Joined: May 2004
I upgraded from 1.4 directly to 1.42. I did not start a new game as I was well into Act 2 and did not want to start over.
The readme states that patching in this manner could cause magical items *on the ground already* to lose thier properties.
However, I have found 2 instances of "Unique" items in Act 2 that simply have base item stats -- no magical properties at all. In both cases, these items were NOT on the ground in the savegames that went from 1.4 to 1.42. 1 item was "generated" by a game event and the other was a loot drop.
The items in question are (all in Act 2) :
<span class='standouttext'>Spoiler : </span><span class='spoiler'>
1. When you talk to the "wish granting" tree an request a powerful weapon, he tells you to look under the bed at an imp's house. I found a Unique Heavy Crossbow there (forgot the name), but its magical properties were gone. It simply had the base default stats for a heavy crossbow.
2. After defeating the Imp Shaman, he drops a Unique silver ring. Again, The only atribute was "1" armor protetction. Nothing beyond that at all. </span>
So are these item glitches in line with the caveat? Is this another possible variation of the "losing item stats" that was not mentioned?
And finally, when I enter act 3, will these problems dissapear?
P.S. -- I am also seeing several cases of items having unrealisitc weights. I have a Gold neckalce that is 237 pounds, gloves that weigh 117, etc. I know there is another thread about this, but thought I'd mention it anyway.
Last edited by elkston; 10/05/04 07:05 PM.
Joined: Apr 2004
any comment on this? would like to be sure that future drops wont loose stats because of 1.42 patch havent patched yet for this reason but havent seen answer yet <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" />
Joined: May 2004
Actually I haven't seen any 'unique' or 'set-items' with more than one extra stats... They all seem to be crap! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" />
I hope this is a bug, because 'unique' should really kick [nocando]!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin1.gif" alt="" />
"Why I don't post much on a forum? I've got a life..."
Joined: May 2004
Ive seen several unique and set items spawning which are just white and no special mods. and ive been playing 1.42.
Joined: May 2004
So I am beginning to wonder if these "Unique" and "Set" item problems are present at every patch level. Or maybe just certain items are bugged from the getgo and no patch currently fixes it.
Thinking back, in Act I (patch 1.1, I think), I got these uniques which are good: 1. Lucky Cap 2. DeathKnight's Claw
In both cases, they both had extra abilities applied and did not have a vanilla "white" descriptive text.
Now that you mention it, I've never gotten a "set" item that was special either. But I never said anything because I figured you had to get the whole set before you saw any abilities come out.
Joined: Apr 2004
buh if thats the case im pretty much [nocando] i dont want to patch to 1.42, letting all good stuff become sucky but having other problem as well, for some reason, with a good savegame (in act2) after a while the droppings of monsters start showing wrong names/stats some things dont have stats everything that drops is just wrong graphic etc to show example : http://users.pandora.be/robin.ceulemans/downloads/bug.JPGhttp://users.pandora.be/robin.ceulemans/downloads/bug2.JPGto be frankly honest this is damn annoying because been re-doing stuff not to get the bug, only for it to occur again and as i like to collect items i dont patch to 1.42... not feeling to start over again either anything i can do?
Joined: May 2004
Its not related to 1.42, ive had white items happen all from the first patch.
Joined: May 2004
Fire-set, Ranger-set and so on...none of them had any special properties. Not even when I equiped several parts of the set at once. I may be just as you suspect, only special benefits if you equip all of them. This should be mentioned at least somewhere in the manual (like charming items and so many more things)... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/puppyeyes.gif" alt="" />
Some uniques have a few extra stats, but only the Deathknights Claw was usefull to me. And that was only because it was the strongest weapon at the time. Another problem is that I can't sell any unique or set items anymore (only the claw and the skull reward) so if I want to save them I have to drag them from act to act. Since I don't know it their worth it, I left them to rust in the battlefields... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" />
"Why I don't post much on a forum? I've got a life..."
Joined: Apr 2004
And to add to what you guys have said above, I just started Act III, and I found the gloves in the fire set (the prince). I went to try it with the armor and boots (or whatever) also from the fire set (the king and queen), and found that these two items no longer exist in my inventory. From loading save games, it turns out that the unique fire set items turned into other items (the armor turned into bone armor, for instance), during the transition from Act II to Act III. Not a huge loss, and I haven't noticed any other problems, but disturbing nonetheless.
"Yeah, and I'm a flower faerie!" - DK in BD
Joined: May 2004
Yeah -- unique and set items are very unstable. I've seen all these behaviors:
- item disappears - item changes to a plain item with white text - item is normal in inventory, but doesn't appear in trade screen
Fortunately I've found plenty of great dark orange equipment, so don't feel the loss too acutely <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> Still, it would be nice to know what set items DO, and to be able to collect a set!
Joined: May 2004
Hmm, strange indeed. I have had the same problems as you guys with unique/set items.. just a white title and no special properties. But now I found this set item that actually *has* stats on it... http://www.peroxide.dk/secret/firesetitem.jpgUnfortunately all my other fire set items has turned into bone armor when I went from act 2 to act 3.... annoying! - Telemachos EDIT: This is with 1.42 btw..
Last edited by Telemachos; 12/05/04 08:59 AM.
Joined: Apr 2004
In the dungeon with the imps in Act III, where they mention getting a great weapon to kill the evil man, I found the unique scythe they were talking about (labeled in green "unique scythe - defender" or something), and then when I cracked open a barrel right next to it, I found ANOTHER unique scythe - defender (not very unique, I guess), but the second one was clearly a staff, not a scythe. Neither appears for sale on the merchant screens.
"Yeah, and I'm a flower faerie!" - DK in BD