Joined: Oct 2020
I want at least one other companion who is genuinely exotic. Right now we have one and a half elves, two and a half humans, and a Githyanki. The Githyanki is exotic to Faerun but she's in the stark minority and very hard to keep happy if you're not doing an evil run.
Something like a Lizardfolk, Kenku, dragonborn, or Tabaxi. I'd even settle for a Goliath. Just something that is immediately visibly distinct from the norm that comes with some interesting cultural differences and behaviors without being callously evil.
I really don't want to be rolling with an all elf/human party if I can help it. In fact if I could make a party of all monstrous looking races that'd be fantastic.
Also a bit of a pipe dream of mine: Put in a side quest where druids can feasibly awaken a powerful beast and turn it into a party member. Either the PC druid or a companion druid it does not matter.
It could function like the war dog you could get in Dragonage: Origins but you can actually speak with it with Speak with Animal.
It'd be a ton of fun to have an intelligent dire wolf or a giant ape in your party due to using a powerful but niche class spell. Take notes, Larian! An all-monstrous party would be amazing. I love "weird" characters. (About to play Torment, can't wait.) I like elves, so I have no problem with those, but I'd rather have something less of a "bog-standard fantasy race". (And certainly not more humans... two are too many.) Ideal party: A Lizardfolk PC, a Thri'Kreen, a Tabaxi, and a bugbear. Any time you talk to NPCs you need to wait for them to be done screaming before you can access normal dialogue.
It'd be glorious. Yes. I'd love a party of a dragonborn, a lizardfolk, a tabaxi, a gnoll, a genasi and a yuan-ti. There are actually many monstrous options - you could also use aarakocra, kenku, centaur, minotaur, firbolg, hobgoblin, bugbear, kobold, perhaps more "out-there" tiefling, gith... And those are just the ones from 5e sources (including UA and sans gnolls). As a side note, I wish celestials and therefore aasimar were more... "biblical monstrous angel" in appearance, not just pretty glowy humans. Btw, I have yet to play PoE and Pathfinder and it's interesting reading the comments on characters without knowing them... I'll be sure to come back to this discussion once I finish those games. :P
Krogans are awesome. can we have a krogan? Tali'zorah while your at it...she was humble, yet could take charge. She was competent, pleasant, could make a gentle appeal, or voice her convictions. Overall, she was one of the best female 'good' characters of all time...very nicely voiced!
Joined: May 2019
No one liked Grieving Mother? She was my favorite. She was interesting to get to know. Once. This was my reaction to GM as well, and also Durance. Were interesting once, but after that they both got benched. I've never been a fan of Avellone's writing. It's just way over the top, and all his characters are just melodramatic drama queens. They very quickly become tiresome to me.
Joined: Mar 2020
No one liked Grieving Mother? She was my favorite. She was interesting to get to know. Once. This was my reaction to GM as well, and also Durance. Were interesting once, but after that they both got benched. I've never been a fan of Avellone's writing. It's just way over the top, and all his characters are just melodramatic drama queens. They very quickly become tiresome to me. Same. I think he is better at story than characters
Joined: Oct 2020
Take notes, Larian! An all-monstrous party would be amazing. I love "weird" characters. (About to play Torment, can't wait.) I like elves, so I have no problem with those, but I'd rather have something less of a "bog-standard fantasy race". If bog-standard doesn't interest you then it's possible the Forgotten Realms isn't for you....it's the bog-standard built-in world of D&D, things are only supposed to get interesting when you change it for your campaign :p
Joined: Oct 2020
Pathfinder Kingmaker has excellent companions. You can feel that Chris Avellone was part of the writers team for that game. The companions in Kingmaker are amazingly well written and I'd love to have all of the 11 or so companions on my team at all times but I can only have 5 at a time  I don't like any of the BG3 companions so far, but haven't given Wyll a chance yet.
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I can barely remember the companions from Kingmaker. I think there was a gnome I liked.
Joined: Oct 2020
I can barely remember the companions from Kingmaker. I think there was a gnome I liked. Linzi your halfling biographer was my favorite, the rest of them.... Of course also being the narrator probably helped make Linzi more memorable to me.
Last edited by Sozz; 21/11/20 08:14 PM.
Joined: May 2019
In P:Km I particularly liked Amiri and Linzi. Several others grew on me through the game. I don't think I actively disliked any of them.
Joined: Oct 2020
Take notes, Larian! An all-monstrous party would be amazing. I love "weird" characters. (About to play Torment, can't wait.) I like elves, so I have no problem with those, but I'd rather have something less of a "bog-standard fantasy race". If bog-standard doesn't interest you then it's possible the Forgotten Realms isn't for you....it's the bog-standard built-in world of D&D, things are only supposed to get interesting when you change it for your campaign :p It's not that I dislike the bog-standard races per se, just that I'd like something else in there as well. And FR isn't that bad in this regard, you have a truckload of "weirder" races, as I listed earlier. Most of these were FR-friendly. Among the "common" ones are dragonborn, drow(?) and tieflings, then we have firbolgs, genasi, gith, tabaxi... just to name a few "exotic" (not "monstrous") ones. I have more of a problem (though "problem" is a bit of an overstatement) with games/settings where all there is are humans, elves, dwarves and maybe halflings. Especially for PCs. Those are all just humans with different proportions.
Joined: Oct 2020
Take notes, Larian! An all-monstrous party would be amazing. I love "weird" characters. (About to play Torment, can't wait.) I like elves, so I have no problem with those, but I'd rather have something less of a "bog-standard fantasy race". If bog-standard doesn't interest you then it's possible the Forgotten Realms isn't for you....it's the bog-standard built-in world of D&D, things are only supposed to get interesting when you change it for your campaign :p It's not that I dislike the bog-standard races per se, just that I'd like something else in there as well. And FR isn't that bad in this regard, you have a truckload of "weirder" races, as I listed earlier. Most of these were FR-friendly. Among the "common" ones are dragonborn, drow(?) and tieflings, then we have firbolgs, genasi, gith, tabaxi... just to name a few "exotic" (not "monstrous") ones. I have more of a problem (though "problem" is a bit of an overstatement) with games/settings where all there is are humans, elves, dwarves and maybe halflings. Especially for PCs. Those are all just humans with different proportions. Current political mores have certainly tried to make all the races into humans but I think that the Tolkien races can be made to be as common or exotic as you like. Ever since 3e I've found that the number of races ginned and made playable to be more problematic than anything, Tieflings are a good example, it used to be a template you'd add to an existing race, but I think for external reasons their popularity took over and now they're their own race. Now repeat that process a dozen of times for every interesting looking monster-race and exceptional extraplanar idea and I feel like it begins to unsettle the narrative, a lot like how comics books progressed from stories about fighting crime to stories about collapsing multi-verses into themselves to stop existence from ending....
Joined: Nov 2020
I would like to see LIKABLE characters. Someone funny, someone flirty, someone witty, someone adventurous. I'm sure we all have enough grouchy assholes to deal with in our real lives so why does Larian think we want our fantasy party filled with them?
Last edited by TripSin; 21/11/20 08:29 PM.
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Joined: Oct 2020
In some early news about the game, I heard that it would be possible to have custom mercenaries in the party. How do you feel about this? For me this is not a very good option, since they will not have a backstory and quests, they will not be full-fledged companions
Thanks to Larian for Baldurs Gate 3 and the reaction to player feedback
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Joined: Jul 2009
I would like a normal, not Origin companion who thus can have a more rounded backstory.
Joined: Oct 2020
Current political mores have certainly tried to make all the races into humans but I think that the Tolkien races can be made to be as common or exotic as you like.
Ever since 3e I've found that the number of races ginned and made playable to be more problematic than anything, Tieflings are a good example, it used to be a template you'd add to an existing race, but I think for external reasons their popularity took over and now they're their own race. Now repeat that process a dozen of times for every interesting looking monster-race and exceptional extraplanar idea and I feel like it begins to unsettle the narrative, a lot like how comics books progressed from stories about fighting crime to stories about collapsing multi-verses into themselves to stop existence from ending.... Not to go deep into that, but I'm very much not a fan of the "current political mores" and how they impact... well, everything. Yeah, you're onto something... But there's also a matter of "allow a weird race PC" vs "make weird races ubiquitous". Even if loads of people choose to play tieflings, in every campaign they can be "the odd one" without messing with lore. It's not an MMO where players are the ones that make the general demographics. And there's another matter: the setting itself. A world filled with "weird" races doesn't have to feature over-the-top collapsing multiverse stories; those races could be "bog-standard" for that particular setting. (Though I suppose you might have meant jumping the shark in general.) Both of the above said, I think FR should stay mostly populated by the Tolkien races; I'd keep dragonborn and tieflings "exotic" and drow "common in the Underdark". Which doesn't mean we can't have those rarer races as a custom PC option or as companions, like we had Haer'Dalis, Viconia and Aerie in BG2.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'd love to have a jovial, fun and adventurously chaotic guy. A Mollymauk in our party. Someone that's very 'woohoo let's have fun with this'. Asterion is close in some cases, but he's also way too evil. lol
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Every companion we have so far has been, atleast outwardly, experienced and sure of themselves, a young sorcerer in need of guilence or something like that would be cool
Joined: Oct 2020
Current political mores have certainly tried to make all the races into humans but I think that the Tolkien races can be made to be as common or exotic as you like.
Ever since 3e I've found that the number of races ginned and made playable to be more problematic than anything, Tieflings are a good example, it used to be a template you'd add to an existing race, but I think for external reasons their popularity took over and now they're their own race. Now repeat that process a dozen of times for every interesting looking monster-race and exceptional extraplanar idea and I feel like it begins to unsettle the narrative, a lot like how comics books progressed from stories about fighting crime to stories about collapsing multi-verses into themselves to stop existence from ending....
It isn't a "political more" that people want to play something exotic or unique. Monster races being playable is a time honored tradition in DnD going all the way back to 2nd edition (1st if you count half-orcs who fill the same niche) because, surprisingly, different people have different tastes and preferences. Not everyone wants to be a human, pointy eared human, short human, shorter human, or even shorter human. Lots of people also love the look and lore of a beefy orcish warrior or a cunning and vicious lizardfolk. The Forgotten Realms is, above all else, a setting designed to accommodate as many character ideas and stories as it can possibly contain. Always has been. But as times evolve and more people come to the table and ask "Hey, can I play this?" the setting itself also evolves so that it can reply "Yes" because that is the nature of DnD and Forgotten Realms. To be accommodating to the wants and needs of as wide a range of players as possible so that everyone at the table is having fun. And, of course, to get people to buy the books and make Wizards money.
Last edited by SaurianDruid; 21/11/20 11:47 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Current political mores have certainly tried to make all the races into humans but I think that the Tolkien races can be made to be as common or exotic as you like.
Ever since 3e I've found that the number of races ginned and made playable to be more problematic than anything, Tieflings are a good example, it used to be a template you'd add to an existing race, but I think for external reasons their popularity took over and now they're their own race. Now repeat that process a dozen of times for every interesting looking monster-race and exceptional extraplanar idea and I feel like it begins to unsettle the narrative, a lot like how comics books progressed from stories about fighting crime to stories about collapsing multi-verses into themselves to stop existence from ending....
It isn't a "political more" that people want to play something exotic or unique. Monster races being playable is a time honored tradition in DnD going all the way back to 2nd edition (1st if you count half-orcs who fill the same niche) because, surprisingly, different people have different tastes and preferences. Not everyone wants to be a human, pointy eared human, short human, shorter human, or even shorter human. Lots of people also love the look and lore of a beefy orcish warrior or a cunning and vicious lizardfolk. The Forgotten Realms is, above all else, a setting designed to accommodate as many character ideas and stories as it can possibly contain. Always has been. But as times evolve and more people come to the table and ask "Hey, can I play this?" the setting itself also evolves so that it can reply "Yes" because that is the nature of DnD and Forgotten Realms. To be accommodating to the wants and needs of as wide a range of players as possible so that everyone at the table is having fun. And, of course, to get people to buy the books and make Wizards money. I was talking about the point you yourself made about how with every edition the near human races seem to become less and less distinct, both narratively and mechanically. I don't begrudge people wanting to play more diffuse races, my criticism there was more about how the world can lose something when the remote is made commonplace, and how it can be detrimental to the scope of your stories.
Last edited by Sozz; 22/11/20 12:58 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I was talking about the point you yourself made about how with every edition the near human races seem to become less and less distinct, both narratively and machanically.
I don't begrudge people wanting to play more diffuse races, my criticism there was more about how the world can lose something when the remote is made commonplace, and how it can be detrimental to the scope of your stories.
I think you are confusing me with Uncle Lester. I actually think 5e did a decent job differentiating the near-humans mechanically and lore-wise. Only pure human really hurts for unique lore and mechanics, and that has more to do with Wizards of the Coast thinking too much like a standard fantasy setting where every race is humans+ and not considering the strengths the human species has in the real world. Making humans unique in a fantasy setting is its own subject though so I won't dwell on that. I just want the option to have a full party of weird races because I like non-human races in games in general and am fond of the "traveling circus" style party where everyone is giving you weird looks as you walk through town.