Joined: Oct 2020
Another thing, please for the love of god fix AI targeting. I am so tired of every single enemy targeting the person that's downed and just killing them outright. Who is targeting literally the only person that is no longer a threat instead of, say, the wizard hurling balls of fire at their face? Like seriously? agreed, that simply isn't how things are done in D&D at just about any table except for some very specific enemy types. Then they should remove "help" reviving effect. Help should be a way to provide another character advantage. So yes, I agree
Joined: Oct 2020
Reduce the options to gain advantage. Especially high ground for ranged and backstab for melee.
*advantage is the most powerful buff to your hit roll, especially in early game, as it increases your avarage roll result by 5 and reduces diviation. it shouldnt be thrown around like confetti. In melee you can just walk around the enemy, wich does not provoke AOO and it gives you advantage for free. Getting advantage for ranged attacks when having high ground is ridicolous in and of itself. Standing higher makes it harder to hit, not easier. It might be fine to negate cover (if that mechanic is even in play yet?) but giving advantage is certainly too much, and certainly too easy to achieve right now.
Last edited by DuderusMcRuleric; 12/10/20 11:22 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
5.2. Apply Hex (and all other abilities that can target different stats) needs some visual cue what kind of stat you actually lower. system as is, is not intuitive because I see the Apply Hex icon and then i see it five times more without any visual differences between the targeted stats
6. Issue: Where is my XP-bar? Am I blind or isn't there any?
6 was previously answered. 5.2 if you scroll over them each one will tell you which stat it affects. Yeah, I know. What I meant was for a clear instant visual cue/little icon on the ability icon (like a little strong arm for strength) for which stat it targets. In the meantime, I have learned where which stat is located but I still think a little additional icon would help and make it more intuitive. XP-bar: I was blind but now I can see  Still, the character's XP bar above or below the hot bar wouldn't hurt, I think.
Relax before you do stupid stuff - like get a new graphics card when you don't know how many PCIe cables you got left.
Joined: Oct 2020
Going to add what i posted in a seperate thread, Ranger Beast companion balance is all over the place with Giant Spider being probably overpowered. Each beast should have a useful role, at the moment the spider is better at just about everything.
Joined: Oct 2020
Firebolt cantrip: Should light target on fire and or any oil or flammable. It should not however leave a surface effect. (Unless maybe feated)
AI: Should not always bypass high AC targets. Its just too predictable.
Surface effects from spells and items: Need duration fix and saving throws for acid and fire.
Natural surface effects: Should always hit.
EXP: Non-combat related options should be rewarded equal or greater xp.
Shove: Distance reduced perhaps halved. (Unless helped from items, abilities or spells)
Short rest: Should have 2 of these.
Obvious bug fixes ie Devils Sight
Concentration: saves for not being interrupted (just would work better in a digital format)
Darkness and other duration spells in combat: Duration has no place in turn based combat. It has to be based on a number of turns.
Hide: should be an action for all classes but rogue. Rogue should be bonus action.
Loving the EA and am very excited for the potential of the full game.
Joined: Oct 2020
List I: important
0 Check's difficulty in dialogs should be writen before you select option, players wil save load anyway, but it will save some time. 1 Character creation: choose at start weapon and armor, or/and make a traders with all types of weapon and armor of normal quality at first location (smith) and higher quality in late locations or levels. 2 Let the player see companion’s proficiency on character's sheet (in dialog too) 3 Surfaces: fire not always works correctly, it should lightened enemies «in shadows» not always works correctly. Now it, sometimes, spreads and disappears without system. 4 Problem: Some Items “on the floor” are not showing with button alt. 5 Should be spell-panel like in “Neverwinter Nights 2” to see all prep. spells, sorted by lvl (it is EXTREMELY comfortable) : you press button it appears, then press button – it disappears. 6 Should be posibility to customize companion (choose proficiencies, cantrips...., may be during first meeting or in camp) 7 I think that should be 1 button to Search all the containers in the area (all the room may be, or radius) and then choose what to take(with filters and big window) 8 Ranged sneak attack do not work sometimes. discussion 9 Turn-based/Real Time with Pause: Turn-based is nice, just need to be polished 10 «Cantrips shouldn't create surfaces, there are higher spells that do things like that» - why not, just small ones 11 I don’t think that there are too many scrolls.(it can be sold by traders, players who want it will buy it)
D&D rulebook • Dice rolls: I think there should be option in settings for “easy” dialog rolls, some players wants to pass dialog checks without save – loads. • I think that athletics(for strength based characters) or acrobatics(dexterity based characters) should be used for the same save-rolls depending on higher attribute(or modifier). It is described in rulebook for “knock down”. discussion • Spell preparation is ok, as for story mode.
user interface
• Inventory: useless items should be in “trash”/"on sold" group and shoud be possibility to sell it automatically by 1 button. • Should be a filter in camp-storage, big window(full screen: half-screen for character inv. half for srorage). • It seems that Attack Advantage-Disadvantage panel is too small and not fit all the unfo (it should be auto-sized) • Let the player see companion’s proficiency • Let the player see companion’s inventory even if they are not in group (in camp for example) • Battle log should always show last logs, more description, sneak attack (and other types of additional damage) should be marked
• I think that engaged characters should have possibility to disengage, but not to jump over the enemy.(i saw jump problem in list, i wrote proposition) • Should be Possibility to grab and throw enemies in any direction. • What is waypoints??? There should be some lore/description/quest to use. • Half plate Armor(standart) for Laezel has no underwear (it is ok for JRPG, but BG3 isn’t JRPG I think), no one wear armor without underwear (it could be painful). • Short “scale male” leg armor for female characters (need to pay smith to make it normal=)) • Drowish studded leather looks awful (do not look as well made armor of professional killer, more brutality is needed) • problems with armour/weapons textures(ears go throuth helmet=) ) helmets and shields have most problems.(and spiderstep boots) • why characters do not wear weapons on belt, even in sheath? (even two-handed) • two - handed weapons are too big. (looks funny =) it should be thiner to be earnestly as for me) • Any class can use a scroll – I think it is ok, I do not use in at all =) but why not (may be it should be optional)
Last edited by EvgeniyRim; 12/10/20 12:29 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
49 hours played, crashes, reported bugs, all normal for EA ... but there are some design/game mechanics decisions I don't think are D&D (and quite a few are already mentioned in this thread but I think are worth reiterating):
- general lack in depth of information, missing an option to get verbose (PHB like) info on races, classes, backgrounds, spells, monsters, Faerun etc. - party size, 4 is too small - some spells and abilities are not D&D 5e - cantrips should not have ground effects - not every class should be able to easily disengage with a jump, infact jump and disengage have nothing to do with each other - scrolls should only be useable as per D&D 5e ... Wizards can't heal! - Ability checks need to have the modifier shown and added/subtracted after the roll ... a natural 1 should always be a fail - multiple ability checks in a row in the same situation/dialogue, thats horrible DM'ing - dialogue should allow for switching to another party member
Don't get me wrong Larian team, I like what you are doing ... but the D&D flair and immersion is missing a bit at the moment, I hope the final product will be closer to D&D 5e.
Joined: Oct 2020
Following up on the surface issues raised by many others (too many, too op, too disrupting) can we just leave the blood out? It feels odd to me to have that as an interactive surface outside of a divinity game
Last edited by Abnbc; 12/10/20 12:24 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Feedback so far after 20h gaming:
Gameplay/UI: - Even though I play on 4k I often loose oversight cause of various interfaces are scattered all over the screen - separate short cut list for spells and items - have a smaller/ more compact overview of fighting order after initiative and just skip a NPC/PC if it dies, not reloading all pictures of remaining fighters - please let us have a console or an easy and fast way to activate/deactivate at any time - make searching for traps an active ability - make containers don't pop up right in the middle of the screen instead give us a bar like interface on the screen edge - make containers close itself if you click somewhere else (for instance the next container) - give us an option to make hit-points invisible (I instantly new that this old grany in the druid camp has something to hide and is a future enemy encounter after I saw her 112 hitpoints) - please don't disconnect inventory from the overview of the items worn by the PC- right now it is very confusing to put on items to you PCs - have a clear character sheet where all the mods (bonuses/penalties), skills and abillities are shown (like in the good old BG 1&2) and explained - give an info if a weapon can be used with 2 weapon fighting style or not
Rules: - stick to the rules of DnD 5e (you have advertised this game especially with that feature) - please cancel creatures/enemy npc with overpowered stats (like a level 4 phase spider matriarch with 124 hit-points - I don't think that there is any enemy NPC in DnD rules with d31 hit dice, especially no spider) - keep in mind ranges from ranged attacks do differ widely, like short bow vs. cross bow vs. spitting spider attack - same for close combat weapons - a dagger has a shorter range than a long sword or a two-handed sword etc. - let us have ammunition - if you don't have any arrows/bolts left you cant shoot as the enemy can't either
My taste/opinion: - give us more party member slots, as this gives us the possibility to have various PC constellations => give more or less enemies in case of more or less party members - please put the avatar list (character pictures) to the right hand side of the screen => would give an instant Baldurs Gate feeling
That's all from my side till now. I will add if I find more.
Joined: Oct 2020
- Character creation. Various points of issue:
- resolve when skill proficiencies overlap (for example, getting Stealth from Street Urchin background + get Stealth from Lightfoot Halfling should resolve in me getting to pick another skill proficiency instead)
This is one that really annoys me as is. Under PHB Rules (Chapter 1: Step-by-step Characters pgs 11 - 14) Background is the one of the last element of your character to be selected (after race and class proficiencies have already been selected), and selecting a background with overlapping skills/proficiencies for your class/race should grant you access to a free proficiency from ANY skill (not just those on your class list - pg 125 PHB "Proficiencies"). E.g your Lightfoot Halfling Rogue gets Stealth from his race and can then choose to take Acrobatics, Deception, Investigation and Slight of Hand from his class giving him 5 skills in total. If he then selects the Criminal background, as the game stands he gains no additional benefit from his background and only has the 5 skills he already had selected, in 5E, as he had Deception and Stealth already from another source (and technically also has Thieves tools twice...though that and other tool proficiencies are another matter entirely) he in effect gains two free-choice skill selections from the whole skill-list, letting the player customise their character beyond being just a criminal who stabs people, maybe taking Nature and Survival to fill out their background as having lived as a bandit for a number of years, or Religion and Medicine to cover the time they hid out in a Monastary to get away from the law.
Joined: Sep 2016
I mean there are medicine kits that you can use to help revive a downed character and I think that you with the medicine skill and a kit dont even haveto roll to stabilize a downed character. Seems like having an item that make the medicine skill usefull is a better way to make such a skill interesting to take. Tieves tools + sleight of hand to pick lock, medicine kit + medicine skill to provide non magical first aid.
Joined: Apr 2020
Don't know if this has been brought up, but upon reaching 4th level, I would like to be able to choose wich stat Im gonna raise.
Edit: never mind, just found out you can!
Last edited by Gt27mustang; 12/10/20 01:11 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
First impressions after my first weekend with the EA.
First of all - the game is incredibly fun and I loved playing it. Any comments here are only negative because they soured my experience with an otherwise really promising game.
1. The AI feels really dumb, but also incredibly mean.
The “DM” is far too brutal and all enemies seem to have the same tactics. It’s just not fun to have the main spellcaster downed immediately, and to then have enemies direct all their attacks on this downed spellcaster in order to kill them just doesn’t make any sense and is really frustrating and punishing. This behaviour *could* make sense for unique, intelligent creatures but a goblin or troll would focus on the enemies still standing rather than trying to finish off the person lying on the ground bleeding. There needs to be more AI archetypes - one for dumb beasts, one for regular folk and one for intelligent, cunning murderers.
The AI struggles with indoor environments and ranged attacks and often runs around aimlessly or fires shots that can’t hit.
2. The inventory and equipment system could do with a tutorial, perhaps something at the start to go through it. Right-clicking to see all possible interactions with an object in inventory or in the world wasn’t obvious.
It was also very overcomplicated to light a simple torch - surely this could just be automated if you have one in your inventory and are close to fire.
3. The surfaces (as many have pointed out) are cool but way too numerous and overpowered. Cantrips should not make surfaces.
Also, Gale’s necrotic surface after death is incredibly frustrating and due to him being at the back it almost always just affects his fellow party members rather than enemies. This needs to go or be an optional reaction right after he gets killed.
4. Creative and/or non-lethal solutions to problems should give XP.
5. Jumping is fun but overpowered and should be a full action. Only some classes, races should have long jump distances.
It’s silly to be able to jump away from engaged enemies and then attack. In 5e, the whole idea of engagement is that it takes concerted effort (ie. a full action) to break free from the engagement. If anything, jumping away from the enemy should still provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
Last edited by JMSH; 21/10/20 10:50 PM. Reason: Added positive note at start.
Joined: Oct 2020
First impressions after my first weekend with the EA.
First of all - the game is incredibly fun and I loved playing it. Any comments here are only negative because they soured my experience with an otherwise really promising game.
1. The AI feels really dumb, but also incredibly mean.
The “DM” is far too brutal and all enemies seem to have the same tactics. It’s just not fun to have the main spellcaster downed immediately, and to then have enemies direct all their attacks on this downed spellcaster in order to kill them just doesn’t make any sense and is really frustrating and punishing. This behaviour *could* make sense for unique, intelligent creatures but a goblin or troll would focus on the enemies still standing rather than trying to finish off the person lying on the ground bleeding. There needs to be more AI archetypes - one for dumb beasts, one for regular folk and one for intelligent, cunning murderers.
The AI struggles with indoor environments and ranged attacks and often runs around aimlessly or fires shots that can’t hit.
2. The inventory and equipment system could do with a tutorial, perhaps something at the start to go through it. Right-clicking to see all possible interactions with an object in inventory or in the world wasn’t obvious to a friend of mine new to cRPGs.
It was also very overcomplicated to light a simple torch - surely this could just be automated if you have one in your inventory and are close to fire.
3. The surfaces (as many have pointed out) are cool but way too numerous and overpowered. Cantrips should not make surfaces.
Also, Gale’s necrotic surface after death is incredibly frustrating and due to him being at the back it almost always just affects his fellow party members rather than enemies. This needs to go or be an optional reaction right after he gets killed.
4. Creative and/or non-lethal solutions to problems should give XP.
5. Jumping is fun but overpowered and should be a full action. Only some classes, races should have long jump distances.
It’s silly to be able to jump away from engaged enemies and then attack. In 5e, the whole idea of engagement is that it takes concerted effort (ie. a full action) to break free from the engagement. If anything, jumping away from the enemy should still provoke an Attack of Opportunity. +1
Joined: Oct 2020
Here is the list of my observations, criticisms and improvements.
Character creations:
- To be able to increase the size of the characters. - Be able to increase muscle mass - More diversity, head, scars - Be able to hide the helmet - Customize our armor, weapons etc.
Gameplay: - Improve inventory management. - Add a bonus or penalty when throwing Dice "1" and / or "20" - add a fog of war - Being able to create a camp to rest where you want, with the risk of being robbed, attacked. - Better management of the group, when you want to go in stealth with a single character that the others do not follow etc. - Max level plus 10 (?) Ideally level 15 or 20 - remove the sending of objects to the camp, it's cheating and it makes the game too easy. - limited arrows for archers. - increase the speed of the AI during combat. - adjust the power curves when you push an enemy according to the class played. - improve the combat interface, we don't always know who to play. - make the bonuses / penalties more visible on our characters and on enemies.
Joined: Oct 2020
Going to add what i posted in a seperate thread, Ranger Beast companion balance is all over the place with Giant Spider being probably overpowered. Each beast should have a useful role, at the moment the spider is better at just about everything. This is unfortunately in line with the tabletop rules. The spider and the owl are OP. The only disadvantage of either being that the owl makes a noise when it moves and a bloody great big spider sitting on your shoulder is scary AF. It would be better for a CRPG to balance these though.
Joined: Oct 2020
Getting close to finished with my wizard playthrough and despite having grease memorized the entire time, I have yet to cast it. I have never come to a situation where I said to myself Grease would be better in this situation than Ray of Frost. Even if I miss it puts the patch of ice down. Also, Acid Splash, as long as there is bountiful food to go around (sitting on a stack of 20 apples and 30 potatoes or so right now) no reason not to reduce those enemy AC's
Despite having spent the money to scribe them because it's just so cheexy, I have avoided the temptation of actually casting cleric spells with my wizard. On the other hand, I've got a boatload of cantrips I can choose from each round because cantrip scrolls are a thing when they shouldn't be, still looking for that eldritch blast and poison spray scroll.
Mage Armor is a great example of a spell I memorize first thing in the morning then switch out of and memorize something else for the rest of the day, I shouldn't be able to do this but as long as I'm not in combat I can choose whatever spells I want to have "memorized". There needs to be some kind of UI that pops up right before or right after resting for a night that let's you do all your memorization adjustment then that's it for the rest of the day.
Web has proven pretty worthless as almost every enemy just jumps out of it. Nobody cares if I walk within 40' of them and cast a friends cantrip on them that works 100% of the time, Charm Person has a chance to make them angry and they get a saving throw. Ray of Frost is Sacred Flame's best friend, you don't get to save against sacred flame if your prone from the guaranteed ice sheet. The spell selection screen seems passible for now with only up to 2nd level spells, but when you get third, fourth and fifth level spells in the mix that can all be cast at higher level the current UI is going to be a nightmare. I'm assuming there is something in the works for this. Silence works great against me, no spells at all, but when you open with a silence spell against a cleric of lolth and her first action inside the sphere is to mirror image up, I'm hoping there is some adjustments still to be made. I would love a camera mode where I could look up, I like the close in camera that follows my character but restricts my line of sight, these maps are so vertical you just can't play that way Honestly can't wait for some new companions or even the mercenary system to be introduced. I play good guys in RPG's Paragon, Paladins, the kind of person who turns down Edwin and Viconia in the previous BG's because I didn't agree with them on a philisophical level despite knowing they were far and away the most powerful choice I could make for a companion. With this crew I don't really talk to them much, although I can't say much about Wyll, both times I've gotten to the druid grove he's died in the battle, didn't even realize he was an partyable NPC my first time and only knew the second time when I looked at the name on his corpse.
So far loving the game, several bugs, several clunky UI elements, several design decisions I'm hoping were just "testing the waters" and will be moved more closely to the 5e rules, inventory items and management are obviously still a WIP (several items still have no icon) but it's coming together nicely. I actually do appreciate the way you have expanded magic items, +1 isn't the be all and end all of "is it a magic item". If it all comes together in the end I can see how this could be a good Dungeon's and Dragon's game.
Joined: Oct 2020
This post contains all the things I’ve found in my 40-ish hour playthrough and testing of BG3’s early access content, and let me say, it has been an absolute joy! I have made a separate, quite large, bug post in the Gameplay and Technical part of the forums as to not clutter this with bug reports. This is, however also pretty long, 1200 words, so I hope it is not too confusing to read through. Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see the finished game.
UI/UX - Missing clear distinction between ‘slot’ spells and class abilities such as domain spells or pact abilities. You only have the name to distinguish them when hovering, and a different icon or border would go a long way to get a better overview of your action bars. (The crimson ilithid powers are a good example of this done right.) This is the case in character select as well where, when choosing cleric spells, there are 2 sections labeled 'Spells'. I found it incredibly confusing to figure out which spells were domain spells/warlock pact abilities compared to normal ‘slot’ spells. - There is a lot of missing info when opening class ability dropdown menus in the character sheet. Well, some of them contain descriptions but as an example there is nothing when I open ‘Warding Flare’ or ‘Domain Spells’ from level 1 on my Cleric. - Would it be possible to implement some sort of right-click-inspection of spells or along those lines? I often want to know a spell's duration before I cast it, but could not find this information. Good work on adding saves/targets/range/damage/action cost though. I finally realised that the small number by the icon when hovering is the duration, but it'd be very helpful to have that clearly displayed like the other stats are. - When reading books/notes/letters from the inventory, don’t close the inventory screen. When reading multiple notes/books/letters in a row it gets really annoying to have to reopen every time. It’s a new window already, why not just have it overlap the inventory screen? - Would be nice with some better inventory management. I’ve seen requests to sort bags within bags within the inventory but I find that really confusing. I would really like a button to sort all items and not the sections we currently have. I have so many ‘in-between’ inventory slots that new items get lost in the clutter. Sort by newest, sort by weight, sort by type would be so good; and make them sort it all towards the top automatically. - Please make it possible to access the inventories of all companions, not just the currently active ones, while at Camp. Really awkward to keep telling companions to stay/join me to manage inventories and items. - Would be really nice with an animated load icon or the like on the loading screens. I prefer it to the cycling images. Could perhaps be one static image per load screen, that would give more time to actually look at the art as well. - If mundane items have -any- use at all, highlight them along with all the other items when pressing ‘alt’. We can already use that highlight option for hard-to-see more valuable items and with how good food is for example, it would be nice to be able to find it. - I would like the ability to collapse/open quests that have multiple solutions/stages as well as a better distinction between completed/ in progress. The list quickly gets very long and difficult to quickly scan through. I wouldn’t mind a separate section for completed quests so I don’t have so sift through them to find the active ones.
Combat - Would it be possible, or too powerful, to be able to sneak attack with elemental arrows? - The Help action seems -very- good. Specifically to revive downed characters. If one of my characters are downed I can use another character to continually Help them up, the creature that killed them will attack them again and I can use the remaining 2 characters to kill them without being in any danger. - Food items are basically potions in all but name and as such are -very- good. It was nice to always be able to heal, but felt a bit too powerful. Hoard food items from containers and you’ll never be at low health out of combat. Once you start finding the really good ones like the meat items you don’t even need potions anymore. Despite eating 6 raw carrots, 5 raw potatoes, 7 lemons and a pork loin there was no hint of an upset stomach or any downsides to munching tons of food.
- Celebration/victory party: Was kind of strange that every companion, except Shadowheart who was gone, was thirsty AF and jealous of the companion I did choose. The only character whose flirtiness felt ‘natural’ was the one I already wanted to choose, given the option. I feel like different companions would develop feelings differently and not at the same time. It was neat that Lae’zel decided to go poach Wyll, though. It makes it more natural if companions can develop feelings or friendships other than the player character. (The “UNDER CONSTRUCTION” gave me a good laugh though.)
- Companions: Now, I know that there are more companions/origin characters planned, and I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with! That being said, I thought the current lineup could benefit from some more racial diversity since the 5 current companions consist of only humans and elves. (I know Astarion is a vampire spawn but he feels like an elf. And that Lae’zel is a githyanki.) Where are my fun, larger-than-life companions?! Give me a big, strong, goofy half-orc barbarian, a power-hungry, untrusting tiefling, a happy-go-lucky, unapologetic thief who knows what they are or a hearty, fun-loving dwarf. I don’t mind stereotypes, stereotypes can be fun! The current lineup feels very miserable sometimes. The unfairness of the world happened TO them and their situations were forced upon them. The only one who feels like they chose their path themselves is my own character! Shadowheart and Lae’zel are both arrogant but hate each other and don’t like anyone else. Astarion is arrogant too and despite having a good relationship with him he still greets me like I’m dirt every time I talk to him. The section where he admits he needs blood was cool though. Gale is the best boi though and nothing can convince me otherwise. Wyll is okay too. Will there be evil companions for evil player characters? I suppose Lae’zel is close.
- Rules: I’ve seen many people argue for “rules-as-written”, and I respect that viewpoint. I just want to put out there that not absolutely everyone feels this way. My example is Cantrips: Bonus effects make them much more interesting, especially where, when out of spell slots or conserving them, a Wizard feels useless unless you buy all the scrolls. I feel this is a situation where it’s okay to make changes to make BG3 a good video game and not hold it back because it has to adhere to the tabletop rules. It feels really bad to ‘cheese’ and spam spell slots and long rests, when the rest of the party has tons of resources. Having put more than 130 hours into Divinity 2 and never played the original Baldur’s Gate games I understand why this opinion might be considered invalid, but in my experience “rules-as-written” is rarely the case in reality. Many, many DM’s make changes to fit their style and players.
- Containers: I don’t mind that there are containers or container assets around the world. An abandoned town is bound to have those all over the place after being ransacked. What feels silly is when we have to check every single one for potential loot and most of them are empty. (I know we don’t have to, but my gaming-instinct tells me a rare weapon or item could be anywhere. Even in that broken box over there.) Possible solutions could be to make them uninteractible, unlootable or labelled as already being empty.
Joined: Oct 2020
Found a strange AI bug: In the druid haven you can find two tieflings interrogating a goblin. I got into a fight with them, but didnt want to kill them, so i knocked them out and moved on. The next time i came back to the area and they had regained consciousness i was hearing a weird audio clicking sound. It was one of the tieflings continually trying to open the goblins prison 5 times a second
Joined: Oct 2020
Hello, played for 45ish hours iirc (got to the end of the EA while exploring as much as possible) and I would like to leave my feedback:
Before going into actual bullet points addressing specific issues, I want to leave a more general feedback based on the "feel" I got from playing Baldur's Gate 3: It feels like a new Divinity title with DnD spells. The feel of Baldur's Gate is non-existent for me other than being able to play with the spells and abilities I love from DnD.
1. Turn-based vs Real time with pause: Even though I always wanted rtwp, since I loved Divinity OS 2, I was not that opposed to seeing how BG turn based would look. Having tried it, I have to say I really don't like it. While it fits in Divinity, maybe because of the numerous things any given character can do in a turn, or the abilities themselves it was fun, in BG3 it just feels slow and boring. Seeing several goblins in front of my party I immediately get bored as I already know it's not going to be challenging at all, but worse of all it's gonna consume time for such a trivial encounter. The number of encounters is also a lot less when compared to the originals, I imagine because of this, and the action just feels dull. With rtwp you could always hear the battle cries and crit sounds, spell effects going on like you know... actual chaotic battle going on. Here it's missing almost all of that... "Oh, my turn. Walk over there, swing *miss*. oh well, end turn".
2. Party size: 4 is too restrictive. Max party size should be 6. Obviously the originals had 6, but the real issue with it is that it takes away a lot of the fun from the game and is punishing to the player for no reason. More often that not players will want something along the lines of Fighter/Tank + Cleric/Druid + Wizard/Sorcerer + Rogue in their party to cover the *basic* stuff. So... if the player wants to add some flair or diversity to the gameplay, he's punished for it by gimping the party in some way. In Divinity OS 2 this is fine because every single character can do any given task easily and learn whatever spells they want/need, not so much in DnD.
3. Character portraits: These seem completely dead and uninteresting. Just take a look at the original BG portraits or other CRPGs and you'll know what I mean. BG3 just looks like they cropped the head off a naked model and said "f*ck it, good enough".
4. Surfaces: This has been mentioned a lot here and I completely agree. It's also one of the major reasons why the game just feels like divinity instead of BG. It's excessive and annoying. Imo it doesn't need to be completely removed as it makes sense to have some environmental interaction with stuff, but every spell creating surfaces, barrels everywhere, every goblin throwing puddle flasks... ugh
5. Cantrips: Cantrips should not be changed. As mentioned above, these should not create surfaces when used. (Same applies for other spells that are not in EA. Please don't change them.)
6. Containers: The game doesn't need to have hundreds of containers in every single room to feel like it is a real and populated place. I haven't walked into anyone's house to find 7 stacks of barrels and bags and chests in the living room next to the sofa. It's way too cluttered and gets old really fast.
6-1. Empty containers: Why? Why so many empty containers all over the place? It serves no purpose other than making exploring dull.
6-2. Table wear containers: Why? Why so many containers with a spoon? a fork? 2 cups and a plate... Stop it.
6-3. Alt + click on a container should open it, not pick it up.
6-4. Open container should close itself when clicking elsewhere.
7. Companions:
7-1. Companion interaction in dialogs: They should weigh in and/or help in interactions with other NPCs. Being stuck with the first character spotted by the NPC as the one talking is annoying, as often the one going in front is not the party face. Sometimes we can have the party face talking and a particular reference to a religious entity is named and I want Shadowheart (or whatever horrible name it is) help out and can't.
7-1-1. Brain dead companions: Another silly thing to see is if the CHARNAME gets in an argument with the NPC he's talking to and starts fighting (e.g. when you encounter Astarion), the other party members just stand there with void faces doing nothing.
7-2. Companion banter lacks personality: I don't really know how to describe this very well, but any time a companion says something while we are traveling it just feels out of place and generic. I guess the problem here is simply the writing and voice acting (especially the writing). Take interactions in BG2 for instance, when Edwin, Korgan, Minsc start speaking their mind about the current situation or party members or whatever... It's perfection. The one saving grace so far in EA has been Gale. Haven't really explored Wyll due to point 2. but every other companion except Gale I wanted to replace as quickly as possible.
7-3. Companion pathing: It's horrible. Having to micro-manage the paths they take just so they don't kill themselves in surfaces is tedious and dumb. I don't remember this being an issue in Divinity OS 2 however, which seems odd.
7-3-1. Party jumping: Please, if I tell my selected character to jump over a cliff, have the remaining companions follow along. Doing it for every single one is once more tedious and dumb. Obviously if the distance is too much for one of the companions, they would not be able to follow.
8. Unconscious state: If a fight ends with a fallen companion, don't exit turn based mode. Selecting companions and issuing commands is delayed as hell and clunky giving it enough time for people to die because of this. (This would also be a non-issue in rtwp).
9. Wizards learning cleric spells: Pretty sure this is simply a bug, but hey, I'm letting you know.
10. Jumping: I'm not a 5e expert by any means, but from a video game perspective, the jumping bonus action seems silly. Everyone is hoping around like kangaroos... Gonna take an attack of opportunity? *jump* Got a surface in the way? *jump* My char can't reach that far because he's a short legged dwarf who can only walk 2m? *jump* This needs to be changed to either trigger attacks of opportunity, consume movement distance or no longer be a bonus action.
11. Magic Missiles: These aren't supposed to miss. Ever. If there is line of sight, they are supposed to all hit their mark.
12. Concentration: Please make it so I can cancel a concentration effect. If I cast a fog cloud in a room during a fight and want to loot it afterwards I should be able to simply cancel the effect.
13. Movement preview: When planning a turn let us preview how much movement is going to be used when we are just hovering the ground. This is also annoying if I am planning to do a move + jump, many times my character moves a little bit too far and I don't have enough movement distance to jump (I didn't even know this was a thing, maybe I missed somewhere that explains it, but in any way it doesn't seem clear).
14. Targeting portraits: Please let us select the target of a spell by clicking the portrait.
15. Delay in actions/selections: Many times if I want all my team members to hide I need to click on them one by one and press C. Almost every time, after giving the command to the first one, selecting the second one and pressing C just makes the first one leave hiding. I need to wait a sec between actions so that they go through properly to the correct char.
16. Experience for non-violent choices: If the player decides to resolve a conflict peacefully through dialog, he should be awarded experience accordingly. Receiving zero experience from being clever or intelligent just punishes people for not being murder hobos.
17. End of effects: Stuff like Hold Person or Blind for instance, it says that at the end of a turn, the character can roll to end the effect. From what I've seen this seems to happen at the beginning of the turn rather than at the end.
18. Baldur's Gate mentions: It seems like every NPC you meet in the game is going to Baldur's Gate. I know you're milking the title but it is way too excessive. Everyone is going there, has a shop there, is meeting someone there, has been hired and is taking someone there...
19. Keys: Please make a keychain to store all the keys in.
20. Starting equipment: Would be awesome to be able to choose the starting equipment for our charname when creating our character. Also, it makes no sense to me to exit the mind flayer pod at the begging and being armed, we should just pick the stuff off the ground close by or in a corpse.
21. If an NPC is wearing/wielding something, drop it upon death. It makes no sense for e.g. killing an armour wearing, great axe wielding gnoll for him to drop a bone.
22. Companions that are not in the party (i.e. staying in the camp) should not approve/disapprove of anything.
23. Evil is not retarded stupid evil: Simply accepting a quest, regardless of my deeper motivations, should not cause companions to disapprove of the choice. What if I'm only taking on the quest in order to get the magical artifact and then murder the quest giver to keep the artifact and the reward? It's dumb.
24. Give an option for verbose description of items/spells.
25. Lockpicking: Lockpicking something should show a dice roll instead of a divinity progress bar.
26. Create a helpful UI to give the player a sense of progression throughout the class/levels.
27. Failed rolls: Failed perception, investigation, etc. rolls (rolls that imply that your character was able to spot something not originally obvious) should not be displayed.
28. Weapon ranges: This should be fixed as different weapons have different reaches.
29. Successful rolls: On a successfull perception, investigation, etc. rolls (rolls that imply that your character was able to spot something not originally obvious), the thing that was discovered should be highlighted.
30. Creature stats: Examining an NPC should only show stats, weaknesses etc. if a successful (appropriate) roll e.g. Nature is done or if lore was previously discovered in a book or through dialog.
31. Long-rest: The current implementation is horrible. If it was meant for the purpose of companions speaking with you, they can do it during travel or when clicking long-rest. Why make us see a *magical* transition from wherever we are like for instance neck-deep inside the goblin lair completely surrounded by enemies which makes absolutely no sense, is tedious because most of the time you go to camp simply to then click on the bed and then magically get transported back to wherever you were... The system for resting in the originals was perfect... Some places you could rest, others not so much. If you attempted to rest in a potentially dangerous place you had to accept that risk. This made resource management when exploring dungeons something to keep in mind as poor management of these resources could very easily get you killed. In BG3 it's free, exempt of any risk or consequence and can be done anywhere (including the dumbest of places).
32. Replayability: While I am usually very excited in CRPGs to make new playthroughs with different classes and builds, I don't think I can do another playthrough of this. Too many elements of the game are boring and uninteresting, especially regarding actual travel and exploration with the clunky movement, pathing, jumping issues, containers everywhere, etc. along with the time consuming and meaningless trivial combat encounters taking up time and limited party size restricting my options.
33. Make it so pressing space doesn't pick a dialog option.
All in all, I know this is a huge amount of text, but I didn't come here to bash on the game because I hate it. I came here to provide as much feedback as possible because I love both Baldur's Gate and Divinity and believe this can be an awesome game if tuned properly. I want to have immense fun doing my blind playthrough and then spend weeks re-rolling characters because I can't decide if I want to start a new game with a Fighter, or a Warlock, or an awesome chunky Dwarf Cleric. Do I want to be evil? good? am I to try and be eloquent and elusive or bash through the opposition? I want to experience the various combinations of companions and discover their stories and how they interact with each other. I want to have epic battles in creepy dark dungeons against the evilest of foes! Larian... please let this be true.
Last edited by coredumped; 12/10/20 05:22 PM.