Great game, as expected - I have high hopes for the end result.
I have to give feedback about my pet peeve. I think the DC requirements for many conversations is way too steep. I find it strange that even as a character with +3 Charisma modifier and proficiency in Persuation/Diplomacy, I still face very frequent 10 or 12+ roll requirements, which means that in that case the DC was 15/17+. These would be not trivial checks even much later on when we won't be level 2 anymore, let alone if you're not a Warlock (or Sorcerer/Paladin when they come) proficient at conversation.
Now some checks DC are appropriate, I certainly don't expect big reveals with anything less than 17+DC, but when it takes that to persuade every other bloke to see things your way - it really makes the whole thing a bit pointless, might not even have that conversation option really for 90% of characters/cases.
This almost mandates savescumming unless you want to miss big chunks of the story and more interesting outcomes, because even as charisma heavy character you face 60%+ failure rates on so many persuasions/deceptions. I also think there is an inherent issue there, as you are a 4 team party and for many spot/search checks to locate hidden objects, for instance, you effectively get to roll 4 times, so it balances out. For conversations, though - it's one roll and you're out.
So my feedback is - consider lowering conversation requirements DC by 2-3 points across the board - it would still be a difficult check, but at least you will have a bit of a more of a fighting chance there.