Joined: Mar 2020
I didn't read every comment in here, but from what I did read I didn't see anyone bringing it up: this is an ea, and moreover, Gale wasn't supposed to be a part of it. It doesn't make all the criticism suddenly invalid, but just keep in mind that A most likely we'll have more spacial loot and B Gale is probably the most incomplete out of the companions we have.
Joined: Oct 2020
Might be why I'll play a Sorcerere or Wizard on my first playthrough when the full game is out, don't think that I want to deal with something like this on my first playthrough when I don't know where all of the gear is.
Joined: Jul 2014
I see everyone here is spectacularly missing the whole point, which is that it is supposed to be inconvenient. It’s not a meaningful choice if there is no cost to the player and you can just keep feeding him +1 items or scrolls. You’re supposed to be annoyed he only wants the good items, and you’re supposed to either deny him and deal with the consequences or make a sacrifice that has legitimate value.
You’re not supposed to like it. Or, they could design characters that sane DND groups and DMs would even put in parties. Too many special snowflake characters like every one of them were designed by some 12 year old as their first character What he said. Not everyone needs to be so special. Exactly. Right now I feel like I'm back in highschool when we played D&D and most of my party was composed of toxic players just being douches for the sake of it. As for Gale, he actually is a douche mechanically (by taking away specific items which came as a reward), which is even worse. If the game gave me some time to start caring about him so I really want to save him when he comes up with the eating object thing, I might have reacted differently. But as for now, I barely know the guy, he hasn't shown up extroardinary qualities to him, his backstory is pretty lackluster (you don't know anything about him except being from Waterdeep, yet you know he is a magic addict). And if I'm not supposed to like it, as you say, why playing it then ? A game shouldn't be a source of self induced pain. I have my real life coworkers for that. Another example of how BG3 can be a very frustrating game. @Larian: please don't - I actually appreciated that there were significant costs to keeping him as a companion at this stage in development. I presume that the full release will have alternative (generic?) non-Gale casters, so the point will be moot. Please don't water down good story-telling by converting well-crafted characters into faceless mooks that follow you around like two-legged mules. Might I suggest simply adding in an actual mule that can learn spells, carry twice as much random junk and only has a single line of voiced content ("eee-awwww!")? Just be certain that the character doesn't have any markings, long mane, braided tail or a lop-ears; we don't want to offend anyone sensitive by having interesting characters in the party 
Joined: Oct 2020
I really don't understand all this whinning about the loot - I fed him Necromancy of Thay and The Iron Flask - none of those even felt like a sacrifice.
And by the time he'll want the third I'll have plenty of blues we'll grow out of so... Other than keeping a pouch of blue junk named "Gale feed" I don't really see the problem.
Also apart from The Sword of Justice none of them is really that awesome to begin with
Last edited by Azarielle; 03/11/20 08:17 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I really don't understand all this whinning about the loot - I fed him Necromancy of Thay and The Iron Flask - none of those even felt like a sacrifice.
And by the time he'll want the third I'll have plenty of blues we'll grow out of so... Other than keeping a pouch of blue junk named "Gale feed" I don't really see the problem.
Also apart from The Sword of Justice none of them is really that awesome to begin with We don't know yet the frequency of it and what will happen if we don't. I don't mind it necessarily but on my first playthrough at least I like to use the gear I find, especially since you won't know where to find it.
Joined: Oct 2020
His trait does seem pretty cumbersome, most of the other storylines seem to be interesting or have some benefit (i.e. the rogues bite attack) but with Gale it's just a series of extra sucky things. Why would I want him in my party, isn't a custom created wizard better in every category?
Joined: Oct 2020
Gotta remake this mechanic to let him feed on anything magical. Not just the best stuff. Thanks. Otherwise, we are just farming for Gale's bad decision, which he made before we met him. I don't have any problem fighting with Gale absorbing artefacts  . You can do a lot with not a lot of gear on you.
Joined: Oct 2020
Loot is scarce here? You could have fooled me. Besides, since I have yet to progress on his questline to see this stuff (Yeah, I've been spoiled on this, my bad for reading...) I'll ask out of curiosity: does he at least get some benefit from "eating" magic items? Or it's just a money sink for the player? He only accepts some powerful artefacts ( some of the Blue items ). In other words the best gear you could get. Only found 3 items in the entire EA he would accept and there no benefits besides he being happy. Really? :o The first time i (finally!) had the cutscene where he ask me to give him blue items i had 5 or six choices, most of them items i didn't intend to use. By the way, i'm still waiting for him to ask me a second. Well not really, cause i finished the EA before. I suspect the timer is relative to your progression through the different acts instead of time/days of adventure. Anyway, we bump into more blue items than we can seriously equip on our 4 characters so...
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
I love this mechanic. It's new and unique, it forces you to make hard choices (which usually is only limited to the game's story and here it touches on game mechanics), it get's you really invested in his story if you choose to participate. I love it - good job Larian!
Joined: Oct 2020
While loot scarcity is not a problem, his pickyness is.
And honestly, the more I learn about Gale and his backstory, the less I like him, and the less I feel inclined to sacrifice powerful and/or valuable magical items to keep this wannabe-Elminster around.
Thankfully, everyone can use scrolls in this game and if on-demand blasting is required, a fiend pact warlock or sorcerer will do the trick, so it's not like having him (or any wizard) around is mandatory.
Joined: Nov 2020
My only problem with this mechanic is that it seems buggy. First, the conversation not always happens. Second, you can have several items that might qualify for that, but you can't choose which one to offer. And you can offer all of them in one go, instead of having a timer or something that indicates that you should feed him another item. I think it would work better if you can offer any blue or higher item and have some indications of Gale's state and need for more magic.
Also, main characters with arcana, should be offered the opportunity to study Gale and, maybe, find out more about his condition. Make it easier to treat or handle or, getting some insight from it. And yes, even explain Gale things that he got wrong. Just saying.
Joined: Nov 2020
Didnt really feel the gale item consumption crop up, i only took i want to say like 8-9 long rests so only had one interaction where he asked for an item. Finished the Act without even having a tadpole temptation dream.
Joined: Oct 2020
What i do not like is that it is something i remember from the elminster books. So it's not even seomthing new. Well, Elminster loses his mind instead of killing everything around him.
But i agree that every magic item should suffice. Maybe the "duration of the satiation" can be influenced by the power of the item. More power = more time to the next feast.
Joined: Sep 2015
I killed the hag and found her staff, then I rested and Gale wanted to eat it. I gave it to him but it was very annoying.
I think I will try to drop some magic items on the ground before resting, lets see if that can avoid the issue. Once he told you he needs to eat magic items the quest log will have a list of what items he wants ( out of those you already found ). There will be some items where I have no problem losing them, but some of them I want to keep.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Nov 2020
I see everyone here is spectacularly missing the whole point, which is that it is supposed to be inconvenient. It’s not a meaningful choice if there is no cost to the player and you can just keep feeding him +1 items or scrolls. You’re supposed to be annoyed he only wants the good items, and you’re supposed to either deny him and deal with the consequences or make a sacrifice that has legitimate value.
You’re not supposed to like it. Or, they could design characters that sane DND groups and DMs would even put in parties. Too many special snowflake characters like every one of them were designed by some 12 year old as their first character Yes.
Joined: Oct 2020
In EA Gale requires to be "fed" TWICE and you can easily give him the Zhent orb (the one with the beholder) and Selune's tears (IIRC, it's an amulet you find in the Shattered Temple). With the orb giving it to gale is the best thing you can do, while the amulet is not so great, so it's just a small loss.
Also: I found a bug with Staff of the Crones. If Gale has it in hand and you feed it to him he reacts saying the artefact was very powerful and able to keep him satisfied for a long time, yet the artefact is NOT consumed and you can keep feeding hi that way.
EDIT: Only feed Gale when he absolutely asks for it. Don't just give him stuff obviously!
Last edited by Tulkash01; 24/11/20 11:54 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I love this mechanic. It's new and unique, it forces you to make hard choices (which usually is only limited to the game's story and here it touches on game mechanics), it get's you really invested in his story if you choose to participate. I love it - good job Larian! I love the mechanic also. And it gives extra incentive to do some side questing and find unusual magical loot. It so rare for a game to put loot you have collected at risk. I don't get all the Gale hate . . . I like the guy, he didn't make the best decisions but he's paying for it now and I feel sorry for him and want to help. And sure Gale has an over inflated opinion of himself, but from what I can tell, so do most of us posting on this forum! 
Joined: Jan 2020
all of them have backstories that bleed into the present. Can I get one that just wants to fight for gold 