Joined: Oct 2020
Gale is a sleaze. If you get the weave scene, but do not spend the night with him at the party, he will ask to sleep with you the day after if you. He doesn't care if you "have" someone else. Well in order for him to do that you must have flirted with him during the Weave scene. In the playthrough where I didn't trigger it, he totally friendzoned me. So I guess since he's getting mixed signals, he just checks where they stand. It's not exactly as if you're engaged after party "encounters": Shadowheart doesn't wanna see you again, Lae'Zal thanks you for exercise, Astarion never mentions it again (other than somewhat sarcastically calling the PC lover) and Wyll - that's just wrong (after that I'd bang a tree just to wash it off). @Svalr: Damn you're good. No denying I did write that 😂
Joined: Oct 2020
It sure as hell ain't objectively good, pal. My point is hardly any art is objectively good or bad as it boils down to each individual's taste. I've just thrown a minor tantrum today browsing through Guardian's album reviews where rock albums hardly ever get 3 stars and Kanye West is a sort of musical Messiah, meanwhile metal doesn't even exist. Also Toss a Coin to your Witcher was never in the games - it was made specifically for the series - a multimillion Netflix production, same goes for The rains of Castamere, so I would expect higher quality from those than a medium sized gaming studio. I am well aware of the original use of the song. I never said it came from a video game, but as it is tangentially related and better than bad it seemed a useful comparison as well as a reference I guessed most would get. As to the rest, I could not disagree more actually. Taste may certainly be subjective, but for standards to be meaningful they must not be subjective. For art to be objectively good it could meet any number of varying criteria. Anything can be good potentially, but only some things are which is why such distinction is needed in the first place. Art which exemplifies superior care, craftsmanship, or understanding of the medium might be good. Similarly it could demonstrates sharp insight, unique perspective, perhaps defy convention or assumed boundaries. There are any number of ways a thing might be good even while being absolutely abhorrent or even repulsive. Art need not be attractive, but it must always be intelligent. Look at the masters of any artistic field and you will find they exhibit not only technical mastery but also bring innovation to their field.
Last edited by DistantStranger; 02/11/20 09:36 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Just an aside - in my case anyway, romancing Shadowheart was pointless. A caveat - hetero cis male here - so there's that. A kiss, some regrets the next day - meh.
It's the same scene if you play a female character. That scene also has a visual bug currently (unless it was fixed since patch #1, I haven't replayed the scene since). The reason she ask if it was painful is because her weird magic is supposed to flare up during the kiss according to dev notes for the scene. It slightly change the context of the regrets the day after.
Joined: Oct 2020
Well it's definitely not story related on the same level as Morrigan in DA:O. But either way, I still think that it's story related the same as everything else.
It does make some sense where it's thrown into the story too with the camp celebration, everyone is kinda letting loose. So if it was going to happen at any point it makes sense that it happens then.
Well, I don't think that if you knew nothing of Morrigan's character beyond the point of the sex scene in camp you would necessarily think so highly of her character. Ofc? Not sure if you think I am arguing against anything here, I don't have a problem with sex scenes. It definitely doesn't happen *that* fast in this game either, but I can understand the argument that it does happen quite suddenly with some characters at least. Even so I'd still argue that Morrigan sleeping with you so fast and randomly made sense based on what we knew about her early on, she's completely clueless about human interaction it probably doesn't feel very sudden to her. Like from her pov you're horny you fuck lol, that simple. That's not really the case with any of the characters in Baldur's Gate 3, maybe Lae'Zel is the one where it wouldn't be the most surprising thing ever I guess but you're kinda busy. Really? I would say Shadowheart is the only one I would consider "chaste" among my party members in BG3. Astarion Flirts non stop from the moment he stops threatening you, About Laezel you talked... Wyll is super horny, I'm just not sure if he is hornier for Laezel or Shadowhear, and about Gale, I don't know. never triggered a romance scene with him beyond the magic wave thing. I highly doubt that Shadowheart is Chaste especially when she is completely into the player character and flirts with the player.
Cleric of Innuendo
Cleric of Innuendo
Joined: Oct 2020
Art need not be attractive, but it must always be intelligent. Look at the masters of any artistic field and you will find they exhibit not only technical mastery but also bring innovation to their field. Sorry, but no. Art can be created in many ways and for many reason by many different people. Intelligence does not enter into it. What you need is imagination (usually) and creativity. [So speaks a former art student]. ... Back on topic, I found some of the funniest 'romance' scenes in DA:I. The developers put a lot of thought into those scenes.
Joined: Mar 2020
I highly doubt that Shadowheart is Chaste especially when she is completely into the player character and flirts with the player.
Hence the quotation marks. I would only consider her "chaste" by comparing her to the rest of them
Back on topic, I found some of the funniest 'romance' scenes in DA:I. The developers put a lot of thought into those scenes.
spoilers for the full game mixed with some informed speculation: If we will have minsc as a possible romance option I can't see a way to make it work other than playing it for laughs. "Jump on my sword while you can lover, I won't be as gentle!"
Last edited by Abits; 03/11/20 06:20 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Art need not be attractive, but it must always be intelligent. Look at the masters of any artistic field and you will find they exhibit not only technical mastery but also bring innovation to their field. Sorry, but no. Art can be created in many ways and for many reason by many different people. Intelligence does not enter into it. What you need is imagination (usually) and creativity. [So speaks a former art student]. ... Back on topic, I found some of the funniest 'romance' scenes in DA:I. The developers put a lot of thought into those scenes. I find that most professional artists don't share this type of snobbery towards art at all either, it's mainly something that armchair artists indulge in. And the definition of art is very broad precisely to avoid arbitrary gatekeeping. It's also incredibly influenced by culture and lived experience. In Europe and NA for example art traditionally in more recent history has been all about mirroring and reflecting reality rooted in religious motives while in Asia for example it has been all about distorting reality. And there's a lot of bias in the West against any art that steps out of that Renaissance box. There's no way of objectively measuring this on some grand scale because all art is subjectively experienced on an individual level and affected by so many countless variables. Not to mention the conditioning that happens on a cultural level.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
spoilers for the full game mixed with some informed speculation: If we will have minsc as a possible romance option I can't see a way to make it work other than playing it for laughs. "Jump on my sword while you can lover, I won't be as gentle!"
He will leave no crevice untouched
Optimistically Apocalyptic
Joined: Mar 2020
spoilers for the full game mixed with some informed speculation: If we will have minsc as a possible romance option I can't see a way to make it work other than playing it for laughs. "Jump on my sword while you can lover, I won't be as gentle!"
He will leave no crevice untouched I had a list of minsc possible sex lines somewhere, I'll look it up. It's glorious
Joined: Oct 2020
Considering how scared some people here are of sex and sex appeal. I am not so sure we'd be able to handle him.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
1. to choose a dialogue option to watch a cutscene 2. feel an accomplishment for watching a cutscene 3. to play this game
I would recommend removing the romance scenes, and anything past a campfire discussion or glass of wine. There is no need for it in this game, and it only causes individuals to not role play a character in order to watch a cut scene.
I would recommend putting more resources on the Dialogue options for the player character, and overall party companionship options.
This is a D&D game right, so the focus would be better put elsewhere.
my 2cents. The romance and a lot of stuff seems rushed, game needs adjust for pacing. Act one as a whole just seems mashed together an thrown out the door for EA testing. So for example romance would be get to know/cup of wine, second act first base/ third chapter would be your romance ending. You can really feel the emptiness of the game by just going to the first vendor and turning the music off. There isnt any noise, background sounds are bare, animations are still buggy (if you watch the characters/npcs there jaw snaps to the right/left). More than likely the game will be pushed out then retuned for Enhanced Edition. BTW I just finally got to the romance scene and put the game down, swapping to BG1, the game is EXTREMELY EA. Telling people/whoever on the forums to remove a chunk of content isn't going to help anyone, try sending in bug reports.
Last edited by fallenj; 03/11/20 07:53 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I think i didnt even notice any romance ... Just sex after big battle. O_o
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
Why do these kind of posts keep popping up? And more, why the hell are we keeping them alive?
Don't like romance, fine. Then don't do it. No character is going to rape you, so get over yourself and let people enjoy their game the way they want to.
Joined: Oct 2020
I think i didnt even notice any romance ... Just sex after big battle. O_o Wow, I agree with RagnarokCzD? A cold day in hell indeed.
Joined: Oct 2020
Why do these kind of posts keep popping up? And more, why the hell are we keeping them alive?
Don't like romance, fine. Then don't do it. No character is going to rape you, so get over yourself and let people enjoy their game the way they want to. Only boys allowed, and no hugging boy either! Just boys swinging their sticks at other men, girls are icky eew. If they no show sinful body I can look other way, but no bellow neck okay? I only play games to swing my stick at people but then girls come in and want to do other things, and some boys agree for some reason? I gasp, didn't they know video games only about hitting with stick and pewpew with gun? People get head decapitate and tortured? I sleep. But then I saw woman nipple, I SHOCK! I thought this family friendly game was!? What happen to my boy club? Nothing sacred anymoar?
Joined: Oct 2020
Only boys allowed, and no hugging boy either! Just boys swinging their sticks at other men, girls are icky eew. If they no show sinful body I can look other way, but no bellow neck okay?
I only play games to swing my stick at people but then girls come in and want to do other things, and some boys agree for some reason? I gasp, didn't they know video games only about hitting with stick and pewpew with gun?
People get head decapitate and tortured? I sleep. But then I saw woman nipple, I SHOCK! I thought this family friendly game was!?
What happen to my boy club? Nothing sacred anymoar? Don't be reductive. Romance is very much the wrong reason to motivate players towards certain dialogue options, I am definitely not the only one here who in their dozen or so playthroughs so far did a " say everything companion XYZ likes" run just to get to their sex scene. There is a subset of players that does nothing but play the game this way and Larian should be jeopardise the game's quality by catering to them.
Joined: Oct 2020
Only boys allowed, and no hugging boy either! Just boys swinging their sticks at other men, girls are icky eew. If they no show sinful body I can look other way, but no bellow neck okay?
I only play games to swing my stick at people but then girls come in and want to do other things, and some boys agree for some reason? I gasp, didn't they know video games only about hitting with stick and pewpew with gun?
People get head decapitate and tortured? I sleep. But then I saw woman nipple, I SHOCK! I thought this family friendly game was!?
What happen to my boy club? Nothing sacred anymoar? Don't be reductive. Romance is very much the wrong reason to motivate players towards certain dialogue options, I am definitely not the only one here who in their dozen or so playthroughs so far did a " say everything companion XYZ likes" run just to get to their sex scene. There is a subset of players that does nothing but play the game this way and Larian should be jeopardise the game's quality by catering to them. You're playing an early access game, you should perhaps relax a little with these assumptions about what they supposedly are and aren't doing. You're also not in a position to decide what is and isn't the right or wrong reason for other players to do anything. Ultimately no one is forcing you to '' say everything companion XYZ likes '' just to get to their sex scene. It's not mandatory content. If the point of certain dialogue is to lead up to romance, sex or whatever then it obviously isn't the wrong reason because that was what it was intended by the writers to lead up to or at least the opportunity. And as has been stated before, I don't see any of you complaining about this when it comes to anything else. People in these RPG's also do the same that you're doing but with violent scenes and such, you're intentionally doing something and then blaming the game for the outcome...
Joined: Oct 2020
And as has been stated before, I don't see any of you complaining about this when it comes to anything else. You've not seen my Kagha thread? I complain about a lot. If the point of certain dialogue is to lead up to romance, sex or whatever then it obviously isn't the wrong reason because that was what it was intended by the writers to lead up to or at least the opportunity. People in these RPG's also do the same that you're doing but with violent scenes and such, you're intentionally doing something and then blaming the game for the outcome...
There should be a lot more " !" opportunities and more quiet camp moments leading up to the party scene then. Shadowheart is the only one who has been set up well in my opinion, her romance scene is also very tame. Everyone else, this will include; Karlach, Minsc (???) and Helia is not. Ultimately the discussion here, in my view, is not about if there should be romance scenes at all. It is about how Larian intends to wrap an entire story around 8 different sex scenes and the approval system leading to sex as a reward.
Joined: Oct 2020
1. to choose a dialogue option to watch a cutscene 2. feel an accomplishment for watching a cutscene 3. to play this game
I would recommend removing the romance scenes, and anything past a campfire discussion or glass of wine. There is no need for it in this game, and it only causes individuals to not role play a character in order to watch a cut scene.
I would recommend putting more resources on the Dialogue options for the player character, and overall party companionship options.
This is a D&D game right, so the focus would be better put elsewhere.
my 2cents. Again, you don't like romance? Just don't do it. My toon easily maximized Gale's approval so the weave cut scene triggered. It was a nice scene that allowed my toon to better understand the wizard, and then between the options there was the romantic one, I just choose another because my toon is not interested. My toon would is facscinated by Astarion (I decided my toon is naive so the stile of the vampire looks charming to him), still I didn't change his choices so to maximize the pale elf's approval, that is at the end of the early access my toon didn't triggered any romance options from the rogue. Same situation of Gale (that is very high approval) is that that my toon have with Laez'el and Shadowheart, still no romance options are triggered because in all dialogues my toon went just for information and suggestions. Do we seriously have so much need to have everything fixed so that we can not take turns and get away from a due route? And it's not only about romance, is about barrels, height, and many more, it seems that the fact that there is a chance to do something bring people to complain and to ask to remove them while you can just decide not to use. I'm not strategist and I'm quite impatient so I rush into enemies whatever is the position of my party (reason why in most games I grind xp to overpower the main bosses and enemies  ,, also I'm distracted so I never gather enough barrels, and the game didn't force me to use those. Again: yours is the choice on how to use the choices in the game. My next toon is going to be straight and a warrior so I would use dialogue options to try to romance Laez'el (again I won't make my toon make choices against how I think he will be just to bed the Ginthayiki warrior). And the other one I have is into dwarve ladies so he wont do anything to romance any of the companions. The last i quoted is an halfling that will be a strategist so with him I'll use strategy, while with the previous one I decide he is a stubborn and not so briliant warrior so he will lead his party in almost all frontal attacks, also he is too much into fighting so he don't even think about romances or sex stuff (indeed in his background he is chaste). As I said choices. What I would like in romance is more options (for example to let people charcaters to be more nuanced going from the naive and virgin one to the experienced filrty one), and more difficulty, Early Access and already able to bed a companion what's this grindr or its straight version?
Joined: Nov 2020
I don't understand the fuss on why people complain that the is a romance option... if they don't like it they don't HAVE to romance a character? It's an option in case you do. What's wrong with each player making their own choices? It's faithful to DnD.