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old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
So far I have really enjoyed the companions we have so far gotten in BG3 but I have possible suggestions to the current system:
* I would really enjoy it if the maximum party size for the player party could be upgraded from four to six for multiple reasons - The first 2 games and spinoffs based on their system had a party size of six, changing this could bring them closer to the original games to help ease older fans to the newer title. - It would allow players to freely explore all the origin characters in a single playthrough without having to switch them out in the camp. - A larger party size would allow players to fine tune their experience and difficulty more as they could make it easier or harder, and even explore more play styles/combinations. - I personally find larger party sizes more fun to play with
* Additionally if it is not something already in the works, I genuinely think a game like baldur's gate should have a much larger selection of companions: - Finding a wide array of companions and experimenting with them and trying to populate an area with them was one of my favorite things to do in BG:EE - It would allow for more varied interactions, playthroughs, and perspectives - It could be another thing to ingratiate players of the older games to the new one. - They wouldn't have to have as complex stories as the origin characters and could have their own reasons to join the party such as attachment, indebtedness, greed, or some other reason. - Certain existing characters could make excellent permanent companions that would stand out against older ones, like Us the Intellect Devourer if they were added beyond the introduction. - For if/when more classes, subclasses, and races are added, there can be representation for them so that people can have highly customizable parties. - It would be more of a great thing as I have genuinely loved the characters already in the game.
Sorry if the suggestions are not feasible or are faulty in any way, and sorry if I posted this in the wrong place or there was already a thread for this exact discussion as I have just joined this forum and this is my first post.
Joined: Nov 2020
I think a fiveperson party would be more optimal personally
And I definitely think there needs to be more companions, there are rumors/talks about three more, but I think we need a few more than that... This may sound bizarre, but I would appreciate having AT LEAST ONE OF EACH CLASS.
I think that is a very simple like... stencil and aim. 12 companions, one of each class, so you dont feel pressured to play one of the remainder classes.
Im just going to throw that out there... Minsc and Boo, the comics have already explained why he is still around I think, so why not go for it you know? Get Travis Willingham to do the voice...
also make US a permanent companion, what class? hell if I know what class a brain dog is... I want my special them back, my special them is a very good dog okay!!! I want them back.
(DLC for Artificer companion)
Joined: Nov 2020
Pretty sure Larian said that one of each class is highly unlikely. Though they do wish to implement a feature to higher faceless mercenaries to stand in for builds we may really want.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Honestly the faceless mercenaries thing wouldn't really be the same thing for me, compared to companions with distinctive personalities and idiosyncrasies, but I do appreciate that mechanic for if you somehow get companions killed or just want to experiment.
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old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Minsc and Boo would be a fun addition, even as just an NPC. I don't think Us needs a specific DnD class tbh, there is room for companions that fall outside of traditional classes because they are monsters and have their own limited progression. And yeah, one for each at minimum is good for me, but ideally and greedily I'd want a bunch more with repeats in classes, characters that are evil and good and have their own idiosyncrasies and specialties, I absolutely loved the volume of potential companions in BG and BG2, I know it'd be a lot of work but I really hope Larian is willing to do something similar to that...
Joined: Mar 2020
I remember a mod for Neverwinter Nights 2 that allowed to have all companions - I had 10 of them following. Glorious times! I would love to have a party of 6 in BG3.
Joined: Oct 2020
Agreed on both. Six party members is something discussed a lot here. There are said to be 8 origins planned total, which is... not good imo. It's too little. Ideally, I'd love 12 origins and 12 non-origin companions that range between BG1 and BG2 levels of companion depth.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
That would be an excellent amount, heck I'd be ecstatic with 8 origin characters and 16 non origin companions, cause 24 possible playable characters other than the Custom PC sounds like an amazing amount but also not way too much that they'd all completely lack quality.
Joined: Oct 2020
What I suggested is probably not very realistic - especially 12 origins, but you're right with the others filling up the roles. I'm not expecting them to include a ridiculous amount of companions with huge stories, but I think including some BG2-like companions (as many as resources allow, at least 4 to have 12 companions with more depth) and another bunch of BG1-level companions to fill to 2/class would be doable - and a huge improvement on the companion front. BG1 companions were cardboard, but cardboard with enough characterization to make them feel alive and full of personality (and even they had party banter, likes and dislikes). That would bridge the gap between origins and mercenaries. 8 is just not enough to pick from. Especially if you want to pick ones you like and have a certain party comp at the same time. There are already characters I've heard would be good for this: we have a bunch of camp followers, some are X class, like Perhaps they are waiting until the classes get implemented?
Joined: Sep 2017
It's more than likely going to be 6 origins to start.
I definitely feel that Larian will follow the DOS model and eventually do an Enhanced Edition 1-2 years after the full game will be released. There will be more updates, patches, content for years to come.
Joined: Oct 2020
It's more than likely going to be 6 origins to start.
I definitely feel that Larian will follow the DOS model and eventually do an Enhanced Edition 1-2 years after the full game will be released. There will be more updates, patches, content for years to come. It's been stated that there are 8 origins planned; and that during EA companions will be added. Could potentialy be non-origin companions, but I highly doubt 1.0 will release with less than 8. (They've previously stated they want all the companions to be available as origins, but seem to be reconsidering.) I agree about the post-launch support though. From things that have been strongly implied (or outright stated), the first will be mod support and then DM mode. I'm also hoping for more player options.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I feel like 8 is already a good number of companions. I want them to have depth, and the more they try to add, the less depth they will have.
Joined: Oct 2020
I feel like 8 is already a good number of companions. I want them to have depth, and the more they try to add, the less depth they will have. This is of course subjective, but as much as I agree with quality>quantity, I think Larian went too far. Choice is important too, especially in a cRPG. BG2 companions were very well developed and certainly had depth.(Most of them, anyway.) At the same time, you could assemble a party according to whatever you wanted: there were 15+ companions to pick from if you're very picky and wanted the ones you like; party comp options; good parties, evil parties; serious parties, funny parties. I consider BG2 depth to choice ratio a very good balance. It improved upon BG1's multitude of flat companions, but imo it would be best to stop at BG2's proportions.
Joined: Mar 2020
Oh come on the companions in BG were super uneven. You had very good ones, very good but shallow ones, underdeveloped ones and boring and lame ones.
Joined: Oct 2020
Oh come on the companions in BG were super uneven. You had very good ones, very good but shallow ones, underdeveloped ones and boring and lame ones. Yeah, I'm not saying they were even. But most were good. I'd say underdeveloped and boring ones were more of an exception that a rule, at least in BG2. Cernd, Nalia and maybe Valygar? In BG1 pretty much all were underdeveloped, some were better than others, but I wouldn't say any one was entirely bland (if only because the cardboard had to be made quite over-the-top and memorable to seem alive). And, going back a bit in the discussion, that's why I think it's better to have more and "uneven" on purpose (in terms of depth). So you have "fun" ("good but shallow" as you said) alternatives for the "deep", but potentially disliked (as everyone's taste is different and the choice is limited) origins. And so you don't need to resort to mercenaries.
Joined: Nov 2020
I too hope for a solution of 5 party members at once. More enemys, tougher enemys - let them come.
Joined: Apr 2020
I too hope for a solution of 5 party members at once. More enemys, tougher enemys - let them come. I think a fiveperson party would be more optimal personally
And I definitely think there needs to be more companions, there are rumors/talks about three more, but I think we need a few more than that... This may sound bizarre, but I would appreciate having AT LEAST ONE OF EACH CLASS.
I think that is a very simple like... stencil and aim. 12 companions, one of each class, so you dont feel pressured to play one of the remainder classes.
Im just going to throw that out there... Minsc and Boo, the comics have already explained why he is still around I think, so why not go for it you know? Get Travis Willingham to do the voice...
also make US a permanent companion, what class? hell if I know what class a brain dog is... I want my special them back, my special them is a very good dog okay!!! I want them back.
(DLC for Artificer companion) I agree with 5. I got used to 5 playing NWN 2. Tank, aoe damage dealer, controller/ debuffer, healer/ buffer, stealth/ single target damage dealer. Or 2 melee, 2 ranged, 1 support. 6 always felt like too much, though I'm not opposed to the option.
Last edited by Merlex; 18/11/20 08:08 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Six is generally too many imo. It makes for clumsy and clunky movement and controls. I absolutely disagree. However, in my experience 5 does work well. It hits the exact sweet spot.
Last edited by Albannach; 18/11/20 08:28 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
D&D 5th ed is mainly tailored around 4 adventurers. 5 would be the max. 6 an overkill.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Oh come on the companions in BG were super uneven. You had very good ones, very good but shallow ones, underdeveloped ones and boring and lame ones. They were uneven yes, but there was also enough of a variety that people could have a party of almost any kind, fitting to their specifics. Ideally there needs to be a balance between quality and quantity. If there is only quantity then the quality dips and it will be hard for people to care about Stock Evil Wizard or Stock Lawful Good Paladin. But as it is right now, the balance is far on the other side, these characters are quality, very much so, they have depth and reasons to care about them. But because there are so few, there is a higher risk of players not actually connecting with the character because they don't like them, and also party types feel a lot more constrained despite the overwhelming amount of tools in the game. For example I find it hard for me to connect with shadowheart as much, she isn't bad at all but not really for me compared to others, but I find myself using her cause I need a cleric despite me liking other characters more. I feel like 8 is already a good number of companions. I want them to have depth, and the more they try to add, the less depth they will have. I don't think other companions have to be as in depth as the origin characters, not every has a super complex backstory or motivations that span multiple arcs in DnD, but having more characters to interact with the world I think is generally good. But I do have to agree with the sentiment that I don't want the quality of the origin characters to tank. Like if they extended Us, I don't think they would be very complex or in depth, but they would be interesting to use and have as an ally. I think a fiveperson party would be more optimal personally I too hope for a solution of 5 party members at once. More enemys, tougher enemys - let them come. Six is generally too many imo. It makes for clumsy and clunky movement and controls. I absolutely disagree. However, in my experience 5 does work well. It hits the exact sweet spot. D&D 5th ed is mainly tailored around 4 adventurers. 5 would be the max. 6 an overkill. I agree with 5. I got used to 5 playing NWN 2. Tank, aoe damage dealer, controller/ debuffer, healer/ buffer, stealth/ single target damage dealer. Or 2 melee, 2 ranged, 1 support. 6 always felt like too much, though I'm not opposed to the option.
Seeing a party size of 5 being said a lot, and while I prefer greatly 6 and personally have had fun with 6 players in 5e campaigns, I would totally be content with a party size of 5. It is definitely better than 4 and I can definitely see why people prefer 5.