Hi everybody,
Baldur's Gate 3 has a beautifull worldmap that smell Baldur's Gate so much.
Once again, I guess that the worldmap in this next Larian game is going to be close tp useless.
I suggest that the worldmap become the tool for fast travel rather than those very convenient TP runes.
* Remove all TP runes in the game except the one for Gale's spawn
* Add the camp location on the world map
* Add the name of the locations on the map
* Change the "fast travel" button so it become a "worldmap" button
* When you click the new "worldmap" button, you're not on the "act map", but on the worldmap
* When you click a location, you "fast travel" to this location.
* (Small map changes if necessary)
![[Linked Image]](https://zupimages.net/up/20/45/101f.png)
This way you would easily improve the general experience for several reasons :
- Increase the feeling of a Baldur's Gate game
- Increase the consistency of this representation of the FR (I guess using a map to travel in the FR is more usual than runes)
- Increase the feeling of a "real" and living world
- Increase the personnality of BG3
- More proper transition to camp
This suggestion could also lead to other improvement :
- Random encounter while traveling to camp ? Could perhaps increase the ressources management and the rest mechanics
- Add the notion of "time" during those travel ? (I.E a short message "you travel for 2 hours)
- Add the notion of "meteo" during those "fast travel" ? Easier cosmetic meteo (I.E after "you travel for 2 hours", now it's raining on the entire map)
- Add the notion of day / night during those "fast travel" ? Easier D/N cycle (I.E after "you travel for 2 hours", now the night has fall)
Anyway these are some ideas that could be imagined by going further.
Maybe when you're on act 2, the name of the act 1 location should dissapear so player understand that he can't go back.
The only "problem" I actually think of is the "fast travel" to the underdark... I Let the question open but here are a few ideas...
- I guess a popup when you click the goblins camp or the blighted village could spawn to ask where you want to go IF you already discover the entrance
- A "mini underdark map" on the worldmap could suit too
- Nothing could also be cool... Going to the underdark is dangerous and you have to be well prepared. If you can't rest in the underdark, just walk to the surface.
So what do you think about it ?
Is that important to you ? Any problems according to you ?