I, personally, think surfaces as they are now are absolutely fine.
Well, you are absolutely wrong.
Surfaces currently apply in addition to direct damage, they are created even on a miss, they deal automatic damage without a save, the extra damage far exceeds the listed damage of the spells, items or cantrips, they are far too common, appearing in a great many - if not almost every - fights, they replace or nullify the existence of certain spells and cantrips which specifically create surfaces. They make Concentration spells far more likely to fail than is intended and the extra damage is a problem because player HP hasn't been compensated. Also, see my response to the quote below.
"I like it" has no substance and is subjective. The opinion of someone who offers specific reasons should outweigh that of someone who can only offer "I like it" as an reason.
Definitely dont want more, but i wouldn't want them removed, they are a unique thing only in Larian games and they are fun just needs to be toned down.
less magical fire arrows, less oil Barrels in enemy camps (but maybe more in out of the way locations so a player can choose to use them by leading the enemy to them, adding weight to barrels to you cant carry more than 1 at a time)
Can anyone here say that when playing DOS for the first time, freezing water/blood or electrifying a puddle and hitting multiple enemies wasn't extremely cool?
That was cool. However, D:OS and D:OS 2 games are balanced around the idea that each fight is challenging, and that players are expected to be at full resources (health, spells) for every battle. Baldur's Gate 3 is using the D&D 5e rules. Those rules are based around attrition, and the idea of players having more limited resources and being worn down over time.
Surfaces deal extra unavoidable damage to health. Additional sources of damage forcing Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration increase the changes of failing those and losing the spell and spell slot resource. You cannot just drop in mechanics designed for players to be fully charged and healed in each encounter into a game based on attrition. The mechanics work against each other.
There is a place for surfaces, but not this frequent, not in this state, and not without ways and chances to avoid the damage.
I have not really felt like there are surfaces everywhere in the current version of the game, especially if you do not use the barrels yourself, which I have not really done.
I haven't used them either. Enemies will, though, through any barrels lying around, or through the many projectiles and magic arrows they've got.