I'm playing a human ranger, criminal background, with urban tracker and bounty hunter (ST16, DX 16, CO10, IQ 12, WS 14 CH 9 - unopimized on purpose). I went dual wielding and picked up hunter with colossus slayer and on 4th level I went with the feat for dual weapons (using a medium armor ending up AC 16).
I don't need a thief. I can use lock picking and sneak.
This build is my primary damage dealer, I only bother with Hunter's Mark for key enemies when I'm using a bow - and that only happens if I can't melee - I'm on purpose not cheesing with ranged+sneak.
Most used spell is 'Speak with Animals'.
I have 'Cure Wounds' if needed.
Overall I'm playing the ranger really the way I like it. Except for social situations he is very useful and the most deadly character in my party (as he fits my playstyle the most) being very flexible and deadly. I see me multiclassing him into a battlemaster in the full game to expand on his flexibility in combat and because I'm always torn between fighter and ranger