Joined: Oct 2020
Hello there! Here I’ve compiled a list of glitches, bugs, concerns, and the reasons I believe they may have occurred/what I did directly before they happened. I’m enjoying the game when it’s playable, so anything to push it forward to that 1.0 is my pleasure.
********* Glitches ********* - Characters mouths not moving during conversations, namely a few circumstances being Lae’Zels speaking portions in the opening portion of the illithid Nautiloid.
- Characters models glitching through other objects
- Anything like hair, tentacles, ropes, etc spastically freaking out and flying all over the place (eg. when the illithid tells us to use the ships navigation)
- Pressing the button to proceed past the illithid ship in the game progression completely crashed the game
- No frame lag but occasionally screen jittering and freezing for extended periods of time (happened primarily in the opening ship)
- Loading Bar taking no time whatsoever in single player but taking 26 minutes in multiplayer.
- Friend loaded in multiplayer on a save that wasn’t initially created in multiplayer, could see through the entirety of the map. (Around the time when you try to persuade the 3 fishermen out of the mind flayers control)
- Friend got stuck in “in dialogue” mode despite not being in dialogue, disabled us from saving the game and had to reload. (This was around the time where we got the wizard Gale and levelled up)
- Reloading mid combat completely crashed my friends game (the joiner) and had me stuck on a loading screen infinitely (the host) (this happened after getting into the combat right after falling down a hole we created in the chapel)
- Multiplayer combat lags excessively, with our party members sometimes being a good 1 to 2 minutes apart as actions are happening, sometimes even longer.
- Killing an enemy who is currently inside a door that was closed on them will cause their body to spastically go all over the place (quite comedic, happened in the hole you create in the chapel)
- Throughout the game various graphics glitches make things look unpolished or untextured with clay like looks to them (Eg. when the hobgoblin captain overlooks the burning ship in the sky, the entire tower, wall, and ledge hes standing on suddenly have a worse texture and resolution.)
- My damaging weapon (a long sword) was a 1d10+3 weapon, yet somehow sometimes I would do 2 damage? Which is mathematically impossible.
- Animations sometimes either don’t play, glitch out (TPosing characters) or are janky (the drow lady turning away from the hob goblin captain with a snap, the dragon landing on the illithid ship while stuck in a standing model, etc.)
*********** Concerns *********** - Switching items in inventory should be easier, as far as I’ve found you can’t put your currently equipped character menu right next to your inventory like you could in Divinity 2, and if you can it’s not easily explained anywhere.
- I have the luxury of being both a D&D player and a Divinity player, so picking up the mechanics of this game weren’t that difficult, but my girlfriend who isn’t either of those things found it near impossible to learn as there isn’t adequate tutorials that are very clear to see. (There are tool tips but they show up in the top right corner below the map, are hard to see, and only go over very basic mechanics.)
- Having the other party members be included during conversations would be a very nice addition, rather than have them walk around or stand blatantly in the background of the cinematic dialogue shot. Especially in circumstances where our character is clearly in trouble (like when the mind flayer gets you to lie down so it can eat your brain) they don’t step in to help or even comment on it.
- Clearly showing how certain stats effect items, rolls, or otherwise would be very nice especially for people who don’t have the uses of those stats engrained in their brains like me. For example, possibly putting the actual DC of the roll above the dice and then having a +3 (or whatever the mod is) next to it would be good, instead of having to mouse over the DC to see what’s bringing it down to that point.
- Implementing an optional grid system would also be very helpful to try and curb the auto movement systems glitches and bugs. It would also help some people plot out their movement and attacks much easier because they would have visual reference. An alternative could also be a hex system for more freedom of movement in the 3D environment.
I’ll make sure to add in any more that I find while playing this game to keep you updated on anything I find that’s game breaking or buggy, or anything that might help the game be more ergonomic or immersive! Love the work yall do!:)
Sincerely, an avid gamer.
Joined: Oct 2020
If anyone else has any to add to the list feel free!
Joined: Oct 2020
This is a great list, the weapon damage specifically I've seen a lot. I have a Quasit familiar whose claw attack does 2d4+0 damage, yet consistently does 1 damage to enemies.
Additional Concerns ***********
The jumping mechanic, especially for followers. This is not a feature we had is DOS2 so it never came up, but if I have a group of 4 with an animal companion and a familiar, I have to individually make each one of the six jump over a gap to proceed. In addition, I have to be sure the group that has jumped over already is out of the way, or else there is no room. It is a very cumbersome mechanic and I hope they find a way to streamline it.
Joined: Oct 2020
- Only being able to do one short rest per long rest really breaks the Warlock Class IMO, should probably be at least 2 (if not 3) short rests per long rest for balance reasons... Alternatively if long rests stay unlimited and penaly free... have "short rests" occur automatically after every battle.
- There doesn't seem to be any way to view a character's skills or profiencies... at least not as far as I have been able to find.
- There is a general lack of information when it comes to picking spells or subclasses... or even races. Do drow/half drow still get Faerie Fire and darkness at level 3? Cant really tell when picking races.
Last edited by Wxdude77; 08/10/20 05:47 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Glad to see people adding to the list, hopefully Larian uses these suggestions/found bugs to their advantage!
********************************** Concerns & Suggestions Cont. ********************************** - Descriptions for spells, feats, class features, and abilities should be the same as if they were in normal D&D 5E (obviously changed slightly to fit with any changed game mechanics) but with the same level of descriptiveness and information. Without this, it makes it a lot harder to plan things out, figure out a reasonable outcome I can expect from certain abilities, spells, etc.
- Optionally, players should be able to have a more informative UI with all numbers being used in the background (like their ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws) being shown in either a log or directly next to the place where they are being rolled.
- If a creature has resistance or immunity to a damage type, it should be clearly shown in some visual (or textual) way to allow players to KNOW why their attack only did one damage, two damage, etc when it mathematically doesn’t make sense, else they may think it’s a bug or continue using that obviously not useful attack on the enemy.
- One I’ve commonly heard but will state here, disengage and jump should be two separate options. Some people argue it was that way in DOS2, but even that was a special ability only the way finder got after finding a skill book for it, which took at least 3 action points if I’m not mistaken. In D&D, it’s a full action (and bonus action for specific classes like rogue for use in their method of fighting).
- Cantrips need to be a little toned down. I love the addition of surfaces that do different environmental effects. It was an aspect of DOS2 I adored. The problem is, with a spell like ray of frost, it not only does decent damage, has a chance to slow, but creates a slippery surface underneath an enemy which could knock them prone and take away their whole turn. That is very powerful for a spell I can spam with no repercussion or limitations besides action economy.
- Features for classes should be clearly visible for future levels, so that players can plan out their builds in a game that is highly dependent on whether or not your character is built well. Alternatively, make this optional for players so that some players don’t need to see it if they do not want to have those skills spoiled, or maybe even keep it secret until they’ve played a class once, so they can see them all before hand for a second run.
- Monsters with abilities that extend beyond what the normal D&D stat blocks gave them should be higher CR and look much different. It should be easy to discern them from the other versions of that monster either by name or by visuals so that a player can understand that that is a different beast theyre tangling with. For example, I’ve previously heard of an Ogre being able to use the sleep spell in the game thus far, which I believe makes them much more powerful. As such, they should be higher CR (or level in this case) and boast a much different look than normal ogres.
- Rogues should get advantage from being successfully hidden, enabling them to do a sneak attack (made from sneaking) additionally, that sneak attack should be available to the weapon in the off hand if the main hand misses, as it hasn’t been used more than once a turn.
************************* Optional Quality of Life *************************
- There should be an optional rule to allow for the use of a perception roll or investigation check to find objects around a room, or even just to have the narrator point out things you might miss at a first glance. It would add a lot more merit to those ability checks as they have in D&D proper, and would give a lot more opportunity for you to have a proper narrator explore the world around us in vivid detail in the way you want it explained! Having us make a perception check in a dungeon and revealing through the narrator the smells we smell there adds so much to the ambience and immersion.
- As much as it is a staple of Divinity to be able to inspect a creatures stats to plan against them, maybe have it optional that a player must make a successful check (Arcana, History, Nature, Religion, Insight, etc.) against that creature to figure out its weaknesses, and have those weaknesses clearly displayed rather than in a secondary hand window that isn’t visible at first glance without clicking through a couple menus.
- The previous suggestion would also allow for the inclusion of a beastiary, something I think that a game as diverse with monsters as dnd should definitely have so that players can reference back to information they found out about previous monsters in previous fights. It could also give incentive to have fights drag out longer so that players can learn more about how monsters they fight.
- Intiative could hypothetically show the numbers rolled for each character, or at the very least each PC, considering we technically rolled them. ****************************************************************************************
Joined: Oct 2020
In the basement of the Cathedral if you kill the enemy mage in the center of the chamber with the skull switch there is a chance the character model will flatten and stretch over a large area. Still can interact with the body, but its definitely interesting to have stumbled upon.
Joined: Oct 2020
I kind of like the jump. You typically can move about half your max movement with a jump and it only uses 1/4 of your movement. It's great to close a gap, and effectively position your team.
Joined: Oct 2020
I kind of like the jump. You typically can move about half your max movement with a jump and it only uses 1/4 of your movement. It's great to close a gap, and effectively position your team. Honestly fair enough! I like it for that aspect too, it can just feel like using it as a bonus action takes away one of the main aspects of a rogue being Cunning Action, which enables disengaging as a bonus action (among other things). Then again, you’re right, it allows for some creative positioning. If they can find an alternative for the rogue that would allow for them to have a useful cunning action I’d think that would be swell!
Joined: Feb 2020
So first I have a few requests to list I'd love to see - I'm very early in the game due to some glaring issues faced in the multiplayer that are impeding progress painfully, but I digress. -Let us talk to other player's companions. -Let us talk IC (In Character) to other players. -Add map pinging for communication -Ability to switch characters in-conversation (Switch speaker/PC addressed)
Now for the short few bugs: -Astarion is bugged as HELL. I recruit him, Player 2 tries to use him, all UI except for buttons in bottom left vanish and turn cannot be passed. Unless the player controlling him has another PC they can pass turn with at the same time, this is where you have to stop and load. My solution is to just not use him. -Player connecting to Host during combat not working upon several tests. -Frequent desync occurs during multiplayer combat. Sometimes characters are seen casting on loop. -Now and then upon joining conversations, the joining player is given a nice view of the character's boot or some scenery, but not the conversation. This generally fixes itself, however.
Last edited by Slippery Catfish; 08/10/20 07:48 AM.