Since it is perhaps not a bug, I'd like to suggest a change to Animal Friendship to be more in-line with the RAW (and thus able to use out-of-combat). Casting this should not be considered an attack when it's meant to be friendly and just increase ability checks as applicable. I don't know about other animals, but it was classified as an attack when cast on Deep Rothé. There was no saving throw shown on the Deep Rothé when I cast it. The casting was simply seen as an attack, which is kinda wtf. Perhaps they assume it's a spell only used in combat, but that's not the case.

If I want to talk to an animal (in this case, with INT 2 -- 4 is max for the spell) and potentially affect social checks, then this is the spell to use (just as you would use Charm Person). If the spell succeeds, then the beast is Charmed. If you Charm something/someone, you do get bonuses to social ability checks. The RAW say nothing about a failed attempt being seen as a threat or attack; only that it knows it was Charmed once the duration ends.