Let me guess, she tried to play with her dagger? How do you even get in that situation? Do you need to skip recruiting her? Kick her out? How you are supposed to survive w/o a cleric if you do?
I decided to do a run where I didn't reload on failed dice rolls. I didn't recruit her at the start, accidentally killed off all the druids due to failed rolls with the quest for the kid in the cave, then she showed up at camp out of the blue. She had a rant at me, I failed another roll or two, and she attacked.
So yes, for those who say there should be consequences for failed rolls... there ARE consequences.

**Edit: As to the no cleric issue... Lets just say I was glad I didn't spend all my gold BEFORE the druid fiasco. Gale has been madly learning every healing spell scroll I find and every spell choice for other party members has gone into CC and damage mitigation. It's actually working fairly well!