Joined: Oct 2020
1660Ti is the bare minimum entry lvl gpu for a 2020 computer
Get off your horse brudda... You know what is the most popular GPU used by Steam users? 1060... what's the second most popular? 1050Ti - these two together account for almost 20% of all Steam users when it comes to 3D capability. If you take all the variants and flavors of 1060 and comparable GPUs - it's more than 35 % there. And I'm not even talking about lower than that. I think some people need a reality check, as if everyone rocks 3080s or some such. A LOT of people game on laptops and these are the GPUs you can overwhelmingly expect there. BG3 is no Crysis, it does not push revolutionary graphics, so I am not so sure why you are going such "pikachuface" over prospect of it running on MacBook Pro - which it perfectly will be able to do. if you go buy a 2020 computer it wont come with a 1060 if it have a 1060 in it, its not a 2020 computer mac are not gpu powerhouse.
Last edited by Evil_it_Self; 10/11/20 10:16 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yes, the point of the discussion is the OP whining about the fact she knows better than Larian where to put their resources to make their game. That's fantastic news. Maybe the OP can get a management job at their headquarters or something.
It might be a good idea to apply. Would you do us all a favor and calm down a little? I did not whine, nor did I claim Mac users are not important or dont deserve to play, nor any other of your baseless and rediculous accusations. You obviously dont have the ability to make a calm, thoughtful argument here. Instead you choose to make strawman arguments in order to ridicule me. I am, in fact, not trained in programming, management or something similar. I do not claim to be able to do a better job than Larian. I merely voiced my opinion. Since this is a feedback forum, I believe that is all in the norm.
Last edited by Sigi98; 10/11/20 10:20 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
if you go buy a 2020 computer it wont come with a 1060 if it have a 1060 in it, its not a 2020 computer
mac are not gpu powerhouse.
Ye okay bruddah... I think you live in an alternate reality where everyone buys gaming PCs filled with LEDs and shit. BG3 is a last gen title, it's not really a current gen title - 1060 and the likes are enough to run it and 16inch 2020 MacBook Pros mostly have around that. But you go tell 'em dumb Larian what's what - I bet they need your advice on platforms they should develop for. KEKW. Here are the powerhouse GPUs required by BG3: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.gyazo.com/4954b4b9fa5e0276fd1769b0a458fad3.png) I think MacBook Pros 15/16 inch starting 2018 models can manage that.
Last edited by Gaidax; 10/11/20 10:22 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
if you go buy a 2020 computer it wont come with a 1060 if it have a 1060 in it, its not a 2020 computer
mac are not gpu powerhouse.
Ye okay bruddah... I think you live in an alternate reality where everyone buys gaming PCs filled with LEDs and shit. BG3 is a last gen title, it's not really a current gen title - 1060 and the likes are enough to run it and 16inch 2020 MacBook Pros mostly have around that. But you go tell 'em dumb Larian what's what - I bet they need your advice on platforms they should develop for. KEKW. Here are the powerhouse GPUs required by BG3: ![[Linked Image]](https://i.gyazo.com/4954b4b9fa5e0276fd1769b0a458fad3.png) I think MacBook Pros 15/16 inch starting 2018 models can manage that. you are totaly out of context , Nyanko said mac are gpu power house not I , I was only rectifying him. get lost. nobody here is talking about the sys requirement of bg3, we just talking about mac in general. even the new 2021 model have bare bone gpu from 2016 its 150 buck card in a 5k$ computerr
Last edited by Evil_it_Self; 10/11/20 10:31 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
you are totaly out of context , Nyanko said mac are gpu power house not I , I was only rectifying him. get lost.
Daww did a hurt ur feeweings? I'm sowwyyy... Here have a cookie. You guys can flail all you like, but reality is MacBook Pros are enough to satisfy all BG3 needs in 3D department and likely more going forward.
Joined: Oct 2020
you are totaly out of context , Nyanko said mac are gpu power house not I , I was only rectifying him. get lost.
Daww did a hurt ur feeweings? I'm sowwyyy... Here have a cookie. You guys can flail all you like, but reality is MacBook Pros are enough to satisfy all BG3 needs in 3D department and likely more going forward. still a 1660ti is 150$ gpu ............in a 5000$ computer its not a bad card, but def. not a GPU POWERHOUSE
Last edited by Evil_it_Self; 10/11/20 10:35 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
still a 1660ti is 150$ gpu ............in a 5000$ computer
its not a bad card, but def. not a GPU POWERHOUSE
You are arguing semantics in a context of the thread. The thread is about whether there are people that care about running BG3 on Mac, not whether Macs are some amazing value proposition or whether 5600M is some sort second coming of JC of a GPU. The reality, people seem to care after all - that's what matters... and $$ ofc.
Joined: Oct 2020
Ok, so at this point would a moderator please show mercy and close this thread? Since this has apparently turned into a game of angrily comparing computor stats.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Sep 2015
Ok, so at this point would a moderator please show mercy and close this thread? Since this has apparently turned into a game of angrily comparing computor stats. I mean, just look at the title of your thread. Don't you think it's kind of aggressive to mac users? And then you go on afterwards telling it's not what you mean. You ask "Who cares?" and we reply "We do". Is it enough satisfying an answer or you want us to add some explanatory pictures or something?
Last edited by Nyanko; 10/11/20 10:47 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Ok, so at this point would a moderator please show mercy and close this thread? Since this has apparently turned into a game of angrily comparing computor stats. I mean, just look at the title of your thread. Don't you think it's kind of aggressive to mac users? And then you go on afterwards telling it's not what you mean. You ask "Who cares?" and we reply "We do". Is it satisfying an answer or you want us to add some explanatory pictures or something? Pretty much. But I guess some people still do this silly war of worlds, as if OS you use is some sort of religion and you need to "burn the infidels" at every opportunity. Bottom line, plenty of people would like to see BG3 on Mac, including me, even if it's so I could fire it up on my MacBook when I travel, despite having a full blown gaming PC at home with all bells and whistles. And that's why a version for it is being developed.
Joined: Oct 2020
Ok, so at this point would a moderator please show mercy and close this thread? Since this has apparently turned into a game of angrily comparing computor stats. I mean, just look at the title of your thread. Don't you think it's kind of aggressive to mac users? And then you go on afterwards telling it's not what you mean. You ask "Who cares?" and we reply "We do". Is it enough satisfying an answer or you want us to add some explanatory pictures or something? 'Who cares' is a simple question without any aggressive incentive, and interpretation of that question is a completely different story. If I wanted to choose a title that wont ever trigger anyone, noone would ever click on it because it sounds boring. BuI would argue that everything I said within the thread clearly shows that I am not agressive toward mac users at all. Besides, if you replied 'we do' from the beginning instead of accusing me of things I didnt say, everything would be fine.
Last edited by Sigi98; 10/11/20 10:54 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Pretty much. But I guess some people still do this silly war of worlds, as if OS you use is some sort of religion and you need to "burn the infidels" at every opportunity. You realize that all of that is completely your interpretation of my words, and not based on any evidence? For the record, once and for all. I do not have anything against mac users, nor console users. Strawman arguments dont further the discussion.
Joined: Jul 2014
Pretty much. But I guess some people still do this silly war of worlds, as if OS you use is some sort of religion and you need to "burn the infidels" at every opportunity. You realize that all of that is completely your interpretation of my words, and not based on any evidence? For the record, once and for all. I do not have anything against mac users, nor console users. Strawman arguments dont further the discussion. You got your answers. There is definitely enough of a base for such a version of a game and it's why Larian are doing it. MacBook Pros have enough hardware to satisfy official recommended requirements. And finally apparently, as you can see, there are people that care enough.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Ok, so at this point would a moderator please show mercy and close this thread? Since this has apparently turned into a game of angrily comparing computor stats. Done, as it's not the most productive discussion I've seen today. And it's the first one I've looked at since I woke up. fwiw I suspect a less provocative title may have seen better results.
J'aime le fromage.