I am clearly not the first one to have thought about this by now.
That does not mean Larian does not make a good job with what we have.
But some of us would like another option, right?

This new patch's playthrough is far from over and apparently Shadowheart has lost some edge. wink
And there are some changes in the characters in general.

But I just cannot bring myself to like Astarion that much.
And Lae'zel feels really, rea~lly annoying for me. But I feel it instantly when "two classes" are not in the party.
1.) "The Str class" - and my ability to bring throwable explosives in barrelform.
2.) The Rogue, who enables access & alternatives.

In that regard I must say Larian did a very good job.
When I am not making my own Rogue and Astarion was missing, DAYUM it was really hard to get into that abandonded Crypt!! laugh
Cause even my character with the highest dex kept breaking the lockpick tools!!
Rogues are important. Noice!

Too bad the only Rogue in the EA is a generic Villain with an annoyingly sympathetic backstory.
I just wish there would be someone else that is up to the task. grin
Cannot think of anyone Rogue like yet though.

You might have done so before already in this forum but please let us just write another list of characters you would like to see as potential allys and their deduced classes.
Feel also free to add your percieved alignment of them. wink
( And yeah no bickering about the alignments please, in the end they are the percieved alignments based on the limited info we just have. )

  • Name: Anders
    Class: Paladin
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    We find him with his group on the hunt for Karlach further in the North of the EA map.
    As most inhabitants of Faerun he does believe Tieflings to be of lesser worth/value as those without infernal heritage.
    So he has no qualms to sacrifice Karlach for his deal with Zariel.

    His faith in Tyr and the worlds justice was compromised after a mentally scarring event in his past.
    This was when the fallen Celestial Zariel took advantage of his despair & agony to aid him more directly as the famous eyeless Deity.
    Now grateful for the scheming Erinyes that rules Avernus, Anders acts on her behalf to repay her.

    A Paladin on his way for damnation and evil?
    Or will he abandon his path if shown just enough heroism and the might of good aligned deitys during the groups ongoing adventure?

Of course this would exclude Karlach (Warrior candidate?) later on, as I believe he would not be convinced to join if we don't show him a sign of trust or shared believes.