Joined: Oct 2020
I agree with the arguments listed in the 1st post.
I requested the same thing in another topic.
So +1 I probably missed it, but if you have additional arguments to throw on top of the pile feel free to quote your copy-paste your old post here. Nothing more to say. You're post give more arguments and is clearer than mine.
Joined: Oct 2020
I agree wholeheartedly. I played DOS2 and really disliked how they handled controlling your party. (or lack of control i should say) BG3 seems to have the exact same issue, causing my party members to: -damage/debuff/kill themselves on terrains like fire/acid etc. -trigger cutscenes, and failing throws in said cutscenes because they don't have the proper stats for it -trigger combat miles away from the rest of the party -falling into holes -separating from the party and getting stuck somewhere (which i often don't notice and have to lead that single party member back to the rest)
I suspect people who haven't played DOS2 will struggle A LOT especially with the "chaining party members together to control them all" mechanic. I also think a good idea would be bringing back selecting multiple characters by holding shift and clicking their portraits, much more handy. Also as many others said, I hope Larian improves pathfinding for npcs! Besides avoiding traps, my party seems to enjoy picking roundabout ways to get to a destination, which imo should not happen!
Please excuse my poor English, I'm not a native speaker! Thanks
Joined: Oct 2020
Fact is this is one of the few games where you use the left mouse button to move your character/s. In other games you use the right mouse button for that and with the left button you can easily select them by clicking or dragging. In my opinion this isn't a big issue to solve. At least i think it isn't.
Last edited by Albi; 09/10/20 01:05 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Fact is this is one of the few games where you use the left mouse button to move your character/s. In other games you use the right mouse button for that and with the left button you can easily select them by clicking or dragging. In my opinion this isn't a big issue to solve. At least i think it isn't. well, as you point yourself, that's not exactly an insurmountable obstacle.
Joined: Oct 2020
I agree. The DOS-system is kind of messy when it comes to controlling your party in real time mode.
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Jul 2014
I agree. The DOS-system is kind of messy when it comes to controlling your party in real time mode. It doesn't help that even their option to "switch to turn based at any any time" (beside being less than ideal when a couple of clicks should solve the issue with the traditional "RTS-like" controls) seems to take few full seconds before clicking in. Which once again makes its use vaguely cumbersome.
Joined: Oct 2020
fully agree, party movement is a pain...would prefer some option to select all and move them like that, drag mouse on screen to select all characters (the classic square) to move them or only select those characters I want by ctrl+click on their portrait. also pathing is terrible, when following the main character, they should not stand in 'bad" stuff on the floor (like those entangle plants in the old ruins)
1 good thing I noticed is that when all 4 characters are linked and i go into stealth with 1, the rest of them stay put. now if they could implement this when 1 char does a jump...that would be already better than running the long way around and getting into trouble somewheere else.
Joined: Aug 2020
One other frustrating thing about this way of handling movement that I noticed yesterday; after combat ends all your charcters converge on the leader. And that can be very frustrating because downed characters still roll death saves after combat. So in the post battle confusion it's easy to suddenly realize that one of your party is dying and not have a character close enough to reach them. Which means spending a finite resource (gold or a revivify scroll) to bring them back.
Joined: Feb 2020
It's totally a +1 for me.
I hate their system. Everyone is running everywhere in every surfaces... It's a mess when you have to place your companions with the chain mecanics... You separate, then you group again... One, or two, or more characters... The leader is changing everytime,.......
Anyway everything was said in the topic.
Larian's way of doing this is bad. It was in DoS and it definitely is in BG3.
Last edited by Maximuuus; 10/10/20 08:42 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I feel like when they were making D:OS, someone had this "really cool" idea for how to manage your party and never let it go.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm genuinely confused. Isn't the "control single character and have party follow" method how every 3d crpg has done things? That's how it was in NWN, NWN2, and Dragon Age Origins. I can't quite remember NWN2 control scheme,. But NWN and DA:O weren't really party games - NWN you controlled a single character and in DA it was the same - and I am pretty sure there was a more classical control style when going into tactical view. Either way, none of those games required anything more sophisticated - exploration was very basic and environment irrelevant. D:OSs (and BG3 from what I have seen) isn't like that - and it requires a fine micromanagement of your party members. Default Larian system simply isn't sufficient for it. Its not that it doesn't allow for fine control, but it far more clumsy when played that way - and I found it far easier to commit errors (classics being stealthing someone and forgetting to decouple him from companions so they rush to him once unstealthed or leaving someone behind). Ahh I am pretty sure there was a 4 party system in DA:O. I know that I would control all members of the party to get combos to work in difficult combats, Sure against none boss fights just let the AI control the rest of the party but in boss fights on higher difficulties I was ALWAYS taking control of the entire party in tactical mode. maybe that was just me. That said i think other games have handled party movement better than BG3. I think the system works great in combat but is clunky when transitioning into combat and clunky out of combat. i have been able to fine tune my party's tactical positions during combat with relative ease with the combat movement mechanics but outside of combat the OP is spot on. And as has been mentioned above the transition into combat is terrible.
Last edited by Gothfather; 10/10/20 11:03 AM.
Joined: Feb 2020
It's totally a +1 for me.
I hate their system. Everyone is running everywhere in every surfaces... It's a mess when you have to place your companions with the chain mecanics... You separate, then you group again... One, or two, or more characters... The leader is changing everytime,.......
Anyway everything was said in the topic.
Larian's way of doing this is bad. It was in DoS and it definitely is in BG3. Takes forever to regroup, even the first time Sven showed the game, he had problems with it. 
Joined: Oct 2020
Sorry for the blunt title, I tried a more polite "Honest feedback: I don't like the way Larian defaults control of the whole party" but I ran out of characters half way through the sentence.
Aaaanyway, back to the topic.
This control based on the position of a single character with all companions defaulting on auto-follow is genuinely cumbersome when you compare it to pretty much any other RPG in the same subgenre: the old BG games, Torment, Icewind Dale, Temple of Elemental Evil, Pillars of Eternity, Pathfinder, etc., where you simply cliclck and drag to select multiple characters, keep them in a formation you can rotate dragging the cursor and you can quickly send each one of them in different direction with ONE click.
There are several problems with the Larian solution:
- it's slower to use properly when precision is required. - it's less accurate. - it's a mess that turns into a comedic skit with idiots running randomly anywhere in any situation where you need to give everyone QUICK instructions on where to position. - that mess can be deadly when there are combat triggers and/or traps around.
I can't honestly think of a single excuse to defend this "innovative" system they introduced since DOS1 in comparison with the above-mentioned titles.
I have to ask my fellows forum dwelllers: is there ANYONE who actually likes the Larian system the most? And if that's the case can that good soul (may the gods have mercy on him) tell us WHY?
You've read my mind! I can't understand why Larian hasn't add party formations. I hate the fact that my main character (who's a wizard) goes always goes head first in battle. I can't reposition my wizard behind the group to minimize casualtize. You can do it in the Original BG games, why can't we do it for BG3? It seems like a simple fix.
Joined: Jul 2014
[quote=Maximuuus] Takes forever to regroup, even the first time Sven showed the game, he had problems with it.  When you struggle to deal with your own design, THAT should be your tell that maybe your system is not as brillant as you thought it would be on paper.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yeah, it's annoying. Especially when you play a rogue.
Joined: Oct 2020
+1 I was a forum noob and just posted my own thread about this but I'm in the same boat - leading my party everywhere with a squishy wizard??? and it totally sets you up for horrible fights when your party is constantly crammed into a straight line going into combat
Joined: Feb 2020
Is it really necessary for the characters to stop in one place, when I click on any ability in exploration mode?
In combat I understand, but when I explore it is a bit strange. I think, that it would be nice if we could just give the commands more dynamically.
Clicking on portrait and casting buff is also something, that is not working.
Last edited by Minsc1122; 10/10/20 07:02 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Is it really necessary for the characters to stop in one place, when I click on any ability in exploration mode?
In combat I understand, but when I explore it is a bit strange. I think, that it would be nice if we could just give the commands more dynamically.
Clicking on portrait and casting buff is also something, that is not working. Not exactly related to the topic at hand, but... Isn't like a general D&D rule that spell can't ever be casted in movement?
Joined: Oct 2020
This was also probably the most frustrating thing about DOS2.