Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
UNOFFICIAL LIST OF REQUESTS, THEMES, ETCALLCAPS because because this is one of my random ideas rather than an official request, but I figured it would be helpful to create a list of prevailing themes that are coming up in the feedback forum so they aren't forgotten in in the noise. Please feel free to reply with stuff you want included; but please check first that it is not already listed. I would also appreciate it if submissions are kept brief: a one-line overview and a link to an existing discussion would be most helpful to me as this is just something I'm doing in my own time. Please keep any debates about any given subject in its own topic where it can be reviewed in detail if necessary; that would be really helpful to me. Thanks! Emerging subthreads will either be pared off into their own discussions or pruned: which isn't me laying down the law, it's just to ensure I can keep up. Updates may will be applied sporadically so don't panic if it's not included straight away. List I: frequent and/or high importance- Character creation: more diversity, i.e. heads, head-parts, sliders etc.
- Turn-based/Real Time with Pause: The Debate.
- Party dialogue: let the player choose who speaks.
Have companion skill proficiencies be accessible in the dialogue, and be able to use their skill proficiencies (important especially when dialogue is initiated on the player and they can't pick the companion that should actually talk) e.g. I talk to someone who wants to learn some fighting moves, I'm no Fighter, but Lae'zel is. I should be able to pick Laezel (Fighter) - Dialogue option and let her do the explaining.
- Surfaces, i.e. ice, grease, fire, acid etc: there are far too many of them. Reduction rather than removal.
- in addition: Cantrips shouldn't create surfaces, there are higher spells that do things like that
- Dialogue selection: Space bar should only advance through dialogue, not select options.
- Scrolls, scrolls everywhere. Too many scrolls.
- Containers: who so many? Why so empty?
- Better inventory management with bags inside our inventory. Naming them, sorting them, and being able to drag items directly into them (as opposed to opening the bag and putting the item into a specific slot)
List II: D&D rulebook- Dice rolls: these should have the bonus/penalty modifier added to the value of the dice rather than subtracted to the target. Apparently this is not just a subjective matter but contradicts the D&D rules that rolling a 1 is an automatic fail no matter what.
- Cantrip damage like acid shouldn't cause -2AC if it's not in the rulebook; Fire Bolt should not leave a fiery area with nothing to set on fire, Ray of Frost should only freeze the ground when there's liquid on it, etc. -- maybe rein in surface effects in general (debate)
- Duelling bonus. Wrong tooltip description for Dueling fighting style passive: the bonus applies when you hold a 1H weapon in one hand and no other weapon - e.g. also when the other hand holds a shield.
- Spell preparation: according to PHB, spell-preparing classes can only prepare spells during a long rest (make it subject to difficulty maybe)
- Spellcasting frequency: according to PHB, casting two spells per turn should not be possible. Bonus Action Spells can only be combined with a cantrip (for instance, you cannot cast Bless and Healing Word on your turn)
List III: user interface- Holding ALT and clicking a container in the world should open the container, not put the container in my inventory.
- Place auto-sort button somewhere easier to find.
List IV: other- Character creation. Various points of issue:
- clearer view of skill proficiencies and their sources (for instance, "you get this Skill because of your race / background, etc.") - full list, distinguish non-proficient, half-proficient, proficient and expertise
- record all "passives" (stuff like 'Dueling' fighting style) on the character sheet as well
- resolve when skill proficiencies overlap (for example, getting Stealth from Street Urchin background + get Stealth from Lightfoot Halfling should resolve in me getting to pick another skill proficiency instead)
- better ability score tooltips: do not just describe the role of the attributes for classes + combat, explain their meaning also for dialogue etc.
- NPC Dialogue: NPCs who at the moment of talking to them only have one-liners to offer should not trigger a 'zoomed' dialogue view (or: make it an option whether it does)
- Party pathfinding: improve so that they don't walk straight into hazards.
- Guaranteed skill-checks: If there's literally zero chance to fail, I shouldn't need to roll.
- Fog of War.
- The Jump/Disengage is too OP, everyone is a kangaroo right now
- Jumping should decrease movement or have lesser range based on how much you moved
- Most of the bonus actions shouldn't be bonus actions, that reduces the value of the rogue class, maybe some of them should be subject to attacks of opportunity.
- Any class can use a scroll, when it should be limited by skill or intelligence
- (I haven't tested this, but people have posted pictures) wizards can learn healing? That makes them way too OP.
- Weapons: game should let player opt to use versatile weapons 1H or 2H regardless whether their offhand is empty or not
- A proper party size: 5 or 6 character party, 4 is too limiting for a D&D computer game.
- Map markers: Be able to make our own notes on the map.
- Vertical targeting: Raise and lower map floors so targeting isn't just restricted to the floor our character is on.
Thanks to CamKitty, malks, endolex, Stabbey, Malkie, Certheri and everyone else who took the time to reply, offer feedback, ideas and so on.Updates added: please don't panic about the categories, names, duplicates or if I haven't included your stuff yet. It's early days and still a bit rough around the edges, but it's a start. Note to myself: I have got to here so far.
J'aime le fromage.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
And yeah, I know the list is very short at the outset. I suspect it won't stay short for long...
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Jan 2017
For the love of god any conversation of import needs to drag the whole party in and decisions should be a thing where the most able person (or whomever the party chooses) says or does a thing. That is HOW a DnD party works. THe charismatic person talks to the guard, not the brain dead fighter because he walked into the room first and no one in the party is even aware they are talking.
SO yeah, dialogues involving everyone and letting the most able person (or whomever the party allows) to do things. Heck could be as simple as the vote system now, where say I select an option and the other two select my face that appears to agree to let that answer/action go.
PS: I just realize I recognize you from the forums during div 2 EA. Heya :O
Last edited by CamKitty; 09/10/20 12:46 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
For the love of god any conversation of import needs to drag the whole party in and decisions should be a thing where the most able person (or whomever the party chooses) says or does a thing. That is HOW a DnD party works. THe charismatic person talks to the guard, not the brain dead fighter because he walked into the room first and no one in the party is even aware they are talking. Completely agree. When I saw the "switch character" button during dialogue, I was really excited because that's what I expected the button did. I still like the switch character button, but I would love a way to switch who answers a question as well. EDIT: Also, are you wanting just any list of requests people have? Or are you specifically just wanting people to put in things that they see a lot of?
Last edited by Certheri; 09/10/20 12:54 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Great idea.
A few that I have seen way too often.
I won't make the case for every one of them, people have done so much better than me in the forums, and I'm sure they will show up or someone can find it, this is just a compilation so we can get things going faster.
-Less surfaces, it just feels too much like divinity to have fire and ice and water everywhere every battle, people want to play it more like DnD, focus on what each class is better at. It's not a get rid of the surfaces, but really really tone them down.
-Cantrips shouldn't create surfaces, there are higher spells that do things like that
-Damages from cantrips like acid shouldn't cause -2AC if it's not in the rulebook
-The Jump/Disengage is too OP, everyone is a kangaroo right now
-Jumping should decrease movement or have lesser range based on how much you moved
-Most of the bonus actions shouldn't be bonus actions, that reduces the value of the rogue class, maybe some of them should be subject to attacks of opportunity.
-Scrolls, scrolls everywhere. Too many scrolls.
-Any class can use a scroll, when it should be limited by skill or intelligence
-(I haven't tested this, but people have posted pictures) wizards can learn heal? That makes them way too OP.
Geez, that's all I could remember atm.
Joined: Sep 2017
Thank you for creating this! Digging through all my previous posts:
Character creation + character sheet: - clearer view of skill proficiencies and their sources (for instance, "you get this Skill because of your race / background, etc.") - full list, distinguish non-proficient, half-proficient, proficient and expertise - record all "passives" (stuff like 'Dueling' fighting style) on the character sheet as well - resolve when skill proficiencies overlap (for example, getting Stealth from Street Urchin background + get Stealth from Lightfoot Halfling should resolve in me getting to pick another skill proficiency instead) - better ability score tooltips: do not just describe the role of the attributes for classes + combat, explain their meaning also for dialogue etc.
Dialogue: - have companion skill proficiencies be accessible in the dialogue, and be able to use their skill proficiencies (important especially when dialogue is initiated on the player and they can't pick the companion that should actually talk) example: I talk to someone who wants to learn some fighting moves, I'm no Fighter, but Lae'zel is. I should be able to pick Laezel (Fighter) - Dialogue option and let her do the explaining.
Equip weapons: - game should let player opt to use versatile weapons 1H or 2H regardless whether their offhand is empty or not
5E Ruleset conflicts: - according to PHB, spell-preparing classes can only prepare spells during a long rest (make it subject to difficulty maybe) - according to PHB, casting two spells per turn should not be possible. Bonus Action Spells can only be combined with a cantrip (for instance, you cannot cast Bless and Healing Word on your turn) - wrong tooltip description for Dueling fighting style passive: the bonus applies when you hold a 1H weapon in one hand and no other weapon - e.g. also when the other hand holds a shield - cantrips should not be able to cause surface effects. Fire Bolt should not leave a fiery area with nothing to set on fire, Ray of Frost should only freeze the ground when there's liquid on it, etc. -- maybe reign in surface effects in general (debate)
Quality of Life / miscellaneous: - true 4k resolution UI, main menu + chargen - at the moment it appears just "enlarged" - Fast Travel: let us click directly on the waypoints on the map - Let us ressurect / revivify NPCs that die in a fight - sheathed shields should be visible on the back - rapiers and other 1H weapons are usually not carried on the back when sheathed, but on your side - Torches should not be considered a weapon of any restricted proficiency - currently Mages cannot carry one...
Last edited by endolex; 09/10/20 01:03 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm assuming its primarily about frequent requests to reduce reposting. I'm also incredibly surprised that one of the most frequent requests on this board isn't in that initial post, thankfully though most reposting has stopped since one thread gained enough traction to stay near the front. A proper party size : 5 or 6 character party, 4 is too limiting for a D&D computer game.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
For the love of god any conversation of import needs to drag the whole party in and decisions should be a thing where the most able person (or whomever the party chooses) says or does a thing. That is HOW a DnD party works. THe charismatic person talks to the guard, not the brain dead fighter because he walked into the room first and no one in the party is even aware they are talking.
SO yeah, dialogues involving everyone and letting the most able person (or whomever the party allows) to do things. Heck could be as simple as the vote system now, where say I select an option and the other two select my face that appears to agree to let that answer/action go. I shall add something to that effect. I'll look for a discussion unless you have one handy. PS: I just realize I recognize you from the forums during div 2 EA. Heya :O Oh yeah, thought I recognised the name!  EDIT: Also, are you wanting just any list of requests people have? Or are you specifically just wanting people to put in things that they see a lot of?
Either is fine: I've created two lists, one for frequent suggestions we see a lot of and another for other occasional/one-off requests. I can't promise nor even predict how either list will be interpreted by the devs but I figured it was the most effective way of being heard. In doing so I'm not setting myself up as any sort of arbiter or gatekeeper, just a compiler of lists. Also thanks for the lists, guys! Most helpful, and how did I not think to include surfaces from the outset? And the many empty containers, for that matter...
J'aime le fromage.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I'm assuming its primarily about frequent requests to reduce reposting. It's mostly so that stuff isn't overlooked. As much as I try to merge related discussions if I see them (which I admit I'm not totally keeping up with) that's not my priority here, it's so that people's feedback is actually, well, fed back.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Sep 2017
- NPCs who at the moment of talking to them only have one-liners to offer should not trigger a 'zoomed' dialogue view (or: make it an option whether it does)
Joined: Oct 2020
Okay, well I made a fairly detailed list replying to someone else's thread, but since you said you just want one-liners I'll just link it and summarize: my list, for more detail if something seems confusing1. Better party member pathfinding so that they don't walk straight into hazards 2. Auto success on 1s for skill checks. If there's literally zero chance to fail, I shouldn't need to roll. 3. I would like to be able to access the inventory of my teammates at camp when they aren't in my party. 4. Space bar should only advance through dialogue, not select options. 5. Be able to make our own notes on the map. 6. Raise and lower map floors so targeting isn't just restricted to the floor our character is on. 7. Better inventory management with bags inside our inventory. Naming them, sorting them, and being able to drag items directly into them (as opposed to opening the bag and putting the item into a specific slot) 8. Holding ALT and clicking a container in the world should open the container, not put the container in my inventory. 9. Add more actions, like active search, readying an action, and dodge.
Joined: Jan 2009
For the love of god any conversation of import needs to drag the whole party in and decisions should be a thing where the most able person (or whomever the party chooses) says or does a thing. That's already on the way. See 44:00 in this interview: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/763351879 -(I haven't tested this, but people have posted pictures) wizards can learn heal? That makes them way too OP.
That is a known issue, it will be fixed. *** The Dodge action is also going to be added as well at some point.
Joined: Oct 2020
1. Many spells and abilities that can be used for reaction need to be added and for those that matter, a target needs to be allow so it doesn't fire off on the first time it goes off.
2. Cantrips shouldn't cause surface effects unless the surface can happen from it's basic effects (firebolt on grease/web, ray of frost on water/blood). Creating surface effects from nothing is what higher level spells do.
Joined: Oct 2020
Main things I've been focused on:
1) Improved demarcation of class abilities - eg. scrolls only being usable by classes the spell list appears on, including Wizards only learning spells from their list; make disengage and hide an Action so that Rogue's Cunning Action feature feels significant
2) Separate jump from disengage - jump is part of movement, disengage is an action before movement.
3) Character creation UI - currently not enough information / tooltips, including clear information about archetypes/subclasses available at later levels so people know what specialisation to aim for as this impacts ability scores too.
4) Hotbar UI - currently too many different things combined. Personally I suggest separate "quick actions" hotbar for whatever you most commonly use, whether that's your weapon attack or a cantrip; and an "all actions" toolbar below it that has various pop-up menus for different categories like class abilities, spells, potions, grenades/arrows etc.
5) Declutter the world - reduce the number of placeables that allow interaction (whether looting or being moved around); and improve the usefulness of the "highlight objects" keybind (L-alt by default) so that it highlights ALL lootables and important interactions.
6) Reduce surfaces focus in combat. While some aspects of this should remain as it can make encounters more interesting, having too much of it feels too much like Divinity.
Last edited by someoneinatree; 09/10/20 01:46 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
The "throw" mechanic is currently broken in a fun but abuseable way. You can get behind certain unbreakable walls by placing your character or companion next to the wall and then having another character throw them into the wall. This will actually place the thrown character *inside* the wall and the game doesn't know what to do so it just lets that character walk out of the wall on either side.
Joined: Dec 2017
Thank you for this thread! In no particular order...
1) Don't give everyone the ability to disengage/hide as a bonus action. I don't know if rogues get anything to make up for this loss but so far this just seems to just make them feel weaker as a result.
2) Find a way to integrate sneak attack into the main/regular attack if possible. So then it can trigger on bonus action attacks and the like.
3) Agreeing with others on requesting cantrips not leaving surface effects in general.
4) Targeting via clicking on portraits.
5) Allowing other party members to step in for the dialogue.
6) Allow all hairstyles to be available to either gender please.
7) Scar options in character creator would be nice too.
8) Longbows, shortbows, and crossbows all having the same range doesn't make sense. Longbows and crossbows should have a longer range than shortbows.
Edit -
9) Rogues are missing expertise! Rogues are supposed to be very reliable with skills outside of combat, hence their extra proficiencies and able to select some to have double the bonus.
Last edited by BladeKuroda; 09/10/20 05:40 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
- Rules: Lots of conditions (ensnared, burning, etc.) allow for saving throws every turn by the affected character. When a character gets ensnared by Ensnaring Strike, they should get a STR saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns to break free on their own.
Joined: Sep 2017
- Ready action: Characters should be able to use their action / bonus action and reaction to set up an attack, spell or other thing to do when a certain condition is met (enemy appears, moves, etc.)
Joined: Oct 2020
Just a small note, rolling a 1 is only an automatic faliure on attack rolls, not skill checks. Other then that, great list!
Joined: Sep 2017
- QoL: using the 'Highlight' function should also highlight containers and basically everything that is clickable