My personal suggestions (from an old Strategy and Tactics, Diplomacy table top gamer + Bioware's ME, DA games plus Skyrim and Elder Scrolls, XCOM, Warframe, MOO....etc)
First kudos to Larian. Converting a popular table top game to a computer medium is a challenge. I understand the necessity to make allowances / compromises. No, compromises are a must (imo).
A sticky point for many. My view? .... too slow, I'm micromanaging, it's XCOM with a different name. It becomes a slog with a "large" enemy group. An increase in party size makes it no better. Before the "purists" skewer me, I play solo and don't have the time or energy to waste 4 of 5 hours in combat. It's ludicrous.... it's me and the computer... not me, five other guys, a DM, and a table with counters and dice. Removal of the enemy cut scenes when they move may speed up the fire fight... BUT, I need to know where the enemy is hiding. The camera, tactical or otherwise is of little help...frustrating at times.. gets stuck in the void or a rock and cannot look up to scan for the enemy. Basically, I'm a sitting duck. Not, what I want. A combat minimap may help...
This needs to be reviewed.
I need more control. Currently the camera just floats up and down and sideways. View is obstructed by the environment (trees, leaves, rock,. walls....etc). When I'm peppered with arrows, I want to look UP. I've tried the tactical camera and found no help there. Most of the time I don't use it.
Guys, these people are worse than the PAYDAY Loan outlets. C'omon, can we get a little real here? Barter my sweet azz. Anyway, "friendlier" traders is my suggestion.
When changing a character tduring trading, the equipment comparison is still with the original NPC.
You know, highlighting spells that are affective against an enemy is a good idea. At the moment I'm clueless ( btw, I never played D&D). I also don't have the time to read a tome full of rules and what spells are more effective against which enemy. My bad perhaps but there it is. A game option such as Easy, Normal and Hard setting may be an answer.
Basically, I want the game to be fun.... and sticking to the rule book may make the game unfun... Especially so, for new players unfamiliar with D&D. This may go against the grain for older/purist player but the game is designed (hopefully) for the general gamer while still adhering to what made D&D such a classic.