Joined: Oct 2020
Did someone make a thread like this already? I couldn't find one, but maybe I just suck at looking. :x If we for a moment forget all about what Larian has said and what is reasonable to wish for and what is not - what kind of companion(s) would you want for your character, and why?  Personally, the current companions does not suit my character(s) at all (which might make them a great band of misfits!) - and there are pleeeeeeeenty of characteristics I'd love to see in the future, one way or another. So, let's dream away for a moment - if you had the chance to make some companions for *YOUR* favorite character, what would you want to see? Here is my list: * Ifan! Ifan made a great match for my character because he is basically everything that my own character usually is. Outdoor person, comfortable with ranged weapons and overall very stereotypical (yes, I like stereotypical c: ). I absolutely adore his voice actor and everything with Ifan is amazing!  I don't even mind whenever it is a human, elf, half-elf, dwarf or w/e - I just want to have my character(s) have a friend that is relatable for them and not just polar opposites. Alternatively, I wouldn't say no to a Andronikos Revel-type (SWTOR) either, if I cannot have the nature-part. c: * Elder veteran type - frontline-ish, hardned combat veteran - someone who'll gladly take the shots and be a little bossy about it, someone who'll start off by shrugging off your character (if you're young-ish) as an annoying child with no actual experience of reality - but overtime can grow fond of having you around. Similar to Warmaster Forgal Kernsson (GW2) - for those familiar with him. OOOOOR, the very stereotypical Gandalf-type of mage - sure, "young" handsome mages are fun and all - but... Yeah. Could some some more elder folks to offer wisdom and guidance.  * Now, Astarion fills this role in many ways - but something similar to Diablo 3 scoundrel would be lovely. I always bring him along just to listen to his rabble. Same with Astarion - he is definitely not the type of person that my character would associate unless it is out of necessarity, but damn - I can't help but love their snarky and witty comments. Perhaps a lady version?  * Evil lady sorceresses ?  Please? Not for my ranger in particular (cause she would probably kill them on sight) - but I want a matching companion for my evil spell-caster type later. Someone who is not evil cause "EEEVIIIILLL", but rather... Selfish. Yeah, just selfish and self-preserved. Like... Evil Jaesa Willsaam (SWTOR) or Risha (also SWTOR). * Please give me a funny dwarf companion! I love the general stereotypes with dwarfs, they are so charismatic. And dwarfs make for great companions for elves.  Everybody knows that! I don't even care about class or anything, if you give me a good hearted dwarf with witty comments, I'll make room in the party for him/her no matter what. X'D Imagine listening to *witty good-hearted dwarf* and Astarion / Scoundrel-like companion having a go at each other! I love it already! :'D !!
Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian
Joined: Oct 2020
I'd assume there has been half a dozen threads about this already, but one might have to dig a bit.
If we forget about all the things that Larian has publicly said (if somebody has the complete records of this somewhere, I'm in, I mostly know about the community updates), and all the things that people have been speculating, with upper bounds because how much work Larian wants to put in each companion ... meaning if we forget about companions having to be Origins (tadpole-infected, playable as PC), then ...
- A bard. Say, Alfira. - A druid. Say, Halsin. - A tiefling of Rolan, Lia and Cal's group - A boasting punk. Say, Sazza. - An evil character that maybe we could turn away from the masters she serves. Say, Minthara. (She'd still be quite evil though.)
I might be slightly focused on the characters we have met already. But Larian still have 3 Origins companions still to release. So they can be hoped to be everything else : a Paladin, a Ranger, Dwarf, Gnome, ...
Joined: Mar 2020
I would love to see a faithful and kindhearted, handsome human Paladin, that guy Anders e.g. would make an excellent companion.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'd assume there has been half a dozen threads about this already, but one might have to dig a bit.
If we forget about all the things that Larian has publicly said (if somebody has the complete records of this somewhere, I'm in, I mostly know about the community updates), and all the things that people have been speculating, with upper bounds because how much work Larian wants to put in each companion ... meaning if we forget about companions having to be Origins (tadpole-infected, playable as PC), then ...
- A bard. Say, Alfira. - A druid. Say, Halsin. - A tiefling of Rolan, Lia and Cal's group - A boasting punk. Say, Sazza. - An evil character that maybe we could turn away from the masters she serves. Say, Minthara. (She'd still be quite evil though.)
I might be slightly focused on the characters we have met already. But Larian still have 3 Origins companions still to release. So they can be hoped to be everything else : a Paladin, a Ranger, Dwarf, Gnome, ... You're probably right. I did some brief digging, but could not find anything. But I only scummed through the first 5-6 maybe 7 pages. My bad, if I missed any threads. :x I blame my poor eye sight and me being tired and trying to observe way too many forums/threads/posts at once. xD Excuses! I am the master of them all. I do DEFINITELY approve of Halsin. Please yes, Larian. q _ q The other ones, definitely a yes as well. The more options, the merrier! I would love to see a faithful and kindhearted, handsome human Paladin, that guy Anders e.g. would make an excellent companion. I like the way you think! A good looking, friendly paladin would make for a great addition to most teams!  Reminds me a bit of Alistair - however he is a little bit too... Naive? For my taste. XD Adorable, non the less.
Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I would love to see a faithful and kindhearted, handsome human Paladin, that guy Anders e.g. would make an excellent companion. Should we tell him?
Joined: Oct 2020
I would love to see a faithful and kindhearted, handsome human Paladin, that guy Anders e.g. would make an excellent companion. Should we tell him? Noooo, don't ruin the surprise. :x
Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian
Joined: Nov 2020
Yep, I miss Eder-like character, or goofy Alistair. And some spiritual like Dak'kon, mature as FFG and annoying as Morte or Oghren. And always happy mule as Lydia from Skyrim.
Joined: Sep 2020
The personality types that I tend to enjoy are already covered. I'm really worried about the good alignment characters because the "dutiful do-right veteran with the voice of reason" and "bubbly and perky optimistic comic relief" are pretty much guaranteed, and I can't stand those tropes. As long as the rest of the characters maintain appreciation for the severity of the situation that they're in and act like functional adults instead of either taking themselves too seriously or not-at-all seriously, I'll be fine with it.
I don't want to fall to bits 'cos of excess existential thought.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yep, I miss Eder-like character, or goofy Alistair. And some spiritual like Dak'kon, mature as FFG and annoying as Morte or Oghren. And always happy mule as Lydia from Skyrim. Lydia <3 Yeah, could use a Lydia here too. The personality types that I tend to enjoy are already covered. I'm really worried about the good alignment characters because the "dutiful do-right veteran with the voice of reason" and "bubbly and perky optimistic comic relief" are pretty much guaranteed, and I can't stand those tropes. As long as the rest of the characters maintain appreciation for the severity of the situation that they're in and act like functional adults instead of either taking themselves too seriously or not-at-all seriously, I'll be fine with it. By folks in this thread or Larian?  I can tell we're not really into the same type of companions, but that's fine. I hope we get enough companions so we both can be happy. c:
Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian
Joined: Mar 2020
I want to see odd couples other than Shadowheart and Lae'zel. Something like Keldon and Jan or Mazzy and Jan. A deadly serious type paired with a fool out of Shakespeare
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I just don't want any silly comic relief companions. Especially no gnomes.
Halsin would be great.
Joined: Oct 2020
I want to see odd couples other than Shadowheart and Lae'zel. Something like Keldon and Jan or Mazzy and Jan. A deadly serious type paired with a fool out of Shakespeare
Intriguing, I'll take it! I just don't want any silly comic relief companions. Especially no gnomes.
Halsin would be great. But... But... 
Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian
Joined: Sep 2020
Yep, I miss Eder-like character, or goofy Alistair. And some spiritual like Dak'kon, mature as FFG and annoying as Morte or Oghren. And always happy mule as Lydia from Skyrim. Lydia <3 Yeah, could use a Lydia here too. The personality types that I tend to enjoy are already covered. I'm really worried about the good alignment characters because the "dutiful do-right veteran with the voice of reason" and "bubbly and perky optimistic comic relief" are pretty much guaranteed, and I can't stand those tropes. As long as the rest of the characters maintain appreciation for the severity of the situation that they're in and act like functional adults instead of either taking themselves too seriously or not-at-all seriously, I'll be fine with it. By folks in this thread or Larian?  I can tell we're not really into the same type of companions, but that's fine. I hope we get enough companions so we both can be happy. c: The personality types that I tend to enjoy are covered by Larian already. Sorry, I should have been more specific.
I don't want to fall to bits 'cos of excess existential thought.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
I guess it would be lazy to just say, "The entire cast of Dragon Age: Origins", so I'll think that instead and put some actual effort into coming up with different examples. How about... A mad scientist, like Kang the Mad from Jade Empire. Someone who's SUPER EXCITED about the mind flayers and the tadpoles and stuff because it's all so weird and interesting. They can join Astarion on Team "We should totally use this thing what do you mean it's a bad idea." A dutiful do-right veteran with the voice of reason and bubbly and perky optimistic comic relief, because I love those tropes and Tzelanit will be so annoyed.  Someone alien. I was hoping Lae'zel might fit this role, but she's far too "normal". I want someone whose way of thinking is completely baffling at first and over the course of the game we work to wrap our minds around their minds - sort of like Sten from Dragon Ag I mean, uh, Yuun from SWTOR or Grieving Mother from Pillars of Eternity I. A kid brother/sister type. Someone who's equal parts annoying and endearing, someone who's not a world-weary adventurer with pages of backstory to throw at you, someone who's actually a little lost and freaked out in this situation and looking to the PC for guidance. Imoen is the obvious example, but I got the same vibe from SWTOR's Guss Tuno and Nadia Grell, or the famous Deekin Scalesinger (doomity doom dooom). A cat? My camp needs a cat, Larian.
Joined: Oct 2020
The personality types that I tend to enjoy are covered by Larian already. Sorry, I should have been more specific.
Oooh, good stuff  Glad you're sorted, then! \o/ There is absolutely nothing wrong with our current companions - I like the depth of all of them and think they are very well written. They just simply do not suit my preferred main playable characters' type and while the band of misfits undoubtedly could make for rather comical story, I would strongly prefer having a team that made slightly more sense from *my* roleplaying perspective. (and yes, I know we got our "good" companions coming up c: ) I guess it would be lazy to just say, "The entire cast of Dragon Age: Origins", so I'll think that instead and put some actual effort into coming up with different examples. How about... A mad scientist, like Kang the Mad from Jade Empire. Someone who's SUPER EXCITED about the mind flayers and the tadpoles and stuff because it's all so weird and interesting. They can join Astarion on Team "We should totally use this thing what do you mean it's a bad idea." A dutiful do-right veteran with the voice of reason and bubbly and perky optimistic comic relief, because I love those tropes and Tzelanit will be so annoyed.  Someone alien. I was hoping Lae'zel might fit this role, but she's far too "normal". I want someone whose way of thinking is completely baffling at first and over the course of the game we work to wrap our minds around their minds - sort of like Sten from Dragon Ag I mean, uh, Yuun from SWTOR or Grieving Mother from Pillars of Eternity I. A kid brother/sister type. Someone who's equal parts annoying and endearing, someone who's not a world-weary adventurer with pages of backstory to throw at you, someone who's actually a little lost and freaked out in this situation and looking to the PC for guidance. Imoen is the obvious example, but I got the same vibe from SWTOR's Guss Tuno and Nadia Grell, or the famous Deekin Scalesinger (doomity doom dooom). A cat? My camp needs a cat, Larian. I wouldn't complain about just tossing in the entire cast of DAO xD ! I really like the idea of another, proper, "LET'S USE THESE NEW POWERS! What is the worst that can happen"-type  In Astarions case, it is a rather reasonable approach - but it would be entertaining with a character that has less of a ... Logic reason, and just happens to be a slight bit off. XD Can't argue with the dutiful vet either :'D However, I prefer keeping the vet and the comic relief separate  Idm either way, though. c: And yes, Sten - or Yuun - wouldn't be a bad addition either, especially as an alternative character for... Alternative moral routes. I liked Sten - but he kept disapproving of EVERYTHING I did. He pretty much insisted that my character can't even breathe properly so we didn't get along (even though I really wanted to  ). The aspiring type would also be a fresh breeze. Can't have enough diversity ! XD And yes, cat(s) would be nice too. I am generally 50-50 when it comes to cat and dogs, but if we can have one - then I wanna have the other one as well!  Great ideas in general!
Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian
Joined: Oct 2020
I just don't want any silly comic relief companions. Especially no gnomes. Yeah, I could certainly do without a ranger and his miniature giant space rodent in the party. I think I could be fine with gnomes. So long as they are not obsessed with how smart they are, or ruling the world, or long-winded stories that make no sense but contain turnips. From the little I heard of Glint, he sounded like a decent chap.
Joined: Oct 2020
I guess I'm in this camp, the most difficult thing for an RPG to do is make compelling and three dimensional "Evil" characters, because our EA companions seem to be: (I'm guessing) Lawful Evil, Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Chaotic Good (but for that demon) I'm pretty much satisfied. My main worry now is that the "Good" characters aren't paper thin do-gooders, not that I don't love Minsc, but he's hardly been the an engine of compelling story-telling.
No one asked but Knights of the Old Republic II has my favorite crew of companions, they all had baggage which contributed to the story's and your own conflict within the Star Wars moral binary, making such a black and white universe like Star Wars into a compelling treatise on philosophy and morality was a great accomplishment to me, and I'm worried that between the Absolute Mind-Flayers and the Blood War in Avernus plots we aren't going to be getting a story with as much nuance, but I'm reserving my judgement there.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
He pretty much insisted that my character can't even breathe properly so we didn't get along (even though I really wanted to  ). Breathing?! Sten disapproves. Morrigan disapproves. Zevran is bored. Alistair wants cheese.As someone who plays goody two shoes 99.9% of the time, I don't mind having to work at winning over the, uh, more morally flexible companions in my group, but if there's no way at all to do that, they just end up getting left behind.
Joined: Nov 2020
Sort of like the atmosphere of uncertainty the current companions create in the early game. I would like a Jan Jansen or Minsc type character, but would prefer it if they were un-tadpoled and to be recruited a bit down the line, when party issues start stabilizing and we have already learned some of the current cast’s quirks.
Would like a few more good ones as well. Maybe a good rogue-like character in case we do not want to use Asterion.
I also kinda wish we got a tiefling from the refugee camp. Maybe a character with a slightly less fantastical backstory (but still plenty of secrets to keep) compared to our current group?
Joined: Oct 2020
Someone with the persona of hundred eyes (monk) from Marco Polo.