First just like to say thanks for making BG3, been a fun ride so far, can't wait for more. grin Couple of these were posted as replies, figured I would restate them here in my feedback post.

Racial Features:
Half Drow:
Missing I'm presuming 24m Darkvision, as they currently sit they have the racials of a Half High Elf minus the cantrip.
Race, defiantly felt like something was missing or more weaker to say compared to others. Just quoted my previous post on another thread.

Halfling Features:
Lightfoot: +2 Dex. +1 Cha 7.5 speed, no Darkvision, +2 Stealth, Reroll ones once
Strong Heart: +2 Dex +1 Con 7.5 speed, no Darkvision, +2 save vs poison & Poison Resistance, reroll ones once

3.5 small creatures used to gain advantages and have drawbacks, for example they were slower, carried less, and were restricted by wp sizes. But gained, bonus ac, attack, and hide.
4e small creatures couldn't use 2h wps and had to use versatile as a 2h with no bonus dmg. No bonuses just drawbacks.
I'm going to guess 5e follows 4e and sticks to only negatives.

So lets compare halfling to another race.
High Elf: +2 Dex +1 Int. 9 speed, 12 Dark vision, +2 perception, +2 on save vs charmed, Immune to sleep, 4 wp. proficiencies, & a cantrip spell.

Out of 8 races one of the three with no dark vision, is slower, and reroll once would be equal to bonus on save, immunity, 4 wp proficiencies an a once per turn cantrip?
Or here lets say Reroll once is equal to 1.5 more speed 12 meters of darkvision +2 vs charmed an immune to sleep 4 wp proficiencies and a freebee at will spell...
kind of sad

These are the features I found from a website I'm presuming are missing for the race.

Brave: You have advantage on Saving Throws against being Frightened.

Halfling Nimbleness: You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.

On the character panel, Halfling is marked on the bottom right as having 8m speed.
Also there might be more over looked rules related to small creatures missing.

Jump/Disengage: (I could be wrong on this)
Disengage is a standard action which lets you leave a threatening square/space without provoking a attack of opportunity. Would like to see this feature get slapped with the standard action, ontop of it currently counting towards movement, since jumping is a move action.

Push/shove: (using both words from game & 5e to separate)
Both are considered standard actions, pushing someone away is already in the game while shoving isn't (knocking someone prone/trip attack).

From what I've read help actually gives someone a +2 to whatever and medicine skill check is required to actually get someone up from dying (unconscious). Would like to see medicine get this, it would make the skill more viable.

Ground effect's from spells, I'd like to see split between targeting ground or targeting character. If done so this way, cantrips and spells would be fine on making surfaces.

Seen a post about this complaining about dipping, in my opinion its fine how it is. Dipping is equal to a poison application.

Requests: (Just random stuff I'd wish to see) grin
Already highly requested so I'll add to it, more customization & voice choices for male & female.

  • Already highly requested so I'll add to it, more customization & voice choices for male & female.
  • Heavy freckled skin for halflings
  • Visible backpacks
  • Reconsider putting more into the crafting system, would love to see more for sure.
  • Grappling hook and rope used
  • Donkey to carry stuff and ride on
  • Changeling Race
  • Lanterns (bulls eye/hooded)
  • Donkeys

Thanks for your time! hehe

Last edited by fallenj; 23/10/20 07:36 AM.