As far as we know Larian is only going to add PHB subclasses. Going by
this list, I am most looking forward to Oath of the Ancients. If possible as a multiclass with Druid.
Are they adding artificer? they got a magical tech in this world so its possible..... if so battle smith for a mech dog. (im a sucker for pet allies) and if they cant add drake wardens beastmaster ranger, zealot barbarian, hexblade warlock, oathbreaker paladin, sword bard, grave cleric, Shephard druid, samurai fighter(i doubt fighter subclass the most) drunk monk, pirate rogue,WiLd sorcerer, and... I don't want to play a wizard so yeah

also, i hope they add more to the other classes cause I won't lie I'd hate that cleric gets like 7 subclasses and everyone else gets like 2.