Joined: Mar 2020
@asheera gave us some good examples of faces that could be a good basis for the art team. There is another thread on that topic that veered off into making connections between elves and the peoples of the earth and that thread got abandoned. Better to revive that thread than remake it here. Elven features are angular, delicate and unlike any one human group. The art in the Tome of Foes does a good job -- I especially like the drow in the pink dress. She just isn't from this planet, is she?
In addition to the elf heads we have now we need some that look otherworldly.
Joined: Feb 2020
And this thread should be moved to suggestions and feedback section. It's quite important feedback, cause now elves are just humans with pointy ears and that's sad. I didn't think of that, I thought they'd be reviewing the entire forums to be honest. Besides the suggestions section is oversaturated, so many posts, I'm not sure they can actually read through all of it, but I don't know. I am however, thrilled and very surprised with just how many people have participated in here, so maybe we should start doing on what to do next. I know that the developers get informed directly through the 'send feedback' button in the game launcher, so maybe we could send a link to this thread or... I don't know. I listen to suggestions!
Last edited by Goldberry; 22/11/20 02:48 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
My favorite video game representation of elves and dwarves was in the first Witcher game, they were all clearly inhuman, but without looking unreal. The later Witcher games watered them down, I'm assuming because they were modeled on real people, but I'd still like if, elves especially, were made more otherworldly. Actually in the witcher universe elves, if I'm not mistaken, have sharp teeth, like goblins in BG3, but less prominent. Even the witcher 1 didn't make them right, but indeed they were more inhuman than their later version.
Joined: Sep 2020
And this thread should be moved to suggestions and feedback section. It's quite important feedback, cause now elves are just humans with pointy ears and that's sad. I didn't think of that, I thought they'd be reviewing the entire forums to be honest. Besides the suggestions section is oversaturated, so many posts, I'm not sure they can actually read through all of it, but I don't know. I am however, thrilled and very surprised with just how many people have participated in here, so maybe we should start doing on what to do next. I know that the developers get informed directly through the 'send feedback' button in the game launcher, so maybe we could send a link to this thread or... I don't know. I listen to suggestions! The suggestions section being oversaturated is one of reasons I wouldn't expect them to pay much attention to anything in this section. They are more likely spending enough of their time digging through topics there. You can ask a moderator to move your topic. Also I was going to make one big topic about visuals there, I think I will add a link to your topic in it, when I'll start about elves.
Joined: Oct 2020
My favorite video game representation of elves and dwarves was in the first Witcher game, they were all clearly inhuman, but without looking unreal. The later Witcher games watered them down, I'm assuming because they were modeled on real people, but I'd still like if, elves especially, were made more otherworldly. Actually in the witcher universe elves, if I'm not mistaken, have sharp teeth, like goblins in BG3, but less prominent. Even the witcher 1 didn't make them right, but indeed they were more inhuman than their later version. It's the opposite, elves don't have canines in the Witcher universe. It's actually a plot point in one scene in one of the books.
Joined: Oct 2020
My favorite video game representation of elves and dwarves was in the first Witcher game, they were all clearly inhuman, but without looking unreal. The later Witcher games watered them down, I'm assuming because they were modeled on real people, but I'd still like if, elves especially, were made more otherworldly. Actually in the witcher universe elves, if I'm not mistaken, have sharp teeth, like goblins in BG3, but less prominent. Even the witcher 1 didn't make them right, but indeed they were more inhuman than their later version. It's the opposite, elves don't have canines in the Witcher universe. It's actually a plot point in one scene in one of the books. Maybe you're thinking of the Elves in Elder Scrolls who are solely carnivores?
Joined: Oct 2020
Maybe you're thinking of the Elves in Elder Scrolls who are solely carnivores? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't just Bosmer strictly carnivorous, and only for cultural/religious reasons? I don't think I've heard about all mer being carnivores (though perhaps I'm poorly informed).
Joined: Oct 2020
Maybe you're thinking of the Elves in Elder Scrolls who are solely carnivores? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't just Bosmer strictly carnivorous, and only for cultural/religious reasons? I don't think I've heard about all mer being carnivores (though perhaps I'm poorly informed). I'm hardly an expert on Elder Scrolls lore but yes, it's the Wood Elves" in the Emerald Forest who strictly eat meat, I don;t know if it's because they can't metabolize anything else or if it's a "super-environmentalist" cultural/religious thing, I think both are cool.
Joined: Oct 2020
Maybe you're thinking of the Elves in Elder Scrolls who are solely carnivores? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't just Bosmer strictly carnivorous, and only for cultural/religious reasons? I don't think I've heard about all mer being carnivores (though perhaps I'm poorly informed). I'm hardly an expert on Elder Scrolls lore but yes, it's the Wood Elves" in the Emerald Forest who strictly eat meat, I don;t know if it's because they can't metabolize anything else or if it's a "super-environmentalist" cultural/religious thing, I think both are cool. From UESP: The Green Pact, also known as the Treaty of Frond and Leaf, is a strict code upheld by many of the Bosmer of Valenwood. It is said to have guided their existence since the beginning of the "great story". Its rules are clear. Do not harm the forests of Valenwood. Do not eat anything made from plant life. Eat only meat. When enemies are conquered, their meat must be eaten, not left to rot. Do not kill wastefully. Do not take on the shape of beasts. More on topic: I like how Skyrim actually makes elves look "alien". They don't look great, but that's more a matter of execution rather than design, I think. (And of course TES games vary wildly with race depictions...) Oblivion Character Overhaul mod does a pretty good job at that. (Erring on the side of "pretty", but elves still look distinct.)
Joined: Oct 2020
Good thread.. after going through it all i agree with most here. They did a good job with the dwarves, humans, gith and tieflings... then like a few have said "slapped some pointy ears on the human model" for elves... Understand elves are in a lot of different places in a lot a lot of different forms but kinda agree with those who thought they should have stayed with a more standard model from d&d if thats the player base they are primarily going for making... a d&d game... ;D After an initial "that looks nice" impression of the character generator.. just seems like they got a little lazy with the elf race... probably not unrelated to how the missed even worse(so bad lol) with the hafling race... always thought haflings were supposed to look more like the nimble/agile elf... here they look like they have been crossbred with dwarves for a few generations!  but then here, elves dont have that look either... After making a bunch of characters it kinda feels like part of a bigger overall problem of lack customization with the entire process... this is probably made bigger by the type of gamers we are... we all know how we think things should look and like it that way! ;D also why things like body sliders go such a long way
Last edited by Llev; 22/11/20 08:52 PM.
Joined: Feb 2020
Some more pictures for you guys to enjoy! ![[Linked Image]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309782108216229898/780540294227165204/Elves.png) Am I the only one who absolutely adores that sun elf? That MANE! ![[Linked Image]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/592dff77e6f2e11e077a7dd4/1498581875518-PPRRKY6120VYA87ECOZI/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kPx25wW2-RVvoRgxIT6HShBZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWQUxwkmyExglNqGp0IvTJZUJFbgE-7XRK3dMEBRBhUpwGbtSA7WutlFA3XjmDXUDFwmxX_uEhqHOBUlPnU0mYmf1Qvd6diXKmxQIX-f1CXeo/elves+det3.jpg) Also, another gem I found, I might pin this one to the main post: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d1/c2/6e/d1c26ed8676f932d6cf78b5a5b171a06.jpg)
Joined: Nov 2020
Some more pictures for you guys to enjoy! ![[Linked Image]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309782108216229898/780540294227165204/Elves.png) Am I the only one who absolutely adores that sun elf? That MANE! ![[Linked Image]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/592dff77e6f2e11e077a7dd4/1498581875518-PPRRKY6120VYA87ECOZI/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kPx25wW2-RVvoRgxIT6HShBZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWQUxwkmyExglNqGp0IvTJZUJFbgE-7XRK3dMEBRBhUpwGbtSA7WutlFA3XjmDXUDFwmxX_uEhqHOBUlPnU0mYmf1Qvd6diXKmxQIX-f1CXeo/elves+det3.jpg) Also, another gem I found, I might pin this one to the main post: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d1/c2/6e/d1c26ed8676f932d6cf78b5a5b171a06.jpg) I hope we get sun elves
Joined: Feb 2020
We have already! In 5E the term "High Elves" includes both Sun Elves and Moon Elves. So what we have to beg for is traditional elven looking elves, lol. PLEASE LARIAN NOTICE US SENPAI.
Last edited by Goldberry; 23/11/20 09:16 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I hope we get Sun/Moon elf split. At the very least in the form of separate lore palettes and NPCs looking one or the other.
Joined: Feb 2020
I hope we get Sun/Moon elf split. At the very least in the form of separate lore palettes and NPCs looking one or the other. I don't know, at least visually you can make one or the other and the rest is just picking whatever dialogue option feels more moon or sun. I'd rather have Eladrin, they're different enough to have their own category and I'd be curious to see how they'd look.
Joined: Oct 2020
All of this sub-race talk reminds me of how much I've always wanted to play a Merfolk, or Water Elf.
Joined: Oct 2020
I hope we get Sun/Moon elf split. At the very least in the form of separate lore palettes and NPCs looking one or the other. I don't know, at least visually you can make one or the other and the rest is just picking whatever dialogue option feels more moon or sun. True, though I always like when a game recognizes things (so to speak) and doesn't make you rely on headcanon. Reactivity and all that. And there's also the matter of NPCs; it would be a shame if they merged two different (visually and culturally) subsets of elves into one entity and placed only generic "high elves" in the world. I'd rather have Eladrin, they're different enough to have their own category and I'd be curious to see how they'd look. Yeah, I think Eladrin are rather unlikely, but I'd love to see how they go about the seasons thing.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Yeah, I think Eladrin are rather unlikely, but I'd love to see how they go about the seasons thing. We get a tiny taste of the seasonal thing in elven eye colors. It's a nice touch. I think we should have a whole game about elves and just elves. All the different varieties! All the lore! Trips to the Feywild, Evermeet, Myth Drannor, Evereska! Aaaand probably no one would buy it. sigh
Joined: Feb 2020
I hope we get Sun/Moon elf split. At the very least in the form of separate lore palettes and NPCs looking one or the other. I don't know, at least visually you can make one or the other and the rest is just picking whatever dialogue option feels more moon or sun. I'd rather have Eladrin, they're different enough to have their own category and I'd be curious to see how they'd look. *Pours one out for the earlier edition Eladrin* I don't mind the current Eladrin enough that I'd be interested and even happy to see them in game, but I do miss them being the Celestials they were. Any split from High Elf into Sun/Moon as separate acknowledged things is very unlikely at this stage imo, but I've always held an affection for Sun Elves as well! ^^
Joined: Feb 2020
Yeah, I think Eladrin are rather unlikely, but I'd love to see how they go about the seasons thing. We get a tiny taste of the seasonal thing in elven eye colors. It's a nice touch. I think we should have a whole game about elves and just elves. All the different varieties! All the lore! Trips to the Feywild, Evermeet, Myth Drannor, Evereska! Aaaand probably no one would buy it. sighI don't think so! It's never been done before, has it? If done right, it can make for a great game  The closest thing I can think of is Kingdoms of Amalur, it is a little bit of a niche and unknown game but those who know it seem to love it.