. Animal Friendship - casting this should not be considered an attack when it's meant to be friendly and just increase charisma bonuses, if applicable. I don't know about other animals, but it was classified as an attack when cast on Deep Rothé. Spike the Torturer & Charm - does not do anything to assist with checks.
Joined: Oct 2020
Necromancy of Thay
Animal Friendship - casting this should not be considered an attack when it's meant to be friendly and just increase charisma bonuses, if applicable. I don't know about other animals, but it was classified as an attack when cast on Deep Rothé.
Eh... dunno if that is really a bug as Animal Friendship doesn't grant any charisma bonuses at all. RAW in 5e: This spell lets you convince a beast that you mean it no harm. Choose a beast that you can see within range. It must see and hear you. If the beast’s Intelligence is 4 or higher, the spell fails. Otherwise, the beast must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for the spell’s duration. If you or one of your companions harms the target, the spells ends.
In game: Charm a beast and convince it you mean no harm.
Prerequisite: the beast cannot have an intelligence of 4 or higher. The spell ends if you or one of your companions harms the beast.
Save: Wisdom
And it takes an action to do, so you'll lose your attack action if in combat. In combat it's meant as a crowd control, and outside of combat it has it's story uses. It's one of those spells when used outside of combat, if the animal passes it's WIS check, the DM has discretion as to what the animal does (become hostile or not), thus counting it as an attack or not. And I'd say Larian, as the DM of this game, has choosen to make it count as an attack.
Last edited by halo00to14; 25/10/20 06:14 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I respectfully disagree.
If I want to talk to an animal (in this case, with INT 2 -- 4 is max for the spell) and potentially affect social checks, then this is the spell to use. If the spell succeeds, then the beast is Charmed. If you Charm something/someone, you do get bonuses to social ability checks. The RAW say nothing about a failed attempt being seen as a threat or attack; only that it knows it was Charmed once the duration ends.
As far as the Larian DM--there was no saving throw shown on the Deep Rothé when I cast it. The casting was simply seen as an attack, which is kinda wtf. Perhaps they assume it's a spell only used in combat, but that's not the case. I can toss this part into the suggestions area, though, if Larian is treating a charm spell as an attack when used out-of-combat.
Last edited by Dragnsfire; 26/10/20 08:23 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Charmed condition offers no increased charisma bonus, just advantage: A charmed creature can’t Attack the charmer or target the charmer with harmful Abilities or magical Effects.
The charmer has advantage on any ability check to interact socially with the creature.
I think you are confusing charmed condition effect with the Charmed Person spell, since the spell uses the term Charisma. But it's just advantage, not a Charisma bonus. From the game: Magically charm a humanoid that you can see. A Charmed creature can't harm the charmer, and the charmer has advantage on Charisma checks against the creature.
And the RAW for a lot of spells don't really mention what happens if a save is failed on a non-attack spell, BECAUSE for story reasons. A real world example (I know, I know, fantasy world, video game, whatever) it'll be like you walking into a bull pen, that's holding an angry bull, and trying to befriend the angry bull. The bull can ignore you and just stay there, walk away, or charge at you. In the Deep Rothe case, it succeed it's save throw, had the wisdom to know that something around them was doing something to them that it doesn't like, and that someone isn't it's normal handler (if there was a handler), and attacked at the first thing it saw. there was no saving throw shown on the Deep Rothé when I cast it.
Now that's a bug right there! Not showing a saving throw occurring/happening. So, what it sounds like happened is you used Animal Friendship, the Deep Rothe passed it's saving throw, but the screen did not show a saving throw was being done, the beast became hostile. With the bug being no saving throw being made was shown.
Joined: Oct 2020
Now that's a bug right there! Not showing a saving throw occurring/happening.
So, what it sounds like happened is you used Animal Friendship, the Deep Rothe passed it's saving throw, but the screen did not show a saving throw was being done, the beast became hostile. With the bug being no saving throw being made was shown. I now feel like I should test this on all animals in the game... >.>
Joined: Oct 2020
Game breaking bug: All PC and NPC models (live and corpses) are invisible (you can only see the weapon they have equipped). The models do show up in dialogue cutscenes, but they are in default model positions with missing torsos. I don't know if there are further problems as not seeing the models has made the first combat impossible to figure out what's going on. I'm not the only person experiencing this problem ( https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=716898#Post716898). Version: Baldur's Gate 3 (GOG-Early access build v4.1.84.2021) OS: Windows 10 (ver 2004 build 19041.572) CPU: Ryzen 9 3900X GPU: Asus ROG Strix 1070 (driver ver 456.71) (the only weird thing in my computer setup that might be unusual is that I specify a custom game directory (D:\Games\GOG)...if some of the model path references are hard coded they might not be loading from the right directory?)
Last edited by Lyrik; 26/10/20 04:15 PM. Reason: added note to the bottom
Joined: Oct 2020
The loading times are really bad around the burning mansion at Waukeen's Rest. Likely due to the high amount of fire particle effects. Graphics and objects also took a while to load in afterwards. I also got stuck in turn-based mode which may be related to the lag. If you pick up a water barrel and drop it on fire, so it breaks immediately it will look as though the barrel is still there, yet it is uninteractable https://imgur.com/a/dpjGP1oIn the quest Resuce the trapped man, I did not have to help Benryn. I entered his room and he ran right out of the room and out the main entrance before I could get to him. The beam he was trapped under may have been destroyed by fire damage. In Rescue the trapped man when you speak to Benryn after finding the dowry it gave me two identical dialogue options saying "That dowry? I'm keeping it." https://imgur.com/a/mkpJ5z3I don't know if this is the same for all items that you can't wear. But on the dead Flaming Fist Mercenaries by the Githyanki patrol, I could not pick it up if with a character that doesn't have the proficiency. Yet I can press 'equip' which picks it up instead After avoiding the fight with the Githyanki patrol through the Mouth a silent command to Lae'zel:'play along', the quest does not update and Lae'zel says "Search the bodies. We might find a way to the crèche." as if I had thought them When loading one specific save I was stuck in the dialogue UI despite not being in dialogue, preventing me from doing anything. I saved right before triggering the cutscene with the Githyanki patrol, which is likely what caused this. I was also in dialogue right before saving.
Joined: Oct 2020
Previous findings: - After pickpocketing the antidote from Nettie a cutscene plays where she acts like I convinced her to give it to me in spite of having already failed those persuasion checks. - Instead of speaking to "Ornate Mirror" to get access to the Necromancer's book (Search the Cellar Quest) you can simply walk through the mirror. - When in combat you can run into a room and close the door, enemies will attack the door instead of simply opening it. Similarly if you put a chest or other obstacle in the doorway, enemies will not climb over or move the object. - You can repeatedly pickpocket npc's, even if you fail pickpocket rolls, and npc's will not react to your theft. - You can steal a merchants entire stock and sell it back to them, and they do not notice that they are buying back their own items. (They should notice right...?) - Guidance spell doesn't seem to work. I don't see any bonus in dialogue rolls or any option to apply the bonus to that particular ability check. *This seems to be fixed - Not sure if this is a bug, but I killed ALL THE GOBLINS in the goblin camp, killed the Drow, killed that war chief guy, killed the spiders, killed basically everything... Then came back to tell Halsin that he's good to go, watched him turn into a mouse in the middle of a puddle of fire and immediately die. Also we need a facepalm emoji for situations like this...
Wanted to add some additional findings: - After killing Auntie Ethel a non hostile version of her spawns back at her cauldron: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.gyazo.com/86fe7b8dc04c3bed7da3c59c60dca468.png) - There's a typo with html showing in the Druid Tenant's book: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.gyazo.com/c06cf466fcc20b5fcd3d7a3878dd383c.png) - Dream sequences don't play if you don't use Ithillid powers. Probably not a bug, but easy to miss if you're playing a good cleric who doesn't want to use corrupt mindflayer powers. For most of the playable EA portion of the game I didn't realize I was missing these scenes. - Noticed you can barter in the middle of dialogue with soon to be hostile enemies. I found some druegar in the underdark who I was able to buy all their scrolls/bombs prior to the fight, and they were then unable to use these items against me. Same with Sword of Justice, I bought the sword from him, killed him, then looted my money from his corpse. Similarly, I bought the boots off the deep gnome escaped slave, and my quest book said I got them off her corpse, but in reality she's still alive and happy. - Maybe not a bug but I was able to cure the deep gnomes poisoning with restoration before finding the antidote. This was after I died after throwing an antidote at her since I couldn't think of a way to get her to drink it and there was no dialogue option... Also, overreaction much? I threw an antidote not a bomb, and the whole place aggroed me... - By chance I picked Gale up the night before the party, and immediately he spilled the beans about his condition. In following days he acted like I didn't know his secret.
Joined: Oct 2020
I am not sure if this has been mentioned:
After killing the "God", and speaking to the Kuo-toa Priest. The conversation stops after a random companion speaks. The choices appear to continue, but you can not make a selection. All choices are null selections. So, at the moment, there's no clue as to how they would respond to the PC's command.
Joined: Oct 2020
Now that's a bug right there! Not showing a saving throw occurring/happening.
So, what it sounds like happened is you used Animal Friendship, the Deep Rothe passed it's saving throw, but the screen did not show a saving throw was being done, the beast became hostile. With the bug being no saving throw being made was shown. I now feel like I should test this on all animals in the game... >.> So, I just tested it on the Sacred Boar and the roll icon didn't show up, it just straight up charmed the boar. I'll be testing this further also.
Joined: Jan 2009
In the conversation with Nettie after she scratches you, if you succeed in the first Persuasion check, you get three options, two of which are Deception, and the other Intimidation. Clearly, from both tone and reaction, the first one should be Persuasion.
Joined: Oct 2020
Hope im in the right area but if I go afk the game crashes, I cant use direct x to try the game it just doesnt load the game, and the 1st time I played I had no issues with lag/teleporting on ultra settings and now I teleport lag out on the lowest settings......
Joined: Oct 2020
Duergar Fight / Spectator Fight - Massive BugsI discovered two game-killing bugs:
Bug #1 - Reanimated Gehk Coal: I finished the fight with the Duergar and, of course, couldn't resist reanimating the one that can also reanimate dead: Gehk Coal. Problem is that I initiated the fight in a stealthy manner by shoving him off his perch and down to the beach below. By doing this, I had skipped the dialog; I felt it was pointless since I intended to kill them. The problem with doing it this way is that the game doesn't recognise that he's dead since I reanimated him with the reanimated Myconid. If I go too close to where the dialog would initiate were he alive and well, it does so and then throws me into battle with him. Except not really, because he's blue and I control him. So I'm fighting nothing. (Thankfully, I had saved and could reload to just after the battle end with no problem, since I could just avoid that specific area.)
As a minor bug with him being reanimated, many times he had a brief dialog with me wherein I could offer him something to increase my reputation or simply leave.
Semi-related: Glut loses his access to the reanimation spores either after one use or after reanimating a Myconid--I was not sure which and will have to test it during another play-through. I have been unable to use his reanimate corpse ability since reanimating the Myconid.
Bug #2 -Gehk Coal's reanimated corpses vs. Spectator: That's where the next bug comes in. I though I'd be clever and take my army of undead to fight the Spectator/Drow. Unfortunately, I did not actually control the reanimated corpses (those raised using Gehk Coal's ability), and so I could not select them to have them jump over to the different rocks when I was making my way up there. You'd think they wouldn't be in combat being so far away, but you'd be wrong. Oh, so wrong. Despite them being so far away, the moment that Gehk Coal enters combat, so do they. And this causes huge problems. The combat sequence goes on the fritz, making the sound like it's switching between characters or someone entering combat, and the only avatar at the top of the combat is Spectator. During one attempt, I was able to get two of the reanimated corpses to jump over during combat turns, but I never did get control of the third, or of Glut (who was stuck behind because the reanimated corpses were standing in the way). On the second attempt, everything was great until I had Gehk Coal enter combat (had him enter stealthed so he could get an attack in). The second time I tried, I couldn't get control of anything and it was just stuck looping with the sound and flickering single combat avatar of the Spectator. It essentially killed the game, since I was unable to do anything and combat was just perpetually stuck.
And with the new patch, I get error 223. So... starting all over again. 
Last edited by Dragnsfire; 27/10/20 04:22 PM.