So we come around a few Ogre enemys in this "Open Beta".

And LarianStudios knows how overpowered they made them?
There is always a convenient highground nearby, which Ogre's cannot climb apparently.
And since im such a pu°°y when I see big numbers, I don't try to engage them in close combat.
Since we have the option to shave them down from range and kill them, of course I do just that.
And they can do absolutely nothing in return. They throw a "pocket bolder" once and then they just keep... standing there like idiots.
They do not try to run away or into cover.
Which I think they should.
Oh but once one of them grabbed nearby barrel and threw it after one of my characters.
One of the 3 Ogre's that we fight in the house for the intellect headband (
or just because Ogre's are disgusting monsters in general ).
I hope in the final version they can do more.
Seek out cover, or even try to climb onto the building, which will lead to more of it collapsing and them falling down.

The frail woodenpost nearby was a major disappointment in any case. " 2 damage " oh woooooooooow. ;D