Joined: Oct 2020
@DuderusMcRuleric Which class does the most damage at lvl 4, without all the feats and races might be rogue, but it is useless information. Lets compare that rogue to a relatively optimized ranger in 5e at lvl 5. Human variant with 16 dex sharpshooter and crossbow expert as feats. Horizon Walker. He uses 2 hand crossbows. And his fighting style is archery. Average damage on the three shots he can fire is 4.5+3.5+3.5+3.5+3+3+10+10+10=51 damage. I know this is before miss chance, and it will fall quite a bit, but math on taking -5 with sharpshooter is well known. And missing becomes rarer and rarer the higher you get in level because of bounded accuracy.
Rogues with an extra offhand attack does not do much. As a rogue I would rather have expertise. And if I want to do massive damage with a rogue, I am going to multiclass.
yeah disregarding the fact that much of this stuff is not actually in the game  So whats the point? not even sharpshooter feat is in the game right now and im not sure if it will come online. And in DnD the rogue can not get a bonus action for 2 offhand attacks in 1 round. so how does that even compare? this is a feedback for the game of BG3. not for DnD5e. They diviate from DnD5e quite a lot. I would not argue rogue is the best DPS in DnD. No way. This is also why even shadowhard can out DPS a ranger with a bow in ranged combat iwth fkin alchemist fires. you tend to always hit at least 2 ppl. most of the time 3. it deals bludge on hit +d4 initial fire + d4 fire for up to 3 rounds. No hit roll required for the fire damage. coming up at potential 9d4 damage if you hit 3 people + battlefield control effect if the enemy needs to cross the fire. you pull that off very reliably. Wich you honestly dont need. I just reloaded the fight with the traders north of the gnolls and solo´d them with astarion. its not even hard. hiding mid combat so the enemy can not attack you is pretty fkin brilliant and he has highest DPS. Hence why it is a game feedback for BG3. The rogue is very strong combatwise is this game. Not talking about what he can do in actual DnD. The thread was about the rogue are lackluster in BG3. they are absolutely not, they are freaking murder machines. The best one you can get at this point in time. Yeah, it is feedback for the alpha. And my point was to show that the rogues damage output was completely fine and nothing insane. And things change over levels. Just at lvl 5 many classes get extra attacks, while the rogues only increase in damage comes from 1d6 sneak attack. But it is true that I am assuming that most feats will get implemented. Which might be an error on my part. I am hoping though we get most of the feats though. Some of them are needed to make interesting builds for martials. That being said, I still think the rogue is lackluster compared to the tabletop. Expertise is huge, and cunning action is much weaker now that everyone gets disengage as a bonus action. I just dislike that the rogue has lost what I think of as its identity. I don't see any gameplay reason for changing the rogue really. Well, they did give everyone something that was exclusive to rogue and monk to everyone, so I guess they felt they needed to give something extra to rogue etc. But I fail to see a good reason everyone should have a bonus action disengage anyways. Maybe that is another error on my part. EDIT: Also your damage calculation for the rogue, above in the thread, is off. You will not have both 18 dex and the dual wielder feat at lvl 4 without human variant.
Last edited by Ascorius; 13/10/20 09:57 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Maybe that is another error on my part. certainly not. you are absolutely right about the points deviating form actual DnD. I just wanted to make case, that the Rogue is actually very very strong *in that game" right now. He is the stealther, the lockpicker, the trap disarmer, the shover, the primary DPR and the most mobile class right now in nonmagical ways. But it´s certainly fair to argue, that the rogue is not what he is supposed to be in DnD. i´ll agree with that immediatly. That´s the point many people are making. The characters/classes are not representing what they are representing in DnD. It does not feel like DnD and your points are fair ones toward that argument.
Last edited by DuderusMcRuleric; 13/10/20 10:25 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
this is what i did ingame. Ingame is even easier, since your rogue (astarion) has an auto hit attack in his pockets wich also heals him. So not giving up DPR if you need to heal. also you get easy access to a misty step item and an invisibility item and an improved move speed item. With trick dash + dash + move + jump in one round he can easily cross like 3-4 monitor widths in a single turn if he needs to reposition and he never has issues with blocked line of fire. Its really busted, he easily outdamages my selfmade fighter by a landslide. And he is not even magical weapons since for some reason i did not get my hands on magical shortswords or daggers. dunno why that is. he just runs 2 basic short swords.
that all fine, but again its not about numbers, dpr, math etc it all about game and location design, like example goblins ambush in the village at the beginning, good luck to make these attacks(you math) by rogue. ranger simple can it solo with bow, or take Op spider and dont even will sweat I fail to understand your point, a rogue can easily solo that encounter as well, with bonus action dash + dash you take only one turn tô get behind enemies and backstab. Or you do the smart thing and don't enter a destroyed town by the front gate, at least that's How I roleplay my rogue, never front doors. But the point is not about who is stronger here, I think you missed the discussion, the point is that currently the rogue is super OP but fails to use his core class features often and doesn't feel like a classic DnD rogue, Just a crazy OP 2h berserker. They need to tone down multiple attacks for 2h and lean more on sneak attack, expertise, and other rogue features @DuderusMcRuleric Which class does the most damage at lvl 4, without all the feats and races might be rogue, but it is useless information. Lets compare that rogue to a relatively optimized ranger in 5e at lvl 5. Human variant with 16 dex sharpshooter and crossbow expert as feats. Horizon Walker. He uses 2 hand crossbows. And his fighting style is archery. Average damage on the three shots he can fire is 4.5+3.5+3.5+3.5+3+3+10+10+10=51 damage. I know this is before miss chance, and it will fall quite a bit, but math on taking -5 with sharpshooter is well known. And missing becomes rarer and rarer the higher you get in level because of bounded accuracy.
Rogues with an extra offhand attack does not do much. As a rogue I would rather have expertise. And if I want to do massive damage with a rogue, I am going to multiclass.
This os hardly relevante to the discussion, fact is, currently rogue has the highest dpr yet doen't really uses his class features to get there, the Horizon walker probabbly won't even be available at full launch, possibly never.
Joined: Sep 2017
I agree with those, but I don't find them lackluster at all, actually kinda OP hint; ranger can do all the rogue can, but he has 1 more skill prof and much better incombat the rogue is right now, without a shadow of a doubt, the highest DPR marhsall class. Why? Lets compare Ranger4 to rogue 4. Considering maximized builds obviously. So DEX18 for the ranger with archery style. DEX18 for the rogue, he picks up Abilitymod on offhand and goes Thief for second bonus action. Hit-modifier: Rogue comes in at Prof+2, DEX+4 for +6 over all Ranger comes in at Prof+2, DEX+4, archery +2 for +8 over all. Avarage damage on hit: Rogue sneak: d6 + 2d6 + 4 = 14,5 avarage Rogue nonsneak: d6+4 = 7,5 avarage Ranger bow: d8+4 = 8,5 avarage Considering buffs: Not talking buffs from third characters, because both could get them. The ranger however can go for hunters mark for an additional D6 on hit, bringing his damage to an avarage of 12. Number of attacks: The rogue has 3 attacks (sneak and 2 bonus action offhands), the ranger has 1 attack with his bow. Calculating avarage damage against AC19. *Expecting both characters to have advantage, because in melee the rogue can just always walk around the enemy in his turn for backstab. The ranger can just move up a cliff. arguably the rogue has a little easier access to advantage but lets face it: You do always have advantage in BG3 or you screwed up. Rogue against AC 19: Roll required: 13. Chance including advantage: 64%. Avarage damage: (14,5 x 64%) + 2(8,5 x 64%)= ~20 damage a turn Ranger against AC 19 including hunters mark: Roll required: 11. Chance including advantage: 75%. Avarage damage: 12 x 75% = ~9 damage a turn. The lower the enemy AC the higher the advantage for the rogue obviously, since the difference of 2 in hit rolls comes to bare the less, the closer you are to a hitroll of 2 required, as its squared due to advantage. Something else to include in your calculation, right now Ranger, Colossus Slayer is broken. It is supposed to add 1d8 damage to a wounded creature you hit, but it acts as a second hit so any damage modifers is added on to it for example with a ranger wielding a 1d8 rapier with dueling could deal 2d8 + 4(Dex) + 2d6 + 4 (From doubling hunter's mark and dueling), but using duelwielding with two 1d6 weapons his damage would be 1d8 + 8(dex from both hits) + 5d6 (2d6 from weapons, 2d6 from mark, 1 extra d6 from colossus) Another fun fact is the Rogue sneak attack is treated the same way so a rogue could instead of gaining +1 hit/damage take the Magic initiate feat at level 4 for the Warlock Hex and deal and additional 2d6 damage every time they sneak attack. and an addtional 1d6 for each off hand hit. Also you can incude in both of these builds if you were to focus strength instead as an off hand weapon option you can buy a hand axe that burns enemies, every time it hits it deals 1d6 + 1d4 + str mod damage. The numbers get pretty insane if you want to abuse the game in it's current state.
Last edited by Zaxtaj; 13/10/20 11:25 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Thing is, the reason the rogue in BG3 is not a DnD Rogue is not the rogue itself. Op mentioned a part of that already.
Granted, expertise is missing, that should absolutely be in the game to keep him the skillmonkey he should be.
But for the other features he basicly still has. The thing is that they are not special anymore, because larian throws incredible skills (in the context of DnD) at everyone like confetti. Thieves Cant: Hard to judge. I guess rogues get special Dialogue options so it is kinda represented. But every class gets that, so its nothing special. Cunning action: You still can do all of this. The thing is: Everyone else can disengage as bonus action to. So its basicly not missing in the rogue, its that he gets powercreeped because everyone else can do it. To make up for it they throw more DPS at him. Fast fingers: Same goes for that one. Arcane trickster: You get spells. Wich does not matter. But yet again, everyone can "cast" a variety of cantrips or level1 spells by throwing oil, throwing alchemist fires, throwing acid flasks, having items that grant you spells (invis, speak with dead, misty step etc) and everyone can cast spells from scrolls.
So its not like the rogue lacks the ability to do what he can do in DnD. It´s that every single class is a 80% rogue, a 80% mage, a 80% alchemist or whatevery you wanna call it etc. So the classes do not feel very special. Cool, got a cleric that can heal. Might aswell eat some pork Cool, got a mage that can cast grease or set people on fire. Might aswell throw stuff. Cool, got a fighter with high AC. Does not matter, you get Acid splashed and AOE for 90% of the time, AC10 is just as good. Cool, got a ranger with a bow and hunters mark. Might aswell sneak attack since it does more damage, always having advantage. Or throw a alch fire with DEX9 and have more ranged DPS.
But i feel that goes for every class. The only thing that i felt really was a defining class feature, were my fighters superiority dice, that enable more plays and selectivle increase your DPS. The rest is absolutely replacable. You can can easily play that game without a single caster. You can easily play it without a single melee fighter, you can easily play it without a dedicated archer/ranged attacker. Everything is and everyone is replacable.
Hopefully that will change with level progression or perhaps (still praying) larian putting in place some adjustments to be more DnDish again.
But right now the rogue is the last class that needs to be touched to feel good. i guess i failed to really make my point. "though not being what he is in DnD, the rogue to me still is the most enjoyable and least lacksluster class as he feels most significantly different to other classes". He at least shines in DPSing and maneuverability. Thats one thing that sets him apart from 90% of the other classes, as noone can even remotely reach his DPS or movement. At least he has "something" to shine in. Other classes have nothing important to shine in *!in that PC game!*.
Last edited by DuderusMcRuleric; 13/10/20 11:31 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm sad rogues are so lackluster in EA atm. So here's a load of suggestions for them.
-Expertise, why don't we have this? Its part of why rogues in 5e are 'skill monkeys' and make up for how squishy they can be in a fight.
-Cunning Action/Hide Rework, the fact every class can hide as a bonus action bugs me, one of the best things Rogues have in means of staying alive in a fight is their ability to hide AND attack in the same turn compared to their more martial counter parts. That and disengage.
-Sneak Attack, kinda wondering why this needed a button at all? Wouldn't it be better to just be seamlessly worked into attacks where if the factors match up and allow for it, it just adds sneak attack dice to damage? +1 
Joined: Sep 2017
@DuderusMcRuleric Which class does the most damage at lvl 4, without all the feats and races might be rogue, but it is useless information. Lets compare that rogue to a relatively optimized ranger in 5e at lvl 5. Human variant with 16 dex sharpshooter and crossbow expert as feats. Horizon Walker. He uses 2 hand crossbows. And his fighting style is archery. Average damage on the three shots he can fire is 4.5+3.5+3.5+3.5+3+3+10+10+10=51 damage. I know this is before miss chance, and it will fall quite a bit, but math on taking -5 with sharpshooter is well known. And missing becomes rarer and rarer the higher you get in level because of bounded accuracy.
Rogues with an extra offhand attack does not do much. As a rogue I would rather have expertise. And if I want to do massive damage with a rogue, I am going to multiclass.
Quick, and fun, 5e dnd note here: having two hand crossbows on a crossbow expert provides nothing but flavor as they only need 1 to do all three attacks, and the way crossbows work you need one free hand to reload, so you will need to drop one for the third attack anyway.
Joined: Oct 2020
But right now the rogue is the last class that needs to be touched to feel good. i guess i failed to really make my point. "though not being what he is in DnD, the rogue to me still is the most enjoyable and least lacksluster class as he feels most significantly different to other classes". He at least shines in DPSing and maneuverability. Thats one thing that sets him apart from 90% of the other classes, as noone can even remotely reach his DPS or movement. At least he has "something" to shine in. Other classes have nothing important to shine in *!in that PC game!*.
I don't 100% disagree, but I think what needs to change are not the classes, but all those surface itens and other stuff, I played without them cause for me they do exactly what you Said and take a lot away from the experience, but remove those and most classes are fine, the solution here os not adding more ridiculous stuff to classes to outshine those mechanics. For me the classes that need rework are rogue and bestmaster ranger, I really disliked your animal companion being a big summon amd not it's own thing
Joined: Oct 2020
I do agree, I also saw that everyone having a bonus action is a slap in the face to the 5E rouge.
I also see that you can double dash as a result of using your bonus action and action.
- Make hiding an action, bonus action for rouges - Make disengage an action, bonus action for rouges - Remove the ability to Action Dash and then Bonus action Dash - Auto sneak attack damage on correct conditions
Joined: Oct 2020