Joined: Jul 2014
We will now delete those threads on your request. Clearly if you don't agree with a thread it shouldn't be merged or pinned. 'Us' can only be us if you agree that there is a consensus.
By the way you are coming across as very reasonable! Keep up the good work. <thumbs up icon>
I'm plenty reasonable, I'm not blind - I can see there is a certain fanbase for RAW implementation of 5e, but I think you're taking a bit too much on yourselves there implying you represent some kind of mainstream line of thinking. In the end it is just a bunch of same guys spamming same threads to circlejerk around how you want it to be Solasta and I'm glad Larian CEO is smarter than to bait into this, because you, guys, are just one camp here and not even the mainstream one, despite desperately trying to appear more than you are.
Joined: Mar 2020
It is a good list. I would like to see pinned lists on each of these things. Minor disagreements -- uou don't get to compromise starting with what you would settle for. 6 is the standard from BG1&2 the IWD series and the spiritual successors. Also a minor disagreement with the useless items. Rooms should looked lived in. Ink pots and old bottles give a sense of ambiance. Increases my immersion. More useless items please 
Joined: Mar 2020
We will now delete those threads on your request. Clearly if you don't agree with a thread it shouldn't be merged or pinned. 'Us' can only be us if you agree that there is a consensus.
By the way you are coming across as very reasonable! Keep up the good work. <thumbs up icon>
I'm plenty reasonable, I'm not blind - I can see there is a certain fanbase for RAW implementation of 5e, but I think you're taking a bit too much on yourselves there implying you represent some kind of mainstream line of thinking. In the end it is just a bunch of same guys spamming same threads to circlejerk around how you want it to be Solasta and I'm glad Larian CEO is smarter than to bait into this, because you, guys, are just one camp here and not even the mainstream one, despite desperately trying to appear more than you are. Well you can continue to believe that you are coming across as rational while insulting people's intelligence and using descriptors like 'circlejerk' if you like. When people start resorting to insults I think it's a clear sign they've given up on trying to persuade and have lost the argument.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
We will now delete those threads on your request. Clearly if you don't agree with a thread it shouldn't be merged or pinned. 'Us' can only be us if you agree that there is a consensus.
By the way you are coming across as very reasonable! Keep up the good work. <thumbs up icon>
I'm plenty reasonable, I'm not blind - I can see there is a certain fanbase for RAW implementation of 5e, but I think you're taking a bit too much on yourselves there implying you represent some kind of mainstream line of thinking. In the end it is just a bunch of same guys spamming same threads to circlejerk around how you want it to be Solasta and I'm glad Larian CEO is smarter than to bait into this, because you, guys, are just one camp here and not even the mainstream one, despite desperately trying to appear more than you are. I recommend that you give up, it doesn't make sense.
Joined: Oct 2020
Lets face it Larian are already in boucoup profit from EA sales as they used the BG name to promote DOS3. There is no way on earth that Larian are going into full pickle £$£$£ production when 99% of the assets were already cut and paste from DOS. A AAA budget because they hired Morgan Freeman and James Earl Jones as voice actors right? Narr they are probably still hungover from the EA sales.
At the end of the day all this media feedback is free promotion so they are going to feed them shit. The feedback they reference is non-existant in any forum I have read, they are making it up. I mean "the heat map" isn't feedback, that's database gathered game stats that mean FA to anyone. 400,000 people petted the dog though, yeah because the only other option was to kill it or walk off. Conclusion? More dogs. People use barrelmancy to cheese 80% of EA content. Conclusion? More barrels. People always jump over enemies and get to higher ground to win. Conclusion? More higher ground and more jumps.
The attitude of "we will not be changing (insert topic) because FU that's why" is a really bad faith argument. It's basically saying like it or lump either way we have your money chump so deal with it.
Why offer early access for feedback before informing the players the game is already set in stone? Seriously I wanna know. If it's just playdata gathering via heat maps then do what every other company does and PAY people to play it instead of bullshitting BG and D&D fans to pay for the development. DOS fans are happy except they want more barrels and cheese mechanics, whoosh>>> We will be right on it. This is exactly the reason I never buy EA or pre-order but this once I figured its been 20 years in the waiting this is going to be different. More fool me.
Joined: Oct 2020
Lets face it Larian are already in boucoup profit from EA sales as they used the BG name to promote DOS3. There is no way on earth that Larian are going into full pickle £$£$£ production when 99% of the assets were already cut and paste from DOS. A AAA budget because they hired Morgan Freeman and James Earl Jones as voice actors right? Narr they are probably still hungover from the EA sales.
At the end of the day all this media feedback is free promotion so they are going to feed them shit. The feedback they reference is non-existant in any forum I have read, they are making it up. I mean "the heat map" isn't feedback, that's database gathered game stats that mean FA to anyone. 400,000 people petted the dog though, yeah because the only other option was to kill it or walk off. Conclusion? More dogs. People use barrelmancy to cheese 80% of EA content. Conclusion? More barrels. People always jump over enemies and get to higher ground to win. Conclusion? More higher ground and more jumps.
The attitude of "we will not be changing (insert topic) because FU that's why" is a really bad faith argument. It's basically saying like it or lump either way we have your money chump so deal with it.
Why offer early access for feedback before informing the players the game is already set in stone? Seriously I wanna know. If it's just playdata gathering via heat maps then do what every other company does and PAY people to play it instead of bullshitting BG and D&D fans to pay for the development. DOS fans are happy except they want more barrels and cheese mechanics, whoosh>>> We will be right on it. This is exactly the reason I never buy EA or pre-order but this once I figured its been 20 years in the waiting this is going to be different. More fool me. Yeah fool you. They gave people like you plenty of warnings.
“There is only one thing we say to Death: Not today.”
Joined: Jul 2014
I recommend that you give up, it doesn't make sense.
What does not make sense? That there is a bit more to it than just this extremist RAW 5e or bust attitude? It's ok, I think some reality check is good from time to time, to remind people that what they are pushing is not necessarily the only right and true way of thinking and might not even be representative of reality on the ground where vast majority of BG3 players will be people who haven't touched tabletop in their lives or at least in last 10 years, let alone give much of damn about RAW 5e.
Joined: Feb 2020
It is a good list. I would like to see pinned lists on each of these things. Minor disagreements -- uou don't get to compromise starting with what you would settle for. 6 is the standard from BG1&2 the IWD series and the spiritual successors. Also a minor disagreement with the useless items. Rooms should looked lived in. Ink pots and old bottles give a sense of ambiance. Increases my immersion. More useless items please  I disagree with the party. I'd rather play with 6 companions. It's totally my number... But a larger audience mean compromise, and it looks like 5 should pleased a majority (according to polls and survey). About useless items ? You can see them without being able to take them... What's the point of being able to pick bones, plates, fork, knife and soooo many useless stuff in your inventory ? They can still be on that table even if you can't take them. I recommend that you give up, it doesn't make sense.
What does not make sense? That there is a bit more to it than just this extremist RAW 5e or bust attitude? It's ok, I think some reality check is good from time to time, to remind people that what they are pushing is not necessarily the only right and true way of thinking and might not even be representative of reality on the ground where vast majority of BG3 players will be people who haven't touched tabletop in their lives or at least in last 10 years, let alone give much of damn about RAW 5e. It looks like you're starting to do what you criticize. Not really sure on which side you'd categorize me, but I never touched any TT game in my life and I really think that Larian should trust D&D a little bit more. There are not only 1 way of thinking, but there are not only 2 either.
Last edited by Maximuuus; 10/11/20 11:03 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I recommend that you give up, it doesn't make sense.
What does not make sense? That there is a bit more to it than just this extremist RAW 5e or bust attitude? It's ok, I think some reality check is good from time to time, to remind people that what they are pushing is not necessarily the only right and true way of thinking and might not even be representative of reality on the ground where vast majority of BG3 players will be people who haven't touched tabletop in their lives or at least in last 10 years, let alone give much of damn about RAW 5e. Well, I tried to do this before without success. If people don't want to understand something, you won't force them.
Joined: Mar 2020
 I guess I've never picked up the useless items and don't have the inventory burdens that others do. I thought the useless items did play a role in the arcane tower quest where the useless items were really illusions.
And I like seeing that one place has glass goblets, another pewter another wood. Makes it see alive. More useless items please! (I'm being totally serious). But I would like an official poll of the forum. @tuco makes a good point that those willing to dive into the details should be polled first.
Joined: Oct 2020
@Maximuuus @mrfuji3
Good lists! I agree with all/most points. I'd also agree with KillerRabbit's comments on it.
Joined: May 2019
@Maximuuus @mrfuji3
Good lists! I agree with all/most points. I'd also agree with KillerRabbit's comments on it. +1
Joined: Nov 2020
For me useless items help with immersion. Having to decide how much time and where I should check containers and what to pick up transforms in a lot of RP (in my head).
I would like though to see the spell Detect Magic, RAW or adapted I am fine either ways. It would be a balanced way to manage fomo, while still allowing the environment to be highly interactive (ny necromancer totally wants to di around with bones and brain jars).
Joined: Nov 2020
 I guess I've never picked up the useless items and don't have the inventory burdens that others do. I thought the useless items did play a role in the arcane tower quest where the useless items were really illusions.
And I like seeing that one place has glass goblets, another pewter another wood. Makes it see alive. More useless items please! (I'm being totally serious). But I would like an official poll of the forum. @tuco makes a good point that those willing to dive into the details should be polled first. I opened a thread just to discuss useless items. I agree with you that more opinions about it would actually be great: https://forums.larian.com//ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=732241&#Post732241
Joined: Jul 2019
I mean, we all kind of figured the evil and neutral companions were in the game, but the response didn't exactly inspire confidence in me.
It almost seemed like 1.) The excuse for their dialogue and reaction to the PC was because of their alignment, which is asinine. You can still have a great sense of comraderie (sp) and be bros with a bad guy. Look at a gang, they're basically family, yet they do terrible things.
2.) There's probably just those 3 companions we know of coming, which, IMO isn't enough. Espefially with the ones we have now. I'd hope for another 2 neutral, 1 evil and 1 good after these 3 come in.
Joined: Dec 2016
I mean, we all kind of figured the evil and neutral companions were in the game, but the response didn't exactly inspire confidence in me.
It almost seemed like 1.) The excuse for their dialogue and reaction to the PC was because of their alignment, which is asinine. You can still have a great sense of comraderie (sp) and be bros with a bad guy. Look at a gang, they're basically family, yet they do terrible things.
2.) There's probably just those 3 companions we know of coming, which, IMO isn't enough. Espefially with the ones we have now. I'd hope for another 2 neutral, 1 evil and 1 good after these 3 come in. Call me overly optimistic if you want, but I still think the full release will contain 12 (or at the very least close to) companions - one for each of the PHB classes.
Joined: Oct 2020
Call me overly optimistic if you want, but I still think the full release will contain 12 (or at the very least close to) companions - one for each of the PHB classes. 12 used to be my guess, but didn't Kevin (Larian writer) say something like "8 and maaaaaybe more at some point, but no promises"?
Joined: Dec 2016
Call me overly optimistic if you want, but I still think the full release will contain 12 (or at the very least close to) companions - one for each of the PHB classes. 12 used to be my guess, but didn't Kevin (Larian writer) say something like "8 and maaaaaybe more at some point, but no promises"? No idea, I must have missed that interview or blog.
Joined: Dec 2016
After doing some googling it's apparently from a Twitch stream from one of the writers. The stream itself seems to have been lost since Twitch didn't save it, but for those interested there's a summary on the various highlights which can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/jd1qsq/highlights_from_kevin_vanords_stream/The quote about companions is *They plan to have eight companions, possibly more, and potentially including companions that won't be origin characters
*There will be more companions than DoS2 but possibly less than BG2. Part of the "less than BG2" bit is because they want all the companions to have fleshed out stories
Joined: Oct 2020
Honestly, I'm more worried about the story and companions being left to modding than the combat rules. Because combat rules CAN be modded without anyone being able to notice whether Larian made the changes or someone else. The story and NPCs, however, all make use of voice overs and cinematics and modding those will have an extremely jarring effect.