Joined: Oct 2020
Part of the fun, in my opinion, of D&D is taking what the dice throw at you. To be certain of the outcome of every single click takes part of the enjoyment out of it (not to mention all mechanics around checks and proficiencies). Maybe someone will create a mod that eliminates the need for dice rolls on conversations, but I certainly won't be using it.
Just my two cents.
Joined: Oct 2020
That may very well be, I just want a great Larian RPG game. I couldn't care less about D&D. So lets get back to the virtues of what made D:OS 2 such an extraordinary game. I'm gonna be real. This is a D&D game. If you don't want to play a game based on D&D mechanics, don't play a D&D game. Exactly. This is not a divinity game. Was never meant to be. It's Baldur's Gate 3, a D&D franchise. Just because it's Larian studios doesn't mean that all their games has to be like earlier productions. Look at Bioware, they have several IP's that are vastly different but are very much liked anyway. Same goes for Blizzard. And Bethesda etc. If you want a new Divinity Game from Larian Studio you simply have to wait until they announce that project. We D&D fans didn't necessarily disliked the Divinity series, hey I enjoyed DOS2 very much, but what we want now is a different game
Last edited by PrivateRaccoon; 11/10/20 12:36 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
For the OP: You do know Baulder's Gate is a DnD game, right? So it has that framework to abide as much by as possible. The heart of DnD contains RNG, Choice, and Consequence. If you don't want those core tenants, then BG3 won't be enjoyable for ya. Wait for a mod.
Joined: Jun 2020
The entire concept of this game is that they got the licensing rights to make a D&D 5E game. They made a video all about meeting with the company to make this agreement. The fans want a 5E RPG.
Joined: Oct 2020
This game is literally made with dice rolls in mind, and not succeeding all of them in skill checks. They've designed it so that no skill check failirue will be *needed* to enjoy the game. Sometimes failing a roll in the end gives a better result. Larian has been clear that they don't want dice rolls to feel like you must succeed, and encourages the players to just go with the flow and see what happens even if you fail. I have done that, and it is a much more nejoyablle experience tbh. You can always replay the game another time and hope for different results and get a whole different experience.
Joined: Feb 2020
Dice rolls is just an easy and convenient way of drawing random numbers. Nearly everygame has random numbers in their mecanics.
But visual dice rolls like we see everytime on dialogs is something I don't like. It's an unnessacary UI intrusion according to me because I'm not interrested in tabletop simulator mecanics.
Joined: Oct 2020
Sorry, I disagree. I am very excited that an excellent studio like Larian has taken the challenge to create a D&D ruleset game. Part of that challenge is creating a setting and story that can branch and seem "alive" based on your chance interations with the world. I love the thought that you can roleplay and you may get a different outcome everytime you do a playthrough.
Joined: Mar 2022
Hello, Firesong! I like playing the D&D games a lot. Most of the best D&D-like video games are great, I liked the latest Divinity Original Sin game and Pathfinder 2 games.
Joined: Mar 2020
I am generally in favour of flat skill requirements rather then dice rolls, I do think it works better in video game, even though some recent titles, like Disco Elysium, managed to implement dice rolls skillchecks rather well. I am must say, I am kinda baffled why Larian tries to hide dice rolls and hide D&D systems in combat, but throws it front and centre in conversations. Odd choice.
It seems to me that was OP dislikes is characters ability’s to limit what you as a player can do. That I disagree with - having an ability to attempt something doesn’t need to lead to success.
![[Linked Image from c.tenor.com]](https://c.tenor.com/cZlr0524pIsAAAAC/d20-dice.gif) I agree, we should have dice.
Joined: Jul 2021
So lets get back to the virtues of what made D:OS 2 such an extraordinary game. No, let's not. This is the Baldur's Gate forum, not the Divinity forum.
Joined: Oct 2020
This game is literally made with dice rolls in mind, and not succeeding all of them in skill checks. They've designed it so that no skill check failirue will be *needed* to enjoy the game. Sometimes failing a roll in the end gives a better result. Larian has been clear that they don't want dice rolls to feel like you must succeed, and encourages the players to just go with the flow and see what happens even if you fail. I have done that, and it is a much more nejoyablle experience tbh. You can always replay the game another time and hope for different results and get a whole different experience. I agree with this. A few things. !. Larian has made it perfectly clear from the beginning that this IS going to be a D&D 5e rule system game. There was no question regarding that. 2. As in the above quote, you can indeed go with the role, and it can influence how your character reacts in the future. Example: In your example of the girl getting killed, you fail the persuasion check, or whatever you are doing, then the girl dies. Playing a druid and seeing this senseless killing, he became enraged, and when he discovered Kahga's rel plan, didn't even give her a chance to redeem herself. She HAD to be stopped in his mind. This where the roleplaying itself comes in. In RL, there's no take backs, you react to what happens and the randomness of the universe. You can play the game the same way. 
Joined: Jun 2021
As a near lifetime long BG saga player / tabletop and crpg fan here’s what i think: I know creating a brand new engine would have been out of reach financially and taken too long but i’m kind of disappointed after playing through EA thats its just dos:2 with d&d classes /tropes and “lite” d&d rules sprinkled in. I hope thats just the d&d not being fully implemented into the engine yet and not representative of the final product. More weeding out of dos remnants would be appreciated.
Joined: Nov 2020
As a near lifetime long BG saga player / tabletop and crpg fan here’s what i think: I know creating a brand new engine would have been out of reach financially and taken too long but i’m kind of disappointed after playing through EA thats its just dos:2 with d&d classes /tropes and “lite” d&d rules sprinkled in. I hope thats just the d&d not being fully implemented into the engine yet and not representative of the final product. More weeding out of dos remnants would be appreciated. I think you might find yourself disappointed there friend. Swen stated their intention was always to piggyback the success and renown of the BG IP and to bring their own interpretation of D&D.
Joined: Feb 2021
Yes, but we can fight it tooth and nail. The more people calling for at least a difficulty setting that is 5e, the better our chances that we get it.
BALANCED 5e, mind you,. Again, Larian, don't you balance this game around your homebrew stuff and then give us actual 5e stats and rules as if you're just slapping it out there to appease us. I do NOT want a 5e experience that is so freaking hard I can't really play it without constant save scumming.
3 REAL 5e imps will easily wipe the floor with the MC and Lae'zel only. I might have a shot with a party of 4 + Lae'zel, but 2 level 1 characters is suicide. Same with the intellect devourer fight on the beach. That will be very frustrating if you make us fight real 5e stat monsters without at least giving us party of 6 with up to at least 4 customs right from the beginning. Either redo the encounters or give us more companions immediately in the beginning.
Joined: Oct 2020
"Larian has been clear that they don't want dice rolls to feel like you must succeed" I'm sry I just need to say something ! I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally feel like I should have succeeded this roll dice after Khaga beheaded this child !  xD GM4Him, as I respect your fight for more BG stuff in BG3, I think it's useless. Better go play Solasta or Pathfinder or even try the new Balck Geyser... But I'm with you, keep faith.
Joined: Jul 2014
I’m not sure why everyone suddenly decided to start replying a 18 months old thread.
Last edited by Tuco; 04/04/22 09:39 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Dice rolls works great for Solasta, a hardcore D&D game. They feel silly and tacked on for BG3. Just like the Baldur's gate license.
Joined: Mar 2022
Hello, Firesong! I like playing the D&D games a lot. Most of the best D&D-like video games are great, I liked the latest Divinity Original Sin game and Pathfinder 2 games. Also, I like playing the Minecraft D&D servers. They have special storylines and builds for D&D lovers. More popular Minecraft servers you can find at https://servers-minecraft.net/minecraft-bedwars-servers site. If you want, we can play together. Reach me in PM if you are interested.
Last edited by jordymerta; 14/04/22 12:06 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Dice rolls works great for Solasta, a hardcore D&D game. Solasta's Dice implementation in combat is something that every game adapting tabletop should learn from. Skill checks wise, though, Solasta had barely anything going for it.