the game would be a online multiplayer turn base game, set in the world of Dragonlance(theme/lore).
the game would have 2 game mode. a 6 vs AI mode and a 4 vs 1 mode
this game would be 5% story and 95% combat.
Procedurally generated world and dungeons or Hand made one with a user-friendly toolset
game play for the 6 vs AI : the players create / pre- create or randomly generate their character with a extremely complete Character creator ala Black desert online. there is a roguelike progression system, when you die. you are ejected from the game session and you can join another and still progress ya lose all your gear ala the lord of the ring : war in the north. resurrection would be possible but only very late in the game. players can create lobbies in various lvl range etc etc. and then are throw in the world and try to survive ala X-com, map after map, encounter after encounter, planning their move with integrated voice com. on a group base initiative. with the ability to chose where they want to go on a Procedurally generated world map or Hand made one. the story is made by the players. with their choice and the AI would try to adapt and "stop the players" with random traps , and encounter.. from a very simple plot :P to kill a good or a bad dragon(depending on the group alignments ) in a very deep hidden dungeon randomly placed on the map some where ya gota find it. that part is like ... your training where you reach max lvl with bad gear, and then attempts the " quest ".
4 vs 1 mode would be like the Neverwinter night 1, dungeon master mode. with the above game play
this game concept is free :P enjoy

not going to deep into the details like Mature rating , nudity , boob physic, and all the good stuffs :P and no pixel art sorry , black desert online remastered lvl of graphics