Joined: Mar 2020
i joined forum on 05/03 after they revelaed trailer and here is the first thing i wrote:: quote: " Party selection must be same as in baldurs gate, drag and move mouse to make a square which selects characters, this is absolute must have for the game to succeed as baldur´s gate.. The chain / unchain party together is a DOS2 mechanic and i absolutely despice it. (Larian probably made this mechanic for the multiplayer purpose, but it´s still awful for single player experience) or at least make a damn shortcut key, select all party members (insta chain all or unchain all)" As i expected back then and its still the same, controls are garbage manuallly jumping over a cliff with 4 party members... to be honest im getting disappointed with the whole BG3 thing, they used the name baldurs gate to attract a lot of people to buy their remake of divinity. When Sven was talking about this brain that you could talk to and how they spent lots and lots of time integrating this in the game because somebody came up with great idea... instead of writing thousands of dialogues you should concentrate on real stuff. 1. ) The game takes place 100 years after the events of Baldurs gate 2. (after all this time you have forgotten all the spells you had in baldurs gate 2 and now start at level 1 and your max level is going to be 10 ? 2.) The rules have changed, now wizards can cast divine spells, so if you play a sorcerer you dont need anybody in your party. My warrior can use mage scrolls... and btw he is a reach guy so he has more spells then Gale.. 3.) The party suddenly reduced from 6 to 4 man in both games bg1 and 2 and even the dragonspear which came out just recently there was a big party, now its just 4?? 4.) You cant roll your stats in the beggining of the game, its also one of the signature things of the baldurs gate 5.) If i climb on a cliff my spells suddenly follow the gravity rules and for some unknown fkn reason start to miss!!! Low chance of landing a spell on a person above you and higher chance to land hit on a person below. This is not baldurs gate. 5 b ) everybody get in the line behind that gnoll and take turns backstabbing him with everything you GOT!! thats right, every single turn of the fight i spam JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP, the acrobatics are absolutely crazy, you wanna place your characters behind the target so that they have a higher chance of hit!! this should only be a thing for a thief!!! Btw where is hotkey for jump??? controlling the party is so important that its PRIORITY NUMBER 1 nothing i repeat nothing in this game could be more important than a proper control of your characters, because if you cant control your party you just go and play other games... (and let all your friends on steam know that this sucked!!) 6.) roll dice roll dice roll dice, sure the dice should be rolled, but not 3 to 5 times in every conversation, HALF or even more of the dice rolls in the conversations that i went through in EA should be taken out.. when you cant chose the path that you have prepared for yourself in this RPG journey it defeats the feeling that you are playing your story, its like the devs intentionally force you to play something else. 7.) There is no Minsc and boo, im not attracted to characters, (maybe gale but after he started eating items he went to camp) the priest girl has some useless stealth spells which i never use and she is a bad person, the moment i find other clerick i will execute her where she stands. Wyll looked awesome in the beggining but this whole rapier stuff and nickname blade of the frontier and u know what he just stands on top of cliff and spams 1 force spell, fkn blade of frontier...Astarian is sarcastic gay or a bisexcual ? other than that i have nothing to say about him... there is one character that really stood out of this shitty crowd its the druid Helsin!! he looked awesome and justisful and if he was a companion that would be really cool. 7b) i heard from the code of the game that you plan on making characters be any class , as i said before this cant be baldurs gate. roll 6 clerics T_T ??? (as a rule of thumb try to stay away from most of the things you did in divinity) baldurs gate doesnt want those things.. 8.) No day and night cycle, sucks.. Lets just say you add a day night cycle only for stealth checks, that would be enough... ahh to hell at least add it just for the cosmetics... When i was saving people from the burning house, i used cleric rain spell and it extingueshed flames and then they came back almost immedeately... So if its raining outside it doesnt have to affect fireballs or leave water ponds around. just add night and weather for cosmetics.. 9.) Loot.. When you kill a flaming fist they must drop plate armor, and absolutely awesome HELM, if you dont believe me ask anybody goddamn it anybody will tell you that flaming fist drop plate armor, ofcourse they do, they are not naked...There are some strange items which give spells like color spray, its more like divinity stuff, where every second third item was giving you some spells. but if there wont be a lot of them then maybe i guess it could be ok.. 10.) None  of baldurs gate had turn based combat, they wont change it at all but like Fextralife on youtube said, when you fight a LOT of enemies at once, this fight take like 40 minutes.. and it sucks.. they will never change it but its another reason on the list that indicates this game is far from baldurs gate. And dont forget im not talking about DND in general im talking exactly about B A L D U R S GATE, the idea of using famous name to rework existing engine and make new stories was great, and helps their advertising model, look how many people were hyped for this even STEAM servers were overloaded but goddamn it people if you can make this game more like baldurs gate and less like divinity please do so...
Last edited by alexawow2006; 14/10/20 10:44 AM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Ok I am not saying you don't have some valid points, but you could package it in a less hostile manner  As for the Name thing,it's been done to death. Wizards of the Coast wanted Larian to make a BG3 precisely because of DOS, so if you want to direct your Ire anywhere regarding cheap name grab, aim it at those who oen the franchise! Everything else is fair game to criticise how you see fit. Not thatI agree with all of it, but there are parts I agree need work.
Joined: Mar 2020
Ok I am not saying you don't have some valid points, but you could package it in a less hostile manner  As for the Name thing,it's been done to death. Wizards of the Coast wanted Larian to make a BG3 precisely because of DOS, so if you want to direct your Ire anywhere regarding cheap name grab, aim it at those who oen the franchise! Everything else is fair game to criticise how you see fit. Not thatI agree with all of it, but there are parts I agree need work. Yeah you are right maybe little less hostile approach would be appropriate, sorry about that .
Joined: Oct 2020
1) The game may take place in the same world as, and 100 years after, Baldur's Gate 3, but the character is not the same. You are not playing as the character from bg1 & bg2. So makes complete sense you don't have their stuff?
2) Baldur's gate 3 is based off the latest version of D&D, 5e. Bg1 and Bg2 were (and I may be wrong on the exact edition, so someone may correct me) based on D&D 2e. In the latest edition of D&D, it is possible for characters to use spell scrolls not associated with their class. In addition, it is likely the ability of wizards to permanently learn non-wizard spells is just due to the system not being properly implemented due to it being Early Access.
3) There's a lot of split debate around this. Ultimately it comes down to personal preference, and I believe Larian have said they will make this an option that modders can change at a later point.
4) Rolling stats at the start of game was due to the D&D edition. In the case of Bg3, it is currently using the point buy system that is the default method for 5e. Again this is Larian being faithful to the core material and ip, it's simply changed over time. That being said may be nice for them to have some sort of rolling option people can elect, as that is optional in 5e.
5) This is them trying to implement a realism factor to create terrain advantage, to give players more ways to use the world around them. I would go so far to say as this is a natural evolution of game design, and it makes sense that games will have more features the games before them did not.
5b) Your complaining about jumping? Actual seems like a kind of cool mechanic, and something they've done to make it closer to the source material where the ability to jump across areas is an option. Do think it could use tweaking as far as combat (and dislike it being combined with disengage), but ultimately leads to more interesting environment exploration.
6) Rolling dice is a core part of the source material, alongside the ability to fail. Part of roleplaying is sometimes your character will fail. I mean there's nothing wrong with always wanting to succeed, but if failing is not an option for you I advise do not play games based on D&D which at its core is a game that relies on dice rolls to determine outcomes.
7) Ignoring the derogatory aspects of this point, companions are a WIP, and this is by no means necessary a limit to the companions we may get. It's early access, the companions are by no means perfect but they each offer something different.
7b) In bg1 & bg2 you could make 6 clerics? Also previously Larian have said the Origin characters will have fixed classes, so what your saying is pure speculation at this stage.
8) Day night cycle is likely due to the resting system (going to camp symbolising the end of the day). I agree it would be nice to be able to play at 'night', but ultimately boils down to preferences and making a design choice.
9) There are plenty of reasons why a character may not drop the items they are wearing. I mean, if someone dies in combat there's a significant chance their equipment is damaged for one. Not to mention resizing equipment across different body types ect. With the variety of justifications you can use, for things like armour and clothing it really is a design choice about progression.
10) A design choice they have been clear about from the start. If this is a deciding factor for you, ultimately you buying the game is your own fault. The choice itself is intended to more accurately reflect the source material.
Last edited by Quent; 14/10/20 11:09 AM.
Anything you can do, a bard can do better.
Joined: Sep 2016
Please do not persume to speak for me. I agree with some of this list, but not all of it. Every spell from 2nd edition not being present in BG3 is not a complaint of mine. I want all spells from the 5e phb to be present, that is not true as of yet, but this is EA and all features are not yet implemented. I will not complain about that untill Larian tries to exclude them. Complaining that an EA doesnt have all the feature of the full game is just nonsensical.
Wizards casting divine spells I just chalk up to he early game state. I agree they shouldnt be able to, but I dont view this as a problem untill its declared an intentional change.
I actually prefer 4 man party over 6 man party so good change imo.
I like point buy better than rolling and more importantly I prefer thegame being balanced around point buy rather than rolling. Paying with cheaty stats is better solved by mods than being baseline implementationin the game.
I dont have time to comment all of your list but as I said, you dont speak for me so no, your list is not something ALL players agree on.
Last edited by Skallewag; 14/10/20 11:03 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
i joined forum on 05/03 after they revelaed trailer and here is the first thing i wrote:: quote: " Party selection must be same as in baldurs gate, drag and move mouse to make a square which selects characters, this is absolute must have for the game to succeed as baldur´s gate.. The chain / unchain party together is a DOS2 mechanic and i absolutely despice it. (Larian probably made this mechanic for the multiplayer purpose, but it´s still awful for single player experience) or at least make a damn shortcut key, select all party members (insta chain all or unchain all)" Mate if you want to give good feedback maybe tone down the aggression and reflect on what's really an issue. Chaining party members together vs select all....that's really minor. Is there any benefit from swapping to select all? Not really. As i expected back then and its still the same, controls are garbage manuallly jumping over a cliff with 4 party members... I'd be surprised if auto-jump and better pathing weren't on the cards. It's been brought up a lot. 1. ) The game takes place 100 years after the events of Baldurs gate 2. (after all this time you have forgotten all the spells you had in baldurs gate 2 and now start at level 1 and your max level is going to be 10 ? BG2 was based on second edition D&D. BG3 is based on fifth edition. There's inevitably going to be differences in the same way there are differences at the table top. 2.) The rules have changed, now wizards can cast divine spells, so if you play a sorcerer you dont need anybody in your party. My warrior can use mage scrolls... and btw he is a reach guy so he has more spells then Gale.. This seems like a bug but hopefully gets fixed. 3.) The party suddenly reduced from 6 to 4 man in both games bg1 and 2 and even the dragonspear which came out just recently there was a big party, now its just 4?? 4 is a perfectly fine size for a party. It's what a lot of people likely experience at the tabletop given that assembling seven adults for regular sessions is a nightmare. Beyond that having a small number of party members allows the player more time to develop better relations to them, rather than having a large number of generic people. 4.) You cant roll your stats in the beggining of the game, its also one of the signature things of the baldurs gate You can somewhat modify your stats in the character creator. Currently though a lot of it is clearly WIP as the stated intent is to put into place everything 5e offers. 5.) If i climb on a cliff my spells suddenly follow the gravity rules and for some unknown fkn reason start to miss!!! Low chance of landing a spell on a person above you and higher chance to land hit on a person below. This is not baldurs gate.
5 b ) everybody get in the line behind that gnoll and take turns backstabbing him with everything you GOT!! thats right, every single turn of the fight i spam JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP, the acrobatics are absolutely crazy, you wanna place your characters behind the target so that they have a higher chance of hit!! this should only be a thing for a thief!!! Btw where is hotkey for jump?? who was testing the game, some dumb f... how can you not forsee that this button is going to be used non stop... or only one handed people play this game?? controlling the party is so important that its PRIORITY NUMBER 1 nothing i repeat nothing in this game could be more important than a proper control of your characters, because if you cant control your party you just go and play other games... (and let all your friends on steam know that this sucked!!) I presume these things were put in to add a level of tactics to make combat more interesting, particularly as it's more difficult to create the kind of emergent gameplay people experience at the tabletop. Hopefully it can get a pass over throughout EA to make it less repetative. But dude...seriously do you think screaming in all caps is a good way of giving feedback? 6.) roll dice roll dice roll dice, sure the dice should be rolled, but not 3 to 5 times in every conversation, HALF or even more of the dice rolls in the conversations that i went through in EA should be taken out.. when you cant chose the path that you have prepared for yourself in this RPG journey it defeats the feeling that you are playing your story, its like the devs intentionally force you to play something else. This is something I joined the forums to ask about. It feels like they need to prune a few checks. There shouldn't be many situations where you're having to make two consecutive checks unless you're trying to do something ambitious or it's deliberately meant to be very hard. 7b) i heard from the code of the game that you plan on making characters be any class , as i said before this cant be baldurs gate. roll 6 clerics T_T ??? (as a rule of thumb try to stay away from most of the things you did in divinity) baldurs gate doesnt want those things.. You seem really fixated on how things were twenty years ago and less on how things are now in D&D. Sure you can have a party of several clerics but the tabletop is intended to have a diversity of classes all helping together. Having pre-set characters allows them to be more interesting, with fleshed out backstories that fit into their class. 9.) Loot.. When you kill a flaming fist they must drop plate armor, and absolutely awesome HELM, if you dont believe me ask anybody goddamn it anybody will tell you that flaming fist drop plate armor, ofcourse they do, they are not naked...There are some strange items which give spells like color spray, its more like divinity stuff, where every second third item was giving you some spells. but if there wont be a lot of them then maybe i guess it could be ok.. As a longtime DM this is a hard no from me. It would be too easy to get high level, good gear if the party can just pick up everything they find. Assume it's been too damaged to use and move on.
Joined: Oct 2020
Well, certanly not everybody wants those, the only ones I think are worthe looking at are:
-Restrict who can use Scrolls
-Make disengage a Full action
-Make companions ckass locked at least for lvl. 1
Some I think are worthe mentioning that I'm 100% against.
-Combat is turn based, it's been advertised as such, a lot of players wanted this on the originais, I'm glad to finally have a good turn based dnd game, and it's their main Focus here, make a good strategic turn based combat.
-Loot in games not allways represent reality because of balance
-I absolutely love most companions so far, some conversations need changes because there are certain inconsistencies, but those are being patched, one Just was next patch, and this is tô bem expected from a game with so many choices aimd paths in this stage of development
Joined: Oct 2020
"everyone" You seem to only speak for some Baldur's Gate fans, who never played Dungeons and Dragon to be honest. As I said to someone elsewhere: this game's biggest issue is it's name. If it was called Waterdeep, no one would bat an eye. Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 was an ADnD Game, that's 2nd edition. Baldur's Gate 3 is DnD 5th edition. Much of the game will reflect this.
So I will counter some of your arguments, just because there are good reasons:
1.) You aren't the same character though. Hence why you don't keep your skills
2.) Everyone being able to cast spells isn't true to DnD5e, and neither is Wizards learining all spells. I agree this could be a bit much. I don't agree that all you need is Wizards, but in 5e you can play what ever class combos you want though
3.) Again, this is just your expectations as a BG player, and not a DnD player it seems. Most DnD groups tend to be a party between 3 to 6 players. 6 being a very large group really. Four players works just fine, and is very "standard" for most 5e games. It's kinda what I expected.
4.) No, this is a signatur of Dungeons and Dragons, especially older editions. The standard way of creating characters these days is either through Poitns buy (that BG3 has) or Standard Array. (A preset of stats). Rolling still exists, but not in the "I will roll till I get what I want" style of BG1.
5.) Well you didn't have heights in Baldur's Gate. And while height isn't part of the core DnD rules, this has nothing to do with physics, it's about logic, and an adaption of DnD 5es cover rules it seems. Having high grown isn't about an arrow not reaching you because of physics, it's about you being harder to see. In DnD 5e you can get half cover and 3/4th cover making you harder to hit this affects spells too. In BG3 you get bonuses from height.
5b.) Wow calm down man. Why do you jump to get behind the enemy? You can just move around them you know? The "Advantage if you are behind an enemy" is a variant rule in DnD 5e, it applies to everyone not just Rogues. Rogues does need some work imo, but they get sneak attack already, so they get more out of attacking an enemy from the rare. I don't see what the problem with some tactics is.
6.) It's clear to me that you never played Dungeons and Dragons. You don't "choose" a path, you explore a path, come what may.
7.) Your taste in characters isn't something "everyone" agrees with. That's personal choice.
7.b) While I don't see any issue with having 4 clerics, I do agree that I think the origin characters should have their own class. I just want to repsec their stats...
9.) Yeah... while I want Plate Armor, I also want game balance. As for items giving spells: This isn't ADnD, this is DnD5e. Magic items exist, and many of them tend to have added abilities. "Wand of Fireball" is actually an item in the core ruled of Dungeons and Dragons 5e.
10.) This is an argument for why they should optimize combat, and maybe add a 2x speed.
And yes as you keep saying this isn't the game you wanted, and I agree it sucks that people like you have to have their dreams broken because of the name of the game. BG3 is an amazing game, and would have been amazing if it was called Waterdeep or Sword Coast Adventures, or something else. But many games change direction, especially the ones which are reawoken decades after release.
You know your post could have been shorter by saying "Change the name of the game"? because your main issue with the game stems from the name, and your expectations of it, it seems.
Joined: Oct 2020
9) There are plenty of reasons why a character may not drop the items they are wearing. I mean, if someone dies in combat there's a significant chance their equipment is damaged for one. Not to mention resizing equipment across different body types ect. With the variety of justifications you can use, for things like armour and clothing it really is a design choice about progression. Also I don't recall flaming fist in bg3 specifically wearing full plate. Maybe there were budget cuts in the last 100 years?
I do believe the DnD5e rules actually state that most equipment enemies are wrearing are considered to be damaged and of no value. (This to allow enemies to wear plate, while not giving it to the players). This to me seems mostly for balance reasons. Heck it takes ages for players to even get Chain Mail, which is starting gear for many classes in 5e.
Joined: Jun 2019
I agree with everything besides the name not fitting. We are currently in a tutorial area (kinda, Larian loves doing this kind of introduction that you can get more than 40 hours from) and the game heavily implies that a huge part of the game will happen in Baldur's Gate, or at least that getting to it is a big goal
Joined: Oct 2020
This is something I joined the forums to ask about. It feels like they need to prune a few checks. There shouldn't be many situations where you're having to make two consecutive checks unless you're trying to do something ambitious or it's deliberately meant to be very hard.
I'm not so sure I agree consecutive checks is a bad thing. To me it's a tension builder. I use this often when I DM. It can get frustrating though, but I think the dice rolls adds to the feeling of DnD that BG lacked before. At least now your skills and stats matter in many aspects of the game, not just in combat. It's also better than the "you cannot do this because you don't have 15 in Charisma" greyed out option solution many RPGs has. I love that I can try, but fail, rather than not try at all.
Joined: Oct 2020
9) There are plenty of reasons why a character may not drop the items they are wearing. I mean, if someone dies in combat there's a significant chance their equipment is damaged for one. Not to mention resizing equipment across different body types ect. With the variety of justifications you can use, for things like armour and clothing it really is a design choice about progression. Also I don't recall flaming fist in bg3 specifically wearing full plate. Maybe there were budget cuts in the last 100 years?
I do believe the DnD5e rules actually state that most equipment enemies are wrearing are considered to be damaged and of no value. (This to allow enemies to wear plate, while not giving it to the players). This to me seems mostly for balance reasons. Heck it takes ages for players to even get Chain Mail, which is starting gear for many classes in 5e. I did eventually find chain mail towards the end! So far the games skimped a bit on basic heavy armour. Ring mail is pretty terrible, and is worse because chain mail is your default starting heavy armour in 5e. Would be nice if there was more choice around starting equipment in general.
Last edited by Quent; 14/10/20 11:11 AM.
Anything you can do, a bard can do better.
Joined: Oct 2020
I agree with everything besides the name not fitting. We are currently in a tutorial area (kinda, Larian loves doing this kind of introduction that you can get more than 40 hours from) and the game heavily implies that a huge part of the game will happen in Baldur's Gate, or at least that getting to it is a big goal Well, the point is that you could put much of the story in Baldur's Gate still, and not called it that. A lot of people went into this game thinking it would be the game they played and loved 20 years ago, to them "Baldur's Gate" is a style of game not a City in a DnD setting.
Joined: Oct 2020
I agree with everything besides the name not fitting. We are currently in a tutorial area (kinda, Larian loves doing this kind of introduction that you can get more than 40 hours from) and the game heavily implies that a huge part of the game will happen in Baldur's Gate, or at least that getting to it is a big goal Well, the point is that you could put much of the story in Baldur's Gate still, and not called it that. A lot of people went into this game thinking it would be the game they played and loved 20 years ago, to them "Baldur's Gate" is a style of game not a City in a DnD setting. Can you call it Baldur's Gate without THAC0?
Anything you can do, a bard can do better.
Joined: Oct 2020
[quote=Braxton]I'm not so sure I agree consecutive checks is a bad thing. To me it's a tension builder. I use this often when I DM. It can get frustrating though, but I think the dice rolls adds to the feeling of DnD that BG lacked before. At least now your skills and stats matter in many aspects of the game, not just in combat. It's also better than the "you cannot do this because you don't have 15 in Charisma" greyed out option solution many RPGs has. I love that I can try, but fail, rather than not try at all.
It's something I do when I DM as well but sparingly, and when I do it more often than not there are more outcomes than simply pass/fail. Random example: in a shop a player might role for history and realise that a vase is an antique. If they want to haggle they have to make a persuasion roll. But if they fail the persuasion they still have the bonus of knowing that the vase is more valuable than the merchant realises. If the game had more options where you could partially succeed then that would be good but it seems more designed along the lines of needing multiple checks to pass in order to get the one true success state.
Joined: Mar 2020
I see many discuss how BG3 is bound by rules of dnd 5e but thats not the case , the game is build more or less on those rules but they can balance whatever they want, if they want to. I spent 60 $ on an act1 of the game that isnt actually a game i expected, as did many.
First of all Baldurs gate is not a table top game its one of the first most succesfull ROLE PLAYING GAMES, and those who say that you dont chose your path obviously dont understand what role playing is.. When you create your character you plan ahead who this character is and what he will be like, so rolling dices is fine as long as the game remains RPG.
Okei okei killing 1 flaming fist wont yield breast plate but what if i use the new evolutionary feature of the knock down, and KNOCK DOWN THE WHOLE squad of fisties do you think i can manage to undress a 1 piece of intact armor from them?? Its not about realism its all about what developers decide to do, and what reasons are driving them, if they want the game to look like BG there are a lot of things on the list i wrote that should be changed.
Joined: Oct 2020
"Timmy Timmy, why are you banging so hard on your keyboard down in your basement lair Tim." Said the mother from her kitchen as she heard her offspring type in a furious and angry manner at the forum boards.
Old adage you get more with a spoonful of honey then a pound of dog poo..................
Joined: Oct 2020
10 things that OP want to be changed.
They are already topics which regroup mechanics often discuss and they are listed in a less aggressive manner.
For the "it's not Baldur's Gate" thing: A series of videogames doesn't mean that it should have the same gameplay, the same world, the same ruleset, ect... Especialy when there is a new studio in charge, 20 years later. The game is obviously not develop for the players of Baldur's Gate 2 only, nor the d&d players, but for a mixed public. Larian respect both IP, and with the confidence of WOTC, they are creating something new and really promising.
Some things needs to be changed and equilibrate in the game, and it's ok to point it out. Some others things won't change, and what some people here are looking is just an another game.
Last edited by Diemove; 14/10/20 12:23 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I agree with everything besides the name not fitting. We are currently in a tutorial area (kinda, Larian loves doing this kind of introduction that you can get more than 40 hours from) and the game heavily implies that a huge part of the game will happen in Baldur's Gate, or at least that getting to it is a big goal Well, the point is that you could put much of the story in Baldur's Gate still, and not called it that. A lot of people went into this game thinking it would be the game they played and loved 20 years ago, to them "Baldur's Gate" is a style of game not a City in a DnD setting. Can you call it Baldur's Gate without THAC0? Of course I can, because Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 was ADnD, and THAC0 was an ADnD rule. This is an old rule, far gone.
Joined: Oct 2020
I see many discuss how BG3 is bound by rules of dnd 5e but thats not the case , the game is build more or less on those rules but they can balance whatever they want, if they want to. I spent 60 $ on an act1 of the game that isnt actually a game i expected, as did many.
First of all Baldurs gate is not a table top game its one of the first most succesfull ROLE PLAYING GAMES, and those who say that you dont chose your path obviously dont understand what role playing is.. When you create your character you plan ahead who this character is and what he will be like, so rolling dices is fine as long as the game remains RPG.
Okei okei killing 1 flaming fist wont yield breast plate but what if i use the new evolutionary feature of the knock down, and KNOCK DOWN THE WHOLE squad of fisties do you think i can manage to undress a 1 piece of intact armor from them?? Its not about realism its all about what developers decide to do, and what reasons are driving them, if they want the game to look like BG there are a lot of things on the list i wrote that should be changed. No, you clearly don't know what role playing is. You don't pick your path, you choose who your character is, and how you want to play, then the world around you reacts to that. This is the core tenant of DnD, a game that was a role playing game long before computer game were. Letting the dice decide the outcome of something you try to do, that's essential to DnD. Many games were the first success in their genre, but that doesn't make them the only way to solve games in that genre. Besides, BG1 wasn't the first successful RPG, it was just the first successful one that had a branching path and lots of dialogue. But since then many games has been successful and done things differently from BG1 and 2. Heck even successful series tend to mix things up in how they do things, for better or worse. It's over 20 years since BG1, expect things to have changed.