I like being able to push and jump, but jump is just an exploit atm...
Ennemies don't jump to avoid damages when they're going through a surface... You do.
Ennemies don't jump to avoid your attack of opporunity... You do.
Ennemies don't jump just to move a little bit more because the system is buggued atm (jump/speed/movement system)... You do.
It absolutely need works for us not to play with jump at every turns. BG3 doesn't deserve such exploit in combats.
Maybe jump should be an action and not a bonus action, so we'll use it wisely in combats....
I agree, but NPC's aren't the innocent victims either:
- they spawn out of nowhere while I'm locked in a place to watch a video that can't be skipped. Then they hit first with toxic or fire surface, cast sleep and whatever, while I can't do anything just watch
- the vendor buys my items for about 10x times cheaper than the price on them and sells his wares for 3x more expensive than the listed price
- once fought an owlbear that could jump on top on my party from far away, leaving everyone on the ground while also doing damage and hex every single turn
and so on
I'm in to make it fair: let them do everything I can do, and nothing more. If not, their tricks vs. mine, as it is now. Good sport it is

Edit: Of course I hope the AI gets more things (like the ability to jump away) and they have to keep improving it. I don't want to win using things that feel like cheap tricks, just want a way to counter everything the AI does.