Joined: Oct 2020
Halflings should not be blocked to enter a blocked door for example if the door is blocked by a creature or another character that has legs that the halfling can move through.
Joined: Mar 2020
Yes! That would give a fair advantage đź‘Ť
Cleric of Innuendo
Cleric of Innuendo
Joined: Oct 2020
Halflings should not be blocked to enter a blocked door for example if the door is blocked by a creature or another character that has legs that the halfling can move through. Just how small are the halflings in your game!? Remember that, certainly in combat, those legs are going to be moving all over the place. If I were trying to position for an arrow shot or to dodge a sword swing, I'd be less than impressed if I tripped over an impatient halfling.
Joined: Oct 2020
@Sadurian, The rules of 5th edition as far as I know is that Halfling are able to move through creatures or character who are 1 size larger than them. A human is large, a halfling is small. Therefore a halfling can move through any large creature.
The question is then if attacks of opportunity will be triggered here. If it would, then the feature is pretty useless and people wouldn't use it, but if not, then rogue halfling have it easy getting backstabs by simply moving through the enemy.
I've never played DnD, so I'm no expert at all, I'm just saying that it sounded from the players handbook like Halflings could do that, and BG3 is based on DnD 5th edition.
Joined: Oct 2020
Maybe I should have replied directly to you instead of making a generic reply. I found this thread discussing Halfling Nimbleness: https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/du...game-mechanics/42869-halfling-nimblenessThere are different views on the matter. Of course I agree that if a halfling moves through an enemy and then leaves the enemies reange, and an attack of opportunity will be made, but moving through should not count as leaving since the halfling is technically closer than ever to the enemy 
Joined: Jun 2020
Halflings should not be blocked to enter a blocked door for example if the door is blocked by a creature or another character that has legs that the halfling can move through. Just how small are the halflings in your game!? Remember that, certainly in combat, those legs are going to be moving all over the place. If I were trying to position for an arrow shot or to dodge a sword swing, I'd be less than impressed if I tripped over an impatient halfling. To confirm with others: My halflings are "small", averaging jsut under 3 feet tall. Most other humanoids - humans, elves, half-elves, tieflings etc., are "medium" sized creatures. In 5e, ANY creature can move through the space of a hostile creature if that creature is at elast 2 sizes larger or smaller than them (so a Dwarf (medium), can move through the spaces occupied by a Balor (Huge), treating those squeares as difficult terrain). Halflings have a special racial trait that specifically reduces this to 1 size category - meaning that halflings specifically can move through the spaces of any medium sized creature, which is most humanoids. Moving through their space will count as difficult terrain, but they very much should be able to do it.
Joined: Oct 2020
Halflings should not be blocked to enter a blocked door for example if the door is blocked by a creature or another character that has legs that the halfling can move through. Just how small are the halflings in your game!? Remember that, certainly in combat, those legs are going to be moving all over the place. If I were trying to position for an arrow shot or to dodge a sword swing, I'd be less than impressed if I tripped over an impatient halfling. The size they should be in D&D 5e I would hope
Joined: Jul 2014
To confirm with others: My halflings are "small", averaging jsut under 3 feet tall. Most other humanoids - humans, elves, half-elves, tieflings etc., are "medium" sized creatures.
In 5e, ANY creature can move through the space of a hostile creature if that creature is at elast 2 sizes larger or smaller than them (so a Dwarf (medium), can move through the spaces occupied by a Balor (Huge), treating those squeares as difficult terrain).
Halflings have a special racial trait that specifically reduces this to 1 size category - meaning that halflings specifically can move through the spaces of any medium sized creature, which is most humanoids. Moving through their space will count as difficult terrain, but they very much should be able to do it. Yep. Not even a personal guess on what halflings "should" be able to do, but as Niara is pointing out an explicit part of the rules.
Joined: Oct 2020
If they applied the rules, I should also be able to "move through" friendly space regardless of the creatures sizes involved, but that doesn't work right now either.
It's kind of a hallmark of halflings though, that they should be able to dart between the knees and pick a pocket along the way. It would be amusing to see this animated in a cutscene, cause you know right now there'd be some clipping for sure heheh
Joined: Jul 2014
If they applied the rules, I should also be able to "move through" friendly space regardless of the creatures sizes involved Which is a valid complaint and something that was already pointed in the past, in fact. Of course, to be clear moving through" doesn't mean they should be able to stop on the same spot. I'm sure they could come up with a solution to make it look passable without having to deal with complex model interactions, if they wanted to. Something like "the two characters quickly dodging each other" as you transition in the same square. If worse come to worst and it's a matter of saving budget they could also... You know, just not have any special visual effect for it and just allow playable characters to quickly overlap. It wouldn't be the jankiest thing in the game anyway.
Last edited by Tuco; 16/08/21 02:42 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Just a "ghost through" animation would be ideal. If they could do it for friendly spaces, then they could just apply the same to the halfling running under the hostile's legs.
Body blocking woes, alas. It's like the one thing they decided to carry over from BG1 that I really wish had been left behind.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
+1 there was several racial features removed from halflings this is one of them. Don't know why they are getting the nerf bat.
Joined: Feb 2021
+1 there was several racial features removed from halflings this is one of them. Don't know why they are getting the nerf bat. What? There was stuff removed? What did I missed since I NEVER  played them from the start? Just looked at them and did not liked their esthetic so I ignored them in hope for better times to come. And now you write they have been nerfed even? HA! Hilarious. In any RPG with many races there is this one race that no one likes, either visually or mechanically. ^_^
![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/wNnctAH.jpg) <- *click*
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
+1 there was several racial features removed from halflings this is one of them. Don't know why they are getting the nerf bat. What? There was stuff removed? What did I missed since I NEVER  played them from the start? Just looked at them and did not liked their esthetic so I ignored them in hope for better times to come. And now you write they have been nerfed even? HA! Hilarious. In any RPG with many races there is this one race that no one likes, either visually or mechanically. ^_^ BG3Halflings:Naturally Stealthy - Proficiency in Stealth Checks D&D 5eNaturally Stealthy - You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you. - Halfling Nimbleness - You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours. Side Note: They have Base Racial Speed under Sub-race Traits instead of a Racial Feature. A lot of the descriptions are not present along with height being, 3 ft and 40-45lbs average. Different languages were axed fully along with alignment. Next part are going to be the other races. BG3ElfDarkvision 12m Wood ElfFleet of Foot 10.5m Mask of the Wild Gain proficiency in stealth DrowSuperior Darkvision 24m D&D 5eDarkvision 12 meters is 39 foot, 5e has 60 feet with dim light treated as bright light and darkness treated as dim (only seen in shades of grey). - Trance Elves don't sleep, they meditate for 4 hours a day this equals 8 hours of sleep for humans. Side Note: Height - 5-6 ft. tall with base walk speed 30ft. No mention of sun ( high and gold), moon (silver and Eladrin), wood (wild, green, forest) elves which is related to forgotten realms, which is the games setting. Wood ElfFleet of Foot 10.5 meters is 34 feet should be 10.7 Mask of the Wild attempt a hide in lightly obscured natural environments DrowSuperior Darkvision 24 meters is 79 feet, would need 36.5m for 120 ft - Sunlight Sensitivity You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on wis checks (perception) that rely on light (imagine getting all your racial passives with no drawbacks...epic) - Drow Magic This is in the game but character creation is missing drow spells for first and later levels. Drow Side Note: I would have to buy the race for d&d beyond so I used another site. Skullsplitterdice.comTieflingDarkvision Same as Elves for adjustment. Side Note: No mention of higher level racial spells BG3DwarfDarkvision12m D&D 5eDarkvision 12 meters is 39ft, should be 18.3m for 60ft Speed No mention of heavy armor not reducing speed and not sure if it's in the game. - Tool Proficiency You gain proficiency with the artisan’s tools of your choice: smith’s tools, brewer’s supplies, or mason’s tools. - Stonecunning Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus. Info from dndbeyond
Last edited by fallenj; 16/08/21 11:47 PM.
Joined: Jun 2020
Just on the topic of size, because Sadurian's comment highlights something that I (as a regular player of halflings) actually see quite a lot... People frequently, almost consistently, underestimate (Or, I should say, overestimate) the size of halflings. Most people don't really mentally clock to the dimensions of a three foot, well-proportioned adult. Here's some quick model shots for perspective: https://i.imgur.com/ikxyL9f.pngThese are modes that are just barely shy of 3 feet tall, compared to models that are just barely shy of six feet tall. Here are some more dynamic poses: Sneaking: https://i.imgur.com/kePxZro.pngNaturally stealthy halflings are so partially because of their size compared to bigger folk. A lot of folks don't quite realise what you can do and get away with when you're this small. Pranks, Planning and Carry Limits: https://i.imgur.com/ARs2nVE.pngLeft: Some folks can't take a prank. Wren is not sorry, and has no intention of apologising; the more mature party members keep the peace and stop anyone getting strangled. Middle: A heated debate about what the party should do next, but it seems not all voices are being heard. Bonus illustration: It's not actually impractical at all, to suppose that a halfling might effectively Hide behind a medium sized party member. Right: I don't care what they're doing, I am not going to carry you. Haflings aren't like nine or ten year old kids at all - nine and ten year-old humans are actually taller and more visible than them; halflings are *Small*, smaller than most people realise, in fact. Their innate racial perks make a lot more practical sense than some people think. Sorry for the partial derail, but it's all pointing towards the support that their racial abilities, including moving through larger creatrue's spaces, should very much be preserved and put in properly.
Last edited by Niara; 17/08/21 02:07 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Following up with what Niara posted, here is the current sizes for Male Gold Dwarf, Female Lightfoot Halfling, Male Human, Female Wood Elf, Female Gith (Lae), & Us. Funny though, didn't know you could do the tutorial as a 6 group like everyone wanted. Wonder if that's suppose to be a jab at the community...
Last edited by fallenj; 17/08/21 05:05 AM.
Joined: Jun 2020
That's such a happy adventuring party pose ^.^
Though.... it really shows when the female halfling head chosen here is physically *bigger* than the male human's... and her hips are the exact same bredth (and depth) as the female wood-elf's... and she's an easy four feet...
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
lol, I don't think any of them like being on that ship : / But ya, the sizes are really messed up, was taken back that the female gith is the same height as a human, halfling female being the same height as a gold dwarf and a wood elf towering over all of them.
Edit* that halfling head size though, just wow.
Last edited by fallenj; 17/08/21 06:39 AM.
Joined: Aug 2014
BG3 Halflings really are too big in every way, especially the heads. Dwarves look right even though hands seem huge. Elves and githyanki are too human. Gith should be more stretched, more alien. And I wish they would play more with the armor parts and show more green skin like in this pic instead of giving all of them full armor. ![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/0hewbe0.png)