So, First off, the game is amazing. I didn't get into Divinity or other games like them. I was more of a KOTOR kind of guy when it comes to games like this (I was never really into turn based stuff). I liked Dragon age back in the day but when Origins came around, I was pretty disappointed with it. I was surprised at how much I ended up liking this game. I was in a slump with gaming. I have a full library of stuff I haven't even touched and have put almost 200 hours into Baldurs Gate 3... I'm really excited for the whole game to drop for sure. Hoping to see some level 5/6 action in the future

A lot of experience is going to waste...
To be honest, my number one thing while doing my first playthrough was spoilers But you guys have the kind of stuff I'm talking about on your banner up top so I guess you're in that basket for good.
Either way, I didn't watch a lot of 'playthrough' content before buying the game, so seeing all my future companions and, even worse, Wylls lady friend on loading screens before finding out anything about those people was a little annoying.
Also, while I respect DnD and the ideals behind, I've never really played it or looked into the lore or anything so it would all have been very new for me (warlocks, for example, being bound to a devil / cambion). That was one of the reasons I just up and bought the game, was for a introduction to DnD lore and what not...
It would have been kind of neat to have told Wyll to kick rocks not knowing he was supposed to be my teams warlock...
As far as bugs and whatnot, I'd assume that you have a pretty good grasp on what's messed up and what's not by now. After playing a LOT I finally got the bug where bodies freaked out and 'exploded' last night. The Gnolls were the issue there.
The only consistent bug I have is the conversation between MC and Shadowheart when you enter the Selune temple the first time. If I pick the option to try to open her up with a dice roll, the game stops sorta. I just can't roll the dice and I'm stuck there.
I also HATE the action bar.. or having to have, what feels like, 10000 spells on it when I only have 8 spells. If you can make that box for hex that shows all the options, I don't see why you can't do the same thing for level 1 and 2 spells.
Also, there needs to be a setting or something that will stop auto installing Cantrips onto the action bar when I'm sorting it.
I'd also like to be able to move it up another row or two or something. I can push the columns out but not the rows.
Another bug that wears me out for some reason is the 'hair coming through the helmet' bug... Which is guess is consistent
Lastly, I'd really like to be able to reset the stats on the companions.. they're kind of wack. too many odd numbers...
Those were the 'major' issues.
Things I'd like to see..
One thing I really dislike about games like these is the dramatic absurdity of armor in late game. I'd love to see sets of armor late game that don't look ridiculous including the good/buffed/rare sets.... So far I like the armor sets though.
Same for weapons, some more weapon designs would be cool too. I'm not a fan of the +1 stuff looking like gold plated dandy gear with unnecessary decoration. Skinning weapons to their class at a forge would be neat. Drop a +1 shortsword or the steelforge shortsword in a forge and change the skin to a standard shortsword or some other cool skin that would fit the weapon class/type. That idea could be good for armor too..
Anyways, Thought I'd just cram it all in one big thread instead of making a bunch of little ones.