I think the bug is in the battlefield one area reagardless of what you do.Wether the staff or whatever-as ive just entered dungeon 2 of the battlefield area and found my first mislabebled item a ring that suppsoed to be a spear.I left it in place.Note upon returning to the battlefield area this is what my map looks like.Also note I allready explored this whole area.Oh no monsters spawned in the bottom floor either-.
Unfortunately, I don't know where the bug originates and it may be limited to the Battlefields, but that mislabeled ring has been in the game since the day I got it (before the patches were released). You're not the only one to bring it to Larian's attention. I ended up selling it and used the money to buy potions.
Also in my game in BF 1, the Level 2 Dungeon had an empty 3rd floor, which was odd but I figured it was intentionally designed that way. Each Act generates different battlefields, quests and dungeons but it's still feels odd not to have any NPCs to battle in the bottom of a dungeon. That's usually where you would think there would be a mondo killer monster even if it isn't quest related.
Oh well! One of these days when I grow a brain and win the lottery, I'll develop my own game. (LOL ---------> Sure, Faralas! Keep dreaming.) <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sleepey.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />
Faralas <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />