I killed Lae'zel right again at the start to get her armor
and because she feels too out of place in my camp )
during the Tiefling standoff so I wouldnt know.
And until now I am not at the parts where Shadowheart truly started to annoy me.
But hey now I hear both of those empowered Wamen had a slight personality overhaul?
Sounds great.
Cause they were not "cool".
They were just sassy or bossy just for the sake of "personality", of being "different".
To be fair I dunno about Lae'zel.
Maybe Githyanki culture is just one giant piece of shame, who knows? And she can be excused that way.
But Shadowheart?
This wannabe detached and wannabe "deep logic moments" of her's, can be pretty annoying.
Her class feels off for this kind of personality.
She seems more like a Rogue than a Cleric.
Even a Cleric of Shar.
I know Shar Cleris are all about Taqiya and stuff... but she isnt even smart about it.
The sass and soft-hostility appear just childish and mentally unstable.
And in a typical D&D story that is the type of character that kills you later just because... "edgy and evil".

Sometimes it frustrats me that we cannot see her entire chain in EarlyAccess.
If Shadowheart does not later on accepts that her behaviour has been totally immature and cringe, I hope the tadpol just clears out her already pretty hollow skull.
Yeah you can only be a convinced follower of someone tyrannical like Shar if you have minddamage like Amnesia.
But then again the Shadowdruids too seem to be pretty humanoidphobic too.
I bet when they were all children someone at their pudding once!! LoL
" And this is not their reeeeevääääänge! "^_^