Joined: Oct 2020
I can see that there many different opinions about the way BG3 should evolve and improve. A half of the people is here because they love BG1/BG2, other half because they love DOS2. The problem is that these games are completely different... Honestly I think that the only way to please everyone will be to introduce same system like in Pillars 2 or Kingmaker - RTwP (more BG1/BG2 friendly with all D&D 5e rules) and TB (more DOS2 friendly with bit more limited 5e rules). I know it could be quite difficult and time taking as this will require to re-shape BG3 a lot, but who knows - maybe this could be the way ?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I love both. But Larian cant please everyone. They got to be realistic.
Imo baldurs gate while very fun its dated as all hell. Specially graphicly. I hope they to bring the best of both series together and magicly make everyone happy. But im not holding my breathe on that one...
Joined: Oct 2020
Many topics suggest that a lot of people are not happy at all - "this is not Baldurs Gate" "This is DOS3" "I would like..." "I completely disagree" etc. If other devs could implement both system in their games i do not see the reason to not do the same in BG3.
Joined: Oct 2020
I just want BG3 to actually be a 5E game. I love DoS1 and 2 and would love to see a DoS3 some day where they can improve further upon the mechanics of DoS1 and 2. But for BG3 I was hoping to see Larian step out of their comfort zone and make a faithful 5e game (yes turn based) instead of just tweaking DoS2 a bit.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
From what ive seen so far they are trying yo stay true to 5e though. Where do you feel its more dos2 then dnd 5e?
Outside of the puddles that all cantrips create anyway.
Joined: Oct 2020
I mean the puddles are a big thing, but for me, I played both Divinity Original Sin games, and I liked them a fair amount, but I went into this game having been too young for the Baldur's Gate games at the time, and just wanting to play a virtual D&D game, accepting that there might be some changes to accommodate the change in medium, but the thing that I think grates on me about the current state of BG3 is that the places where it deviates from 5e don't to me feel like improvements for a video game, they feel like rewriting 5e to be more like Divinity Original Sin. Here's the deviations that bug me: 1. CR being completely disregarded means that party comp drastically affects difficulty to the point where some encounters have been impossible without cheese if you've got clothies. 2. Action + Bonus Action dramatically changes the flow of combat and what is meant to be optimal 3. Related, the game incentivizes combat that isn't very d&d with emphasis on surfaces, jump disengages, fixations on high grounds, and kinda cheesy hiding mechanics mid combat 4. Also related strike, multistrike, and then shove all in the same turn can just shred your low AC characters in a single turn. 5. The difficulty is not tuned around attrition and a single long rest followed by multiple short rests and incentivizes spamming long rest, which feels rather counter to the RP that you're racing against the clock to get cured of the tadpole until Halsin tells you "oops guess the tadpole just isn't gonna turn you into a mindflayer until it's convenient for the plot to feel urgent again".
Last edited by Kurzzi; 11/10/20 05:37 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
All the lootable bookshelves/vases/etc with nothing in them. yeah the surface stuff everywhere the dangerous barrels everywhere the characters feeling a bit more jack-of-all-trades (everyone can use any scroll) general spam of consumable items no xp for peaceful solutions. Kill everything if you want xp.
not exactly div sin things but odd way of doing stuff that feels meh to me: showing hit % chances on creatures. Why do we know what AC everything has? Are we passing a check to know this about them? even if we do, just show me what their AC is and i should know what my +attack is. then let me roll the attack and show me what i rolled. I hate how the dice rolls are currently showed in the dialogue box it feels clunky and sometimes you dont get all the info there. D&D is a dice game. embrace it. as others have mentioned with dice as well.. show us the DC for as kill check and then show us our roll + modifiers and see if we beat the DC. dont just cancel out modifiers and show us "you need to get an 8" or whatever.
basically it just feels more like im playin div sin than d&d. I did just recently put another 100+ hours into pathfinder kingmaker on turn based mode though so im reaaally itching for D&D right now.
Last edited by Matey; 11/10/20 05:42 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
You are indeed drowned in barrels, consumables and empty shelves 🤣
I agree that they can tone that down abit. Not sure if that 'just' scrams divinity tho. Some dungeons in bg also had plenty of lootable contsiners thst could or could contain something usefull. The water and oil barrels just sometimes feel very out of place.
Joined: Oct 2015
Slumber party? We can stay up late and watch horror movies and eat pizza and junk food?.. That might make people happy. Free orgasms for everyone? That'll really make people happy... Maybe too happy. Also who's going to pass those out? That person won't be happy. Nevermind that was bad idea. Lets just do the pizza and slumber party thing.
Joined: Oct 2020
I mean the puddles are a big thing, but for me, I played both Divinity Original Sin games, and I liked them a fair amount, but I went into this game having been too young for the Baldur's Gate games at the time, and just wanting to play a virtual D&D game, accepting that there might be some changes to accommodate the change in medium, but the thing that I think grates on me about the current state of BG3 is that the places where it deviates from 5e don't to me feel like improvements for a video game, they feel like rewriting 5e to be more like Divinity Original Sin. Here's the deviations that bug me: 1. CR being completely disregarded means that party comp drastically affects difficulty to the point where some encounters have been impossible without cheese if you've got clothies. 2. Action + Bonus Action dramatically changes the flow of combat and what is meant to be optimal 3. Related, the game incentivizes combat that isn't very d&d with emphasis on surfaces, jump disengages, fixations on high grounds, and kinda cheesy hiding mechanics mid combat 4. Also related strike, multistrike, and then shove all in the same turn can just shred your low AC characters in a single turn. 5. The difficulty is not tuned around attrition and a single long rest followed by multiple short rests and incentivizes spamming long rest, which feels rather counter to the RP that you're racing against the clock to get cured of the tadpole until Halsin tells you "oops guess the tadpole just isn't gonna turn you into a mindflayer until it's convenient for the plot to feel urgent again". Great summation, Kurzzi. Agree with all those points.
Joined: Oct 2020
I absolutely adore DOS2.
But this feels more like Divinity: Baldurs Gate 3, rather than Baldurs Gate 3.
I can understand people liking DOS1 and 2 and thus they are looking forward for BG3. But it would do a disservice to the game if they don't go full in with the 5e/DnD theme to make a proper BG game. Instead of essentially divinity with DnD aspects which this has been. (or bolted on. its clear that the divinity engine is well, obviously made for divinity ruleset. And the 5e ruleset is bolted on)
Don't get me wrong, BG3 is a ton of fun and is really well made. DOS2 is a lot of fun too! But there's way too much Divinity in it, and I'd love to play more divinity when DOS3 comes out. Or well, Divinity Fallen Heroes? I'm hyped for that. But with Baldurs Gate 3 I'd like to play a DnD game should that make sense. This is more of an issue for folk who come in expecting a DnD game but getting... something that's not entirely that? I got a friend who doesn't really care for DOS1 or 2, but is a big DnD dude. Massive FR nerd. He is more angry than anything with BG3 for a big list of reasons. Which are understandable.
If you make a Dungeon and Dragons game, you are marketing that you are making a DnD game. It doesn't matter what you previously made. The experience of making that (cRPGs) is useful, yes. And shows. Even my angry friend acknowledges that the cRPG aspects are good. But the DnD aspects are sorely lacking. Too much of Divinity shows through as was feared.
Rather than a BG1 or BG2 game, both of which are heavily outdated, I'd much rather play a 5e game (even though I prefer 3.5e). All I'm really asking for, all many folk seem to be asking for. BG3, not DOS3 or D:BG3. Those are essentially memes on here but they do capture the sentiment quite well.
Last edited by blazerules; 11/10/20 06:55 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Judging by these forums...
Divinity fans are unhappy about the D&D parts of the game.
D&D fans are unhappy about the Divinity parts of the game.
BG fans are just unhappy.
Joined: Sep 2020
As much as love original BG and DOS, there are a lot of similarities to the latter one than to BG. Simple changes like selecting your characters and shade of surroundings would go a long way. There are many posts (my included) asking to drop the chain-ling (signature of DOS) make selecting character like in the previous BG. Same with colors, Blighted Village looks like Driftwood (after blight plague)
Joined: Oct 2020
Judging by these forums...
Divinity fans are unhappy about the D&D parts of the game.
D&D fans are unhappy about the Divinity parts of the game.
BG fans are just unhappy. Precisely. I am a big D&D fan and I also love the BG series. D:OS not so much. But I am really happy with the game. I like the way that they implemented the D&D5e ruleset, particularly being turn-based (a departure from BG). I don't mind a few tweaks since the original D&D rules do support some homebrewing. However, I do agree that the D:OS influence could be toned down a little bit. As for the OP: just no. I want a proper D&D implementation with TB combat, not RtwP.
Joined: Oct 2020
Divinity fans are unhappy about the D&D parts of the game.
I get D&D fans being unhappy, I get BG fans being unhappy. But this part confuses me the most I'd say. Divinity fans are unhappy about D&D aspects in a... D&D game? This seems to be the most confusing thing here.
Joined: Oct 2020
I am a big D&D fan and I also love the BG series. D:OS not so much. But I am really happy with the game. I like the way that they implemented the D&D5e ruleset, particularly being turn-based (a departure from BG). I don't mind a few tweaks since the original D&D rules do support some homebrewing. However, I do agree that the D:OS influence could be toned down a little bit.
As for the OP: just no. I want a proper D&D implementation with TB combat, not RtwP. I wasn't being completely serious with the above, though I must say I actually share some "BG fan" sentiment. Wouldn't say I'm unhappy per se, rather somewhat worried about BG identity being lost in the argument of "D:OS vs D&D". And RTwP for me.  I don't expect it, but it would be amazing in a Definitive Edition or the like. I get D&D fans being unhappy, I get BG fans being unhappy. But this part confuses me the most I'd say.
Divinity fans are unhappy about D&D aspects in a... D&D game? This seems to be the most confusing thing here. I agree it's confusing, but this is what I've seen on the forum. I guess it's because the playerbase largely recruits from Divinity fans, so they'll naturally compare BG3 to Larian's previous games, particularly OS1/2.
Joined: Oct 2020
Crazy thought but... If this game is proper 5e then it should be easy for a player who is comfrtable in bg3 to play 5e with minimal learning curve (for mechanics at least). Right now that seems unlikely. I wish this felt more like turn based pathfinder kingmaker but 5e and diff visuals.
I think ultimately my enjoyment is diminished simply because it seems like it is a great game that was advertised as a different kind of great game. Maybe itll be more 5e by release but i kinda get the feeling they arent comfortable deviating from div sin enough to make bg3 feel like its own thing. Ill still be hyped if they ever do a DoS3 though.