Joined: Sep 2017
I was literally going to make a post about this. I am so sick of the perpetually pissed off NPCs that always have to have the last word/be super clever and snarky.
Joined: Aug 2020
Companions aren't exactly fun at the start and that is as far as I have gotten. Whole idea of Game=Fun seems to be lost ? I keep running through the first 2 areas trying different classes but it is completely linear without much room for any sort of leeway to take a left and go off Larians plotted course. Everything in the Universe being hostile is not my idea of a good game of D&D. Removal of Alignment and changing the basic ruleset seemingly randomly makes for some weirdness. Feels a lot like DoS 2 and that is NOT good in my opinion. couldnt agree more hell its even got the "stereotypical good guild is evil in our game" trope in dos2 it was the paladin order, in bg3 its druid enclave.....dos2 was a good game but it wasnt dnd Hello, I am still at the beginning but when a flying mind flayer ship crashes and strange races and people with tadpoles in their minds appear, everyone tend to be more aggressive. A Gith in FR for example! That's way abnormal. Fisherman behaviour ( ifailed to convince them) was very real imo. Tieflings are friendly - they suffer the same probably, druids are acting in their own agenda and its ok. I did not see much deviation from Forgotten realms. Well about the druids, if you steal some books and look where you shouldn't you will find out that there is a logic behind it. It has actual bg roots. Haven't finished the quest yet but i get it. Every game uses lots of tropes anyway, Its how they are presented, connected, narrated is what matters in the end for me. If you want to see sterotypes you will find it everywhere. they are linked to shadow druids, also a shadow druid name from BGI is mentioned
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.
AMD Ryzen 7700X, 64GB Ram, Rtx 3080 12GB, lg-34GK950F-B,Logitech Z906 Thx.
Joined: Jun 2019
I agree, Game=Fun is the most important thing for me!
That is outrageous. Gaming is serious business, I'll have you know. I shall ban anybody who continues to suggest that they want something as frivolous as so-called... "fun". I am shocked and outraged; "back in my day", etc.  [quickly steps off Nimue_de's green lawn ...] Ha, it is indeed serious business for the developers and I appreciate the hard work they do ... I hope they have fun at least once in a while. Meanwhile, I shall remain lost in the mists of the unknowing.
Joined: Jul 2020
Hey, why be upset? Just give them what they deserve. They bite, you can bite as well. I could hit back every time so far. The writing is very good. Would be worse if they were "nice", but plotting behind my back. Just use them as meatshields and be grateful you don't have to fight alone.
Shadowheart, the Cleric girl may have an evil hidden agenda against Baldur's Gate, but so far heals my party and takes hits just like everyone else. She can be taken care later, so far is useful. She doesn't like me, but I don't expect that from any of them until I proven myself. Neutral is just fine.
Gale, the Wizard is just full of himself but kind of polite and funny as well. He has the best looks, and he knows that. But it's so terrible in fights. The freezing spell is good, but almost useless otherwise. It's always at lowest health and already died once. Nobody cared anyway.
The elf rogue is a trash being, but I need him alive, would be too good for him a quick death. So I'm just playing along for now, his time will come. And that will be fun.
That green fighter is okay. Weird of course, but I really don't care about his talking. Typical aliens. He can take 2-3 hits, and that's enough for my Ranger to kill 1-2, and that's all what matters.
We may cry when the time for saying goodbye comes, but so far no emo stuff in here. I wouldn't mind a friendly face as well, if can also fight properly, because these can't be trusted. Watch out during sleep and keep your weapons ready.
Joined: Nov 2015
Astarion sounds more like a sassy Liquid Snake to me. I dig it. 😂 I was speaking more literally. The way he says certain words and phrases has me wondering if Astarion and the Red Prince share a voice actor. That's the distraction. 
Joined: Nov 2019
What about auntie Ethel? She's super nice! Seriously though I disagree. The only one who's acted like a bitch towards my character was Shadowheart and I've got a feeling that was an act, as if she's trying to look more badass than she is.
Joined: Aug 2014
Well, Larian did get critique (unjustly so) for their whacky tone in D:OS. Which is one of D:OS strong suit in my opinion.
Joined: Aug 2020
Honestly I think the companions are all pretty reasonably characterized. Lae'zel does feel rough and hostile but that seems to be the Githyanki's thing, even then she's still my favourite character so far. Shadowheart seems guarded and disinclined to trust you or be open, but she generally holds her tongue and doesn't seem overtly hostile to my character for the most part. Gale seems chill and reasonable. Wyll is a lot of fun.
Joined: Aug 2017
i am playing the game, so far I meet some companions and some immigrants in a sanctuary afraid of the goblins outside and the fact that they are going to get kicked out by the druids that guard the sanctuary. Giving the situation everybody is in, I think they treat nice the protagonist and the harshness you may find is mainly due the stressful situation they are in. I also love the Githyanki character.
Joined: Oct 2020
Astarion sounds more like a sassy Liquid Snake to me. I dig it. 😂 I was speaking more literally. The way he says certain words and phrases has me wondering if Astarion and the Red Prince share a voice actor. That's the distraction.  He sounds a lot like Alkibiades from Assassin's Creed Odyssey as well.
Joined: Jul 2017
The main thing that pissed me off is I didn't have an option to draw my weapon and fight Astarion after he literally had a knife at my neck, YET that's an option for Gale who just teleported? Which I would understand since I'm playing a wizard myself. Astarion seems like bad fan-fic. Like i really wanted an option to just straight up kill him there because of his actions, yet it's not there. Fuck whoever wrote that piece of dialogue and the options you get.
Joined: Jun 2019
My general thoughts on the characters: 1) I hope that the ability to influence some of these character's personalities manifest's itself in the later Acts, at least if you've the Charisma and Persuade to support it. 2) The current one's suffer from special snowflake syndrome, though that isn't inherently bad in itself if they are mingled with a wider cast, it becomes a problem if they are *all* this way. It can feel like they're trying to steal the show from the PC. I think part of this might be because they're intended as origin characters, but still... since I believe Larian has said more characters will be implemented I'm hoping this gets drowned out. 3) Shadowheart should have her AC problem fixed. 4) I don't mind that they lean into edgelordism, but to echo point 2, this'll be a problem if the later additions turn out to be the same. I was literally going to make a post about this. I am so sick of the perpetually pissed off NPCs that always have to have the last word/be super clever and snarky. This.
Last edited by NineCoronas; 08/10/20 06:48 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yeah, The priest girl in my group annoys me to hell, but I need to keep her, you know, she's the priest... Also the githsomewhat is quite annoying. The mage guy is the one to approve my decisions the most, however it's the on not in group because I already am a spellcaster. I kinda like the vampire guy.
Interesting how the girls in the group are the most bitchy.
Joined: Sep 2017
I do not know if it´s because my character is female but Asterion is being very suave with her since the beginning. o.O Gale seems approachable when you actually talk to him in the camp. The others not so much.
In the streaming interview Swen already told us that those will be the companions in the evil spectrum, and encourages us to try to be bad. I assume that meant the other companions would be different than this ones. Maybe you have a rocky start so you can see for yourself that something changed later in the game when you have more approval? I hope to see changes in the future.
Joined: Oct 2020
I didn't realize this, but apparently Larian put out a community update where they purposely started the EA with all the asshole character to encourage an evil playthrough? Apparently they didn't have enough people playtest the evil choices for the DOS2 EA and want to get more feedback this time. That at least is a sensible explanation.
I plan on killing them all and playing as a good guy though, so joke's on them!
Joined: Apr 2016
Honestly I think the companions are all pretty reasonably characterized. Lae'zel does feel rough and hostile but that seems to be the Githyanki's thing, even then she's still my favourite character so far. Shadowheart seems guarded and disinclined to trust you or be open, but she generally holds her tongue and doesn't seem overtly hostile to my character for the most part. Gale seems chill and reasonable. Wyll is a lot of fun. I would love to have Wyl in my party but he perished in the first fight he was in and I was unable to revivify him. I thought it was literally will of the dice so I stuck with it. Otherwise Lae'zel has been my favorite as well, she is harsh but if you lean into it in the game there are some amazing moments with her.
Joined: Mar 2020
Wyll is also a pretty good guy. Not seeing anyone talk about him - are people not playing with him? Havent gotten to the end yet though, so not sure if he radically changes. Shadowheart is a priestess of Shar, she makes sense... and she is also a little more multidimensional than just 'evil, kill, steal' all the time. She can also have some conflicting thoughts/motivations - like real people. Even real priestesses of Shar. Lae'zel makes total sense. Astarion is totally depressed at his core due to.. *light spoilers*..... . . .... being a slave. I think these characters are actually really well-portrayed. I love how Gale thinks it's a good idea to listen to Raphael because he thinks the cambion is desperate. That's a pretty well-fleshed out character. I hope we'll see even more evil characters - so far our early dark companions are more self-oriented, but Id like to see an evil necromancer or sorcerer or blackguard or something >=)
Joined: Jul 2017
Wyll is also a pretty good guy. Not seeing anyone talk about him - are people not playing with him?
No, he died in the gate fight. Turn 2 and he got shocked with no hope for revival. He just got zerked and it was the end of Wyll 2 hours into the adventure LOL
Joined: Mar 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
I would not say that "everyone is a c*nt" but they do feel like a "special snowflakes", like someone already pointed out. All of them feel this way to some degree, which makes me not care about any of them. DOS2 had more varied personality and better personalities in general, as well as more attractive visual character design for each character. It's a shame that this game is turning out to be different, and not only in terms of character writing. The main thing that pissed me off is I didn't have an option to draw my weapon and fight Astarion after he literally had a knife at my neck, YET that's an option for Gale who just teleported? Which I would understand since I'm playing a wizard myself. Astarion seems like bad fan-fic. Like i really wanted an option to just straight up kill him there because of his actions, yet it's not there. Fuck whoever wrote that piece of dialogue and the options you get. Yea, it is pretty unnatural that you don't actually have a choice of fighting him considering he's a random nobody who is trying to kill you the very first time you meet him.
Last edited by Randomness; 08/10/20 07:54 PM.