So many thoughts here so many points to think about but.... At the end of the day two things will surface from all of this I think. We are all players here and most I would think are early access players. We have paid for the privlage of playing the game in it's raw form, helping find bugs and giving the team's the ability to shape the game to what "we the players and fans" are looking for in the final release. So Assuming (yes i know I shouldn't) that we are all adults here, Relationships in games like this are honestly few and far between for me, I have yet to see a solid non porn made game that has the great game play, great characters and ability to shape our characters world that this has the potential to be. If Larian are willing to build and put in the time for a somewhat realistic relationship within BG3 then I am willing to see where it goes and support what they do. If you dont want to see nudity, that is fine and fair and a switch to option to disable that is easy, But Please do not deny those players who want to push the boundaries of all aspects of this game from doing just that. How would you feel if you build your Bard/Warlock/Barbarian only to find that some other players didn't like the cleave feature, The ability to provide inspiration or to cast hex via twining) so they nerfed it or removed it all together ?