Joined: Sep 2016
@Zeraman Very good point regarding hidden companions. If they are close to the characters entering combat they should all be included in the battle. The game allready has a mechanic for a suprise round, so if an enemy hasnt spotted a companion just include that character in the combat and allow them to take the extra action in the suprise round. If they are close but too far to attack anyone the first round then they will simply haveto spend the start of the encounter dashing towards the action. Its a good lesson in "dont split the party". 
Joined: Oct 2020
http://forums.larian.com//ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=683249This is my opinion on the whole Barrells situation. IT's literally absurd how they're everywhere. Once you start thinking about who would've just stack 5 oil barrels in a chapel in the underdark, just to leave them there, there is no coming back.
Joined: Oct 2020
Rests: Two short rests per a long rest would be better. agree but more: I rember official 5e balancing mantra of 4 short rests between long rests. Otherwise we just go all long rest classes and long rest all the way (btw like BG1&2 did) Also selecting how much dices to spend to heal would be nice if more than one rest is allowed.
Last edited by kasakoff; 09/10/20 03:59 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Rests: Two short rests per a long rest would be better. agree but more: I rember official 5e balancing mantra of 4 short rests between long rests. Otherwise we just go all long rest classes and long rest all the way (btw like BG1&2 did) Also selecting how much dices to spend to heal would be nice if more than one rest is allowed. Actually BG1 and BG2 adressed this well with hidden timers, since each long rest added another day on the campaign's time, and companion quests which of course you could ignore. For example if you long rested way too much and didn't progress much into a companion's quests they'd get angry and urge you to please focus on it and if enough time passed some of them would just plain get up and leave your party.
Last edited by HeavensBells; 09/10/20 04:07 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
So, I haven't played a lot yet. And I've read the OP of this thread and I think I have my two cents to add. I played around 6 hours of the game and have mainly focused on bugs or strange behaviour, not really the same kind of improvements that I see in the OP.
Here's what I found: * First campfire, talk with Gale. Just before he says the line "That's not abstract.", the dialog options already appear. * Inside the Dank Crypt, all the way in the back are objects you can interact with through walls. * Turn order doesn't always get respected during combat (this happened to me during the fight in the dank crypt) * In the cutscene when opening the sarcophagus in the Dank Crypt, my dwarf appears to be pushing the whole sarcophagus instead of the lid at some point. * When jumping to certain heights, Shadowheart's ponytail got stuck at some point resulting in a terrible tearing where her ponytail suddenly grew by 5 meters. It reset itself at the end of the jump animation, though. * The icon for a bloodstone looks more like a rat's tail * Splitting items in the trade screen doesn't work, I tried splitting 3 Rope, in a pile of 2 and 1, I end up with 3 every time. * In The Hollow I attacked some random NPC's and most of them turned agressive, but when it was their turn to act in combat, nobody did anything. * After switching a character during exploration, I have to recenter the camera on that character
I hope this is of use to somebody
Joined: Oct 2020
Another point: Make optional, hide or drop altogether the % to hit indicators. D&D isn't Fallout or X-COM.
...and another: With the absence of a dynamic day/night cycle, how about letting us choose to rest during the day, so we can explore at night?
Last edited by WarBaby2; 09/10/20 04:33 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Ugh...you really want the fog of war? Like on the map while exploring? Because in my opinion it's such a bad effect, it ruins the exploration and doesn't let you appreciate the environment.
Last edited by Albi; 09/10/20 04:52 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Ugh...you really want the fog of war? Like on the map while exploring? Because in my opinion it's such a bad effect, it ruins the exploration and doesn't let you appreciate the environment. It could work if it only hid enemies and chests or what's behind a closed wall.
Joined: Oct 2020
I don't know if anyone said that or not, but! I think adding information about a lot of game moments from the 5th edition in a FAQ in game would be a useful thing. I mean, when my character gets a lvl up, he gets the number of hp equal to d6+another bonuses (warrior) if i select the mode with raising the static number of hp (I mean, it seems to me that there should be explanations why after the level up I got exactly ** the number of HP) . And a lot of things like this. I say it because a lot of players has no idea what is d&d
Joined: Oct 2020
So I got early release to help make the game better, since I can't find a good way to submit feedback in game, guess I'll do so here. After let's say 20 hours of very slow methodical play (just the way I like)
-Sometimes when NPC's die and the animation can't put them on flat land the model really bugs out on how it lands in a very distorted way -I'm just going to assume inventory management still has several iterations to go through before it's finished, there's a lot here to be done -I can unmemorize and memorize spells in the middle of the day. Example, after a battle I can unmemorize bless, memorize prayer of healing, cast prayer of healing to heal everyone, unmemorize prayer of healing and memorize bless again. Same with create water, no reason to take up a memorization slot when you can flip to these spells whenever needed. This should be something you can change only during long rests. -Fighter superiority dice don't seem to be decreasing when you successfully hit an enemy with riposte, menacing attack or pushing attack. Once I get those they just become default attacks -If I'm right next to an enemy and want to move around to his flank or to threaten multiple creatures, it's a 50/50 chance whether I leave melee range when I don't need to and provide an opportunity attack. -When next to a creature and using jump/disengage, sometimes you take a step away first, provoke the attack you were trying to avoid provoking and then make the jump. -As a dualist when looking at my character sheet I don't see the extra damage displayed, I only know it's being applied by hitting something (usually party members for testing) and seeing it added in the combat log. -The combat log entry for sneak attack is just awful, can we just see an extra d6 rolled for every odd level? that's chunky and fun! -When moving in combat can I see my character's circle as well as the threat range of his currently equiped weapon at the end of the movement line? Sometimes I'm trying to get to a certain spot while staying in threat range of an enemy during a dash and often I didn't get close enough to the enemy to threaten them. -Shove is a neat idea but as a bonus action with no cost it's getting a bit abusive, if you're in melee and don't have a bonus action you need to do, why not try it? Maybe make it 1 time use and have a short rest refresh? -Still a small sample size, so I'll keep recording results, but in 22 skill checks so far only 6 of them have rolled double digits on the dice, 27% when it should be 55% over a long period. If it truely is random and ends up equaling out over the long haul that's great, but I don't won't enjoy loaded dice weighed against me. -Force Attack needs a keybind -Jump needsd a keybind -If your whole party is linked and you jump somewhere, could the rest of your party follow if every member is capable of making the jump? -Would be nice to be able to target abilities on other people with the portraits, if I want to second wind or activate dash or some such and I already have the screen centered on where I want to end up, having to go back to click them is inconvenient. -Playing a fighter (and presumably will be the case when I play a life cleric) the first thing I did was steal Lae'zel's armor, giving her mine, is that expected or should it be bound to her in some way? -As a PC Fighter dualist, it took me a long time to find a second shield, so I stole shadowheart's and she had to go without for quite a while, could we get a guaranteed spawn of such simple gear a bit earlier? -The vendor price gouging seems a bit overtuned, the 750gp value owlbear egg sells for 300gp and then that same egg can be bought back for 1875gp that's quite a huge swing. If that's the goal, great, accomplished but I will never buy from a vendor at those kind of prices. And feel like I need to pick up every plate and bucket I can find just to hose vendor's over by squeezing another gold coin out of them. Could we establish that vendor's sell for the listed value and buy for whatever meager percentage of the listed value they want, that way it doesn't appear they are double dipping on the FU bong? -I'm not sure what weight value you get overencumbered movement penalties at but it doesn't seem to be at carry weight, I can go well over before I see the encumbered status pop up. -Do you need to wear boots for anything in this game because those starter one's everyone comes with sure sell well. -Party Size - not sure what can be done about this at this point but 4 person party feels WAY too limiting in DnD where classes naturally specialize players in one way or another. Having 2 fighters or 2 wizards in a party of 4 REALLY feels like you are forgoing some other necessary component of party balance and as such truly limits the party composition you can bring. I can see challenge runs where you only take 4 but my current party has 2 fighters and no arcane casters despite 2 such classes being available, just no spots, need a healer and rogue for sure. -Opening up containers is taking a lot of time, but it's an RPG, that's what you do, opening up containers and finding nothing in them most of the time doesn't as probably intended make that one time you do find something cool fun, it just makes most of the game where you find nothing dull and depressing. -First time at camp with Astarion, rafael shows up, have a conversation then talk to him, he immediatly blurts out "I'm not trading a vampiric master for a fiendish one" I've watched the pre-release stuff where they played as Astarion and knew he was a vampire, but if I hadn't, that's quite the spoiler.
edit - some were already mentioned on the front page, just now finished reading that post
Last edited by Koshea; 09/10/20 07:35 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Im not sure fog of war on the physical map would work that great and it would kinda ruin the environments.
Joined: Sep 2017
something to add to surfaces topic: no surface should be permanent. The bibberfang fumes in the Hag's hideout just keep coming back after detonating them and there seems no way to block them off, and that's just plain silly, especially since there's no way to spam 'create water' without expending spell slots. I know this is how it worked lots of times in DOS2, but please for the love of the gods, let's not do this here.
Joined: Oct 2020
Here are just some things i think.
Really like the contextual roll out in the world. Moving rocks and trying to figure out stuff to get to secret areas are so much fun. I would like a "ping" system in multiplayer to show everyone what i want them to se/focus on. Since it is a pretty big world with lots of secrets that would be cool instead of giving directions that always end in "your or my right?". Quality of live things that i would like is a marking system to sell/give/take multiple things, instead of one item at a time.
Finally something that i personally would like to se. Some extended gore system, like chopped heads, exploded bodies, contextual damadge bodies (lightning,frost,force,fire etc) and show that killed them and giving them a unique look. I played some D&D and all of my DMs gave detailed events in and out of combat whenever you succeded or failed. Especially in combat, i would like a "finishing system", when you score a critical hit or just doing the finishing blow a contextual animation plays with that respective character killing with a fancy animation. If you are a wizard them you do some kind of incantation and burn someone to cinders, of you are a warrior with a two handed weapon you cut them in half etc etc. Think Dragon Age orgins animations, or Witcher 3 finishing animations.
Just some suggestions, would love to know what you all think.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm not sure If anyone mentioned that yet, as this thread is too huge to read through. But I have a few improvement suggestions, which would really improve the game immersion:
1) More attention to the companions in the cut scenes. There is a scene where my main character was blown away by a wind, and others were just staying a few steps behind, staring around.
2) Add interactivity into the cut scenes. if I am travelling with a party I would like to see all of them looking around a crypt or interacting with a main character within a cut scene, dropping a few lines, not just the main character doing everything.
And as we are playing DnD game:
3) Why is character alignment feature completely missing? I really liked having moral/order-related dialogue options depending on character's alignment in Neverwinter Nights games, for ex.
Last edited by Eremitae; 10/10/20 08:31 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I feel like everything I want to bring up has been brought up. I just want a vote ticker so we can all be heard for certain things.
Like surfaces, fix them silly so much to say about this not being D:OS2 please!
Character sheet, make them look a little like PnP(Pen and Paper) and included everything like my fighting style.
Cantrips, see surfaces. And fix damages/ranges/etc.
Scrolls, um.... it wasn't broke in PnP, it didn't need fixing, put it back.
Weird free weapon feats/moves. I mean it is kind of cool, like something you might try in PnP by asking the DM, but they would always say "Roll at disadvantage". So keep them, just roll at disadvantage. Or just remove them.
Jump, um cool... whoa wait.... oh shit the snowball is getting bigger!! By level 4 all the enemies seem to jump farther then my max bow range and they all knock the whole group over. Sheesh calm this shit down. Plus separate it from disengage and make it a part of your movement.
Disengage, bonus action free for all! I still don't know how I feel about all these new bonus actions. But I do feel that changing them was not an improvement. Even the potion as an action was fine. I didn't need that many potions until it became normal for the ground to be covered in exploding acid fire and other terrain effects. (And I know Critical Roll uses potions as a bonus action, but they are cheesy too.)
If you wanted to add all this weird non-DnD stuff to "make it more fun." or "Certain things need to bla bla computers!" then you should have just added stuff from DnD that already exists. Like Dodge, Ready Action (at minimum an overwatch feature.) grapple (Just have the PC extend their arms to 'hold' whatever would be grappled. It doesn't have to look like wwe.) and let the levels fly! Level 20 in a CRPG is a cake to manage, don't stop at 10.
But yeah, some type of tally vote for these themes. That would be cool.
Joined: Oct 2020
P.S. I don't want the first D&D 5e CRPG to turn into a floor of hot lava, jumping and pushing contest. Please, please don't let it.
Last edited by sWoRD43; 09/10/20 05:58 PM.
Joined: Mar 2019
Ugh...you really want the fog of war? Like on the map while exploring? Because in my opinion it's such a bad effect, it ruins the exploration and doesn't let you appreciate the environment. It could work if it only hid enemies and chests or what's behind a closed wall. Definitely. Outdoor fog of war isn’t generally necessary, but in dungeons it makes sense. Being able to see a room with no obvious entrance is lame. What’s the point in having a secret door if the room it leads to isn’t secret at all?
Joined: Oct 2020
P.S. I don't want the first D&D 5e CRPG to turn into a floor of hot lava, jumping and pushing contest. Please, please don't let it. ...well, as it stands right now we are more along the lines of "losely based on D&D5e", but yea, I agree.
Joined: Oct 2020
3) Why is character alignment feature completely missing? I really liked having moral/order-related dialogue options depending on character's alignment in Neverwinter Nights games, for ex.
DnD 5e kinda just ignores alignments, actually. Alignment is "defined" in the player handbook, but hardly anything ever uses it. See this link for a very interesting rant on the topic.
Joined: Oct 2020
I just finished the EA content. Some observations: - Missing the cleric spell Spiritual Hammer - it is kind of iconic and what Clerics use almost universally for their bonus action.
- Some of the warlock invocations are not working - specifically Devil's sight doesn't allow the warlock to see in magical darkness created by the darkness spell.
- The Great Weapon Fighter feat is not allowing a bonus action attack upon kill / crit.
- Rogue's should have sneak atk dmg of 2d6 starting at 3rd level - currently it stays the same at 1d6
- The first enemy encountered after jumping down into the underdark (no spoiler) seems to be immune to Thunderwave. I cast it on them 3 times, and they never rolled to save or took damage. Also they seem to have 3 actions and a bonus action apeice... dunno if that is intended or not.
- I have a ring that seems to indicate it provides darkvision (pierces the deepest shadows - Sunrise Ring or something like that) but it does nothing.
- I found a magic polearm that is supposed to do 1 psychic dmg when used in melee - I can handle 1 psychic dmg / attack, but it actually does half the damage done as psychic to the wielder. Taking 12 psychic dmg every time I attack when I only have 30 hp is ... well - who would use that for more than 1 fight?
- There don't seem to be any cloaks, belts or magic helms ... maybe 1 hood of shadows.
- There are no or minimal experience rewards for successful roleplay or succeeding on rolls in the cutscenes. The result is very slow xp gain for a group that succeeds at the rolls in conversations compared to the group that just murder-hobos their way thru the game. Why talk to those 8 goblins for zero xp instead of killing them all for 25xp / each?
- The dancing lights and light cantrips do not seem to be providing light. A target that has a 55% chance of being hit due to being obscured by shadows, retains that same hit chance after casting light / dancing lights.
- Negative dex mods do not reduce the armor class while wearing armor. The whole idea behind dumping the dex stat is that you can use armor to make up for it. Plate provides 18 AC even with 8 in dex... not 17 due to the -1 score.
- For most classes CHA is a dump stat - but with all of the cutscenes there is almost always a CHA based roll. This is all well and good when the story is the thing, but when the only way to avoid a massive fight is with a CHA based roll - it is difficult to avoid constantly save-scumming due to having no FACE character in the party. Without Sorcerers, Paladin, or Bards - the only viable option is the Warlock and with only a few of the invocations working, it's like having a gimped wizard in the group just hoping for a decent roll in the dialogue to avoid ... well, murder hoboing thru. In a party - everyone would roll, but in game - whoever is talking does the rolling - so that 8 CHA Githyanki is screwing us all while the 16 CHA warlock cringes on the sidelines.