Okay, I had same type of problem except I could not talk to any of my companions in my team only to those who weren't, but when something happens or when they want to talk to me dialog starts but only with the new options for that event. So I took my heavy crossbow and shot all three of those bugers and after theirs resurrections they came to there senses. Was this problem related to "Kill the devil" quest ? I do not know. I had other problem with "Kill the devil" quest I could not complete it, I killed those Tyr paladins came back to talk to Tiefling but at the end of the dialog nothing happens I can only start that dialog all over again.
I have this issue as well now. Has not happened on my previous two playthroughs, but I am now unable to swap companions as my current three won't talk to me. Around the world and in camp, same thing. Everything else works (dialogue wise). I can control all members of my team and have them talk to NPCs, just not my character.
Could it have something to do with reading too many pages in the book in the apothocary basement? That gave me a debuff of sorts that made me unable to talk, but I reloaded to the save before the book and did give it to Gale. But I see others with the Lae'Zell problem say it "corrupts" all saves? Am I reading that right? Wondering if I unknowingly did this to my self and my saves? Oh well, this playthrough will be a bit different then, so there's that

I should also add that taking control of any of my followers and trying to make them talk to eachother does not seem to work either, they just want to talk to npc's. When I hower over my character while in control of one of my companions, the cursor just stays as the default glove. When I hover over the other companions, the talk bubble cursor appears, but when I click, it just changes the controls back to my character. The White frame goes from who ever I am in control of back to my character, so this surely must be a bug.